Integration of well logging surveys and core research data to substantiate the operation of productive intervals using the example of poorly studied Cenomanian carbonate deposit

UDK: 553.98.06
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-45-49
Key words: well logging, field geophysical studies, core data, petroclasses, carbonate rocks
Authors: O.R. Privalova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa) M.E. Taygina (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa) I.N. Asylgareev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

A deposit has been discovered in a poorly explored area, the main part of sedimentary cover of which consists of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rock formations. During the exploration well drilling, the commercial oil content of three strata, including a Cenomanian carbonate formation, has been confirmed. While conducting a joint analysis of core data, well logging, and field studies, factors associated with geological heterogeneity and sedimentary cyclicity have been identified. The integration of well logging surveys and core research data made it possible to substantiate the prospects of productive formations of a poorly studied deposit located within the Arabian Plate. Four petroclasses have been identified, based on the size and type of void space. The petroclass unites rocks characterized by a ratio of porosity and permeability comparable to the conditions of sedimentation and processes of secondary transformations.The most prospective intervals for commercial oil production are those associated with petroclasses 1, 2, and 4, located in the upper portion of the targeted formation. The electric microimager allowed for a detailed intra-layer analysis, confirming the plane-parallel layering. A complex of nuclear magnetic logging, gamma-gamma lithodensity, acoustic and neutron logging allow for the identification of petroclasses within the section based on research data obtained from open holes and the use of various correlations to predict the permeability and productivity of carbonate formations.


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