New issue


N.A. Nazimov (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), B.F. Akhmetov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), E.V. Spiridonova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), À.F. Safarov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), R.R. Abusalimova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), À.F. Iksanova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), V.V. Dryagin (Intensonik, RF, Ekaterinburg)
Selection of logging suite to identify promising intervals in hard-to-recover reserves

Keywords: deposits, kerogen, logging suite, nuclear-physical methods, seismoacoustic emission, organic matter, Fransian deposits, Famennian deposits

The problem of high reserve depletion and reserves deterioration has become a major challenge for many oil producers.   TATNEFT PJSC pays considerable attention to the issues of reserve replacement, exploration and development of reservoirs containing hard-to-recover reserves. Such reservoirs include Domanic deposits composed of Devonian carbonates. They are confined stratigraphically to the Famennian and Fransian stages. The experience in studying the Domanic deposits shows low efficiency of conventional techniques. The paper discusses the issue of using a basic logging suite to identify productive reservoirs in the Domanic deposits. As there are no specific standards and classification system for the Fransian deposits, identification of potential pay intervals with mobile oil, determination of their thickness, porosity and oil saturation is performed from logging data using the TATNEFT’s standard procedure. None of the geological problems can be solved using only one logging technique. Thus, complexity and a great variety of geological problems dictate a principal integrated approach to using logging techniques and log data interpretation. To solve these problems, TATNEFT PJSC commenced a project for development of a logging suite to identify promising intervals with hard-to-recover reserves in drilled wells. To identify promising intervals in the Fransian-Famennian deposits, a logging suite is suggested to be used which involves a combination of nuclear-physical methods and seismoacoustic logging.


1. Bachkov A.P., Khabipov R.M., Bazarevskaya V.G. et al., Problemy izucheniya otlozheniy karbonatnogo devonskogo kompleksa metodami geofizicheskogo issledovaniya skvazhin na territorii Respubliki Tatarstan (Problems of studying deposits of the Devonian carbonate complex using geophysical well survey methods in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan), Collected papers “Geologiya i innovatsii. Problemy i puti ikh resheniya” (Geology and innovation. Problems and solutions), Proceedings of scientific and practical conference dedicated to the anniversaries of Ivanova M.M. and Sultanov S.A., Bugul’ma, 21 October 2022, Bugul’ma: Publ. of TatNIPIneft, 2022, pp. 67-75.

2. Kozhevnikov D.A., Problems of interpretation of well logging data (In Russ.), Informatsiya i Kosmos, 2005, no. 1, pp. 29-41.

3. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po primeneniyu yaderno-fizicheskikh metodov GIS, vklyuchayushchikh uglerod-kislorodnyy karotazh, dlya otsenki nefte- i gazonasyshchennosti porod kollektorov v obsazhennykh skvazhinakh (Guidelines for the use of nuclear-physical methods of well survey, including the carbon-oxygen logging to evaluate oil and gas saturation of reservoir rocks in cased wells): edited by Petersil’e V.I., Yatsenko G.G., Moscow – Tver: Publ. of VNIGNI, NPTs “Tver’geofizika”, 2006, 40 p.

4. Dryagin V.V., Seismoacoustic emission of an oil-producing bed (In Russ.), Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 2013, V. 59, no. 6, pp. 744–751,


5. Dryagin V.V., Use of induced acoustic emission of reservoirs for the detection and recovery of hydrocarbons, Part 2 (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2018, V. 20, no. 3,

pp. 246-260.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-6-10

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M.M. Doroginitskiy (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), V.M. Murzakaev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), S.G. Tsarev (TATNEFT Research-and-Development Centre, RF, Almetyevsk)
A new approach to analysis of nuclear magnetic relaxometry data in cores

Keywords: nuclear magnetic relaxation, core, fluid typing

A new method for analysis of correlation nuclear magnetic relaxometry data in saturated cores is proposed. 2D maps of the joint distribution of characteristic correlation times and Van Vleck second moments, are calculated. Intramolecular contributions to the second moments for water and normal hydrocarbons were calculated. For this purpose, atomic structure designer program was developed. Intermolecular contribution to the second moment was assessed using the radial distribution function data obtained by X-ray diffraction analysis of liquids or calculated by the molecular dynamics method. The intramolecular and intermolecular contributions to Van Vleck second moment for water and n-alkanes were calculated for which the intermolecular contribution makes up to 10% of the intramolecular contribution to Van Vleck second moment. A new approach to the analysis of nuclear magnetic relaxation data in 2D maps of the joint distribution of nuclear magnetic relaxation times identifies dynamic phases for which the peaks are located on the diagonal of the map, and phases for which the nuclear magnetic relaxation times differ. For dynamic phases with equal nuclear magnetic relaxation times, the proposed approach suggests using the calculated second moment and calculating the corresponding correlation times, while for phases with different relaxation times, it is more informative to construct 2D maps of the joint distribution of correlation times vs Van Vleck second moments. Characteristic correlation times for water and n-alkanes were assessed based on ordinary nuclear magnetic relaxometry data. 2D maps of the joint distribution of nuclear magnetic relaxation times in core sample were analyzed, showing high mobility of water and deceleration of kerosene molecules in pore space of the rock. Opportunity for kerosene typing in core sample is demonstrated. For the first time, 2D maps of the joint distribution of Van Vleck second moments and correlation times have been obtained for oil-saturated sandstone. Van Vleck second moments obtained in the 2D map match the second moments calculated using the atomic structure designer program. Correlation time calculated in 2D map corresponds to significant deceleration of oil molecules in sandstone pore space under normal conditions. Contribution to nuclear magnetic relaxation due to paramagnetic centers in bulk solution was assessed. Cross plot of the second moment versus concentration of hematite Fe2+ ions and Cu2+ copper sulfate in water was constructed. Weight concentrations of salts at which the predominant contribution to nuclear magnetic relaxation will be from relaxation at paramagnetic centers have been determined.


1. Song Y.-Q. et al., T1–T2 correlation spectra obtained using a fast two-dimensional Laplace inversion, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2002, V. 154(2), pp. 261-268, DOI:

2. Gizatullin B. et al., Investigation of molecular mobility and exchange of n-hexane and water in silicalite-1 by 2D 1H NMR relaxometry, Magnetic Resonance in Solids, 2018, V. 20, no. 1, pp. 1-9.

3. Korb J-P. et al., New Instrumental platform for the exploitation of the field dependence of T1 in rock core analysis and petroleum fluids: Application to T1-T2 correlation maps, The Open-Access Journal for the Basic Principles of Diffusion Theory, Experiment and Application, 2014, V. 22, URL:

4. Dzhafarov I.S., Syngaevskiy P.E., Khafizov S.F., Primenenie metoda yadernogo magnitnogo rezonansa dlya kharakteristiki sostava i raspredeleniya plastovykh flyuidov (Application of the method of nuclear magnetic resonance to characterize the composition and distribution of reservoir fluids), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 2002, 437 p.

5. Uskova E.I., Doroginitskiy M.M., Skirda V.D., New aspects of 2D correlation relaxometry in NMR (In Russ.), Uchenye zapiski fizicheskogo fakul’teta Moskovskogo universiteta, 2019, no. 4, pp. 1940503(1-12).

6. Aleksandrov I.V., Teoriya magnitnoy relaksatsii. Relaksatsiya v zhidkostyakh i tverdykh nemetallicheskikh paramagnetikakh (Theory of magnetic relaxation. Relaxation in liquids and solid nonmetallic paramagnets), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1975, 399 p.

7. Chizhik V.I., Yadernaya magnitnaya relaksatsiya (Nuclear magnetic relaxation), St. Petersburg: Publ. of St. Petersburg University, 2000, 385 p.

8. Vashman A.A., Pronin I.S., Yadernaya magnitnaya relaksatsionnaya spektroskopiya (Nuclear magnetic relaxation spectroscopy), Moscow: Energoatomizdat Publ., 1986, 231 p.

9. Abragam A., The principles of nuclear magnetism, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961.

10. Skryshevskiy A.F., Strukturnyy analiz zhidkostey i amorfnykh tel (Structural analysis of liquids and amorphous bodies), Moscow: Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1980, 328 p.

11. Voloshin V.P. et al., Radial distribution functions of atoms and voids in large computer models of water (In Russ.), Zhurnal strukturnoy khimii = Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2005, V. 46, no. 3, pp. 451-458.

12. Alinchenko M.G. et al., Spatial correlations of interatomic voids in molecular liquids studied using Delaunay simplices (In Russ.), Zhurnal strukturnoy khimii = Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2006, V. 47, pp. 122-128.

13. Rudberg E. et al., Ergo: An open-source program for linear-scaling electronic structure calculations, SoftwareX, 2018, V. 7, pp. 107-111,


14. Bugaenko L.T., Ryabykh S.M., Bugaenko A.L., A nearly complete system of average crystallographic ionic radii and its use for determining ionization potentials

(In Russ.), Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta.
Seriya 2. Khimiya = Moscow University Chemistry Bull
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-11-17

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Î.S. Sotnikov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), I.E. Beloshapka (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), Å.V. Levanova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.Kh. Kabirova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk),
Effects of geological and tectonic features of an oil field on gas-oil ratio and gas composition

Keywords: migration theory, oil delivery channels, fluids, gas-oil ratio, gas composition, field, analogues

Today, the issues related to replenishment or refill of target formations of producing oil fields by deep hydrocarbons are of special importance. Fluid migration between rock formations in presence of oil delivery channels in one of the oil fields caused changes in produced fluid properties and composition thereby resulting in substantial discrepancies with known fluid parameters from similar oil fields. Based on analysis of the tectonic framework of Paleozoic structural stage of central regions of Volga Federal District, the tectonic map of Russia, adjacent territories and water areas and maps of oil fields across the Republic of Tatarstan, the field of interest is located in potential fault zones of sedimentary cover. The paper considers the effects of geological and tectonic features of the field on gas-oil ratio. The results are confirmed by migration of the lightest gas components from oil of underlying beds. The authors also analyzed the composition of gas liberated during PVT studies of deep oil samples compared to analogous fields. Redistribution of component peaks based on molecule size and weight (heavy and large molecules move downward, while light and small molecules move upward) was observed. The results obtained prove the potential of fluid inflow from deeper layers of the Earth’s crust and thus substantiate the theory of hydrocarbon migration through oil delivery channels.


1. Nourgaliev D.K. et al., Variation of i-butane/n-butane ratio in oils of the Romashkino oil field for the period of 1982-2000: Probable influence of the global seismicity on the fluid migration, Journal of geochemical exploration, 2006, no. 89, pp. 293-296, DOI:

2. Nourgaliev D.K. et al., Vliyanie global’noy seysmicheskoy aktivnosti na izmenenie sostava neftey Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya (The influence of global seismic activity on changes in the composition of oils from the Romashkinskoye field), Collected papers “Novye idei v geologii i geokhimii nefti i gaza. K sozdaniyu obshchey teorii neftegazonosnosti nedr” (New ideas in geology and geochemistry of oil and gas. Towards the creation of a general theory of oil and gas potential of the subsoil), Proceedings of VI international conference, Moscow, 28-30 May 2002, Moscow: GEOS Publ., 2002. – pp. 55-61.

3. Muslimov R.Kh., Izotov V.G., Sitdikova K.M., Rol’ kristallicheskogo fundamenta neftegazonosnykh basseynov v generatsii i regeneratsii zapasov uglevodorodnogo syr’ya (The role of the crystalline basement of oil and gas basins in the generation and regeneration of hydrocarbon reserves), Neftegazovaya geologiya na rubezhe vekov. Prognoz, poiski, razvedka i osvoenie mestorozhdeniy (Oil and gas geology at the turn of the century. Forecast, prospecting, exploration and development of deposits), Proceedings of anniversary conference, St. Petersburg, 19-22 October 1999, St. Petersburg: Publ. of VNIGRI, 1999, Part. 1 “Fundamental’nye osnovy neftyanoy geologii” (Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology), pp. 268-270.

4. Muslimov R.Kh., Determinative role of sedimentary basin substructure in formation, a constant inflow (renewal) of hydrocarbons deposits (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2007, no. 3, pp. 24-29.

5. Muslimov R.Kh., Plotnikova I.N., Are oil reserves renewable? (In Russ.), EKO, 2012, no. 1, pp. 29-34.

6. Trofimov V.A., Refilling channels and modern refilling of oilfields: hypothesis and facts (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2009, no. 1, pp. 46-48.

7. Goryunov E.Yu., Ignatov P.A., Klementʹeva D.N. et al., The show of present hydrocarbon inflow into oil and gas complexes in the Volga-Ural oil and gas province

(In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza = The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2015, no. 5, pp. 62-69.

8. Glumov I.F. et al., Issledovanie vozmozhnosti uvelicheniya izvlekaemykh zapasov nefti terrigennogo devona za schet sovremennogo podtoka glubinnoy nefti na primere Abdrakhmanovskoy ploshchadi Romashkinskogo neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya (Study of the possibility of increasing the recoverable oil reserves of the terrigenous Devonian due to the modern inflow of deep oil using the example of the Abdrakhmanovskaya area of the Romashkinskoye oil field), Collected papers “Aktual’nye problemy geologii i razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Tatarstana” (Actual problems of geology and development of Tatarstan oil fields), Moscow: Zakon i poryadok Publ., 2006, pp. 245-251.

9. Khisamov R.S. et al., Assessment of the possible influx of deep hydrocarbons into the developed deposits of the Romashkinskoye field (using the example of the Minnibaevskaya area) (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2012, no. 5, pp. 48-51.

10. Mingazov M.N., Strizhenok A.A., Mingazov B.M., Neotectonic aspects of deep degassing of geostructures of Tatarstan (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2012, no. 5, pp. 51-55.

11. Ashirov K.B., Borgest T.M., Karev A.L., The reasons of repeated many times gas and oil restocking at the fields being exploited in the Samara region (In Russ.), Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN, 2000, V. 2, no. 1, pp. 166–173.

12. Dubov A., Chetvert’ azota popala v biosferu iz gornykh porod (A quarter of the nitrogen entered the biosphere from rocks),


DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-18-22

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F.F. Akhmadishin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.S. Yagafarov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), D.V. Maksimov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.V. Kirshin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), G.S. Abdrakhmanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.Kh. Kabirova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk)
Drilling-with-liner technology

Keywords: casing drilling, sidetracking, drilling through incompetent Kynovian mudstones, isolation of sloughing and caving zones, borehole reaming

The paper discusses the problem of casing string deformation in TATNEFT’s injection wells drilled in Kynovian mudstones, which results in connectivity interruption and, as a consequence, in severe problems during well workover operations. Conventional workover procedure involving milling of a deformed section with its further cementing proves to be inefficient due to complexity of milling the deformed section and the necessity for operation reiteration.

A new method of drilling using a casing liner has been developed by TatNIPIneft’s research engineers as an alternative solution. This method allows cutting drilling costs and time due to simultaneous well drilling and casing operations, elimination of non-metreage works and well-logging operations prior to the liner running, and using of water-based mud instead of oil-based one. This technology uses casing pipes with buttress thread, and it proved effective during trial sidetracking in the Vostochno-Suleevskaya Area and in the Tat-Kandyzsky field.

The results of the trial sidetracking support demonstrate high efficiency of this drilling method: higher rate of drilling, zero deformation of threads, reduction of wellbore inclination resulting in better passability and lower deformation risk. By March 2024, this technology has been successfully applied in five wells. It was awarded the status of the Best Practice in PJSC TATNEFT and was recommended for injection well repairing which underlines its substantial potential and contribution to development of new drilling technologies and workover techniques.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-23-25

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À.Yu. Dmitrieva (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), N.I. Baturin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), À.À. Lutfullin (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), E.Ì. Abusalimov (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), F.À. Akhmetshin (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), À.R. Sharifullin (Tetacom LLC, RF, Ufa)
An integrated approach to forecasting of formation damage in a well bore zone

Keywords: acid treatment, formation damage, scaling, corrosion processes, Oddo – Tomson model, NORSOK M-506 model, paraffin deposition

The paper presents the results of an integrated approach to prediction of precipitation of solid materials (precipitates) in the near-wellbore region of producing formation to select optimal technological solutions for removal of such materials and improvement of the injectivity of injection wells in terrigenous reservoirs of TATNEFT PJSC fields. Injectivity reduction is commonly known to interfere with routine production operations. Hence it is imperative that adequate injectivity be maintained throughout the entire field development period. Efficiency of bottomhole treatment depends largely on the design; particularly, the composition and volume of preflush, main treatment acid and overflush, and various quality-improvement additives. An adequate design shall be based on direct causes of permeability impairment in a particular well. This necessitates qualitative assessment of formation damage. The authors analyzed the composition of water injected in TATNEFT PJSC fields and the content of precipitating components. The analysis revealed the necessity to predict corrosion products and inorganic salts: calcite, barite and gypsum. Characteristics of suspended solids in injected water are summarized, the effects of dispersed phase particle size on water flow through porous media are considered. The existing methods for prediction of scaling and asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposition are described, together with corrosion processes during injection well operation in terrigenous reservoirs. Literature survey of precipitates invasion depth is presented. The authors propose way forward to improve NORSOK M-506 corrosion rate and Oddo-Tomson scaling prediction methods for development of an expert system aimed at selection of bottomhole treatment technology to increase injectivity of injection wells in terrigenous reservoirs. Method for evaluation of depth of invasion of formation damage based on core flood experimental data was developed and implemented.


1. Kashchavtsev V.E., Mishchenko I.T., Soleobrazovanie pri dobyche nefti (Salt formation in oil production), Moscow: Orbita-M Publ., 2004, 432 p.

2. Davidson H.D., Invasion and impairment of formations by particulates, SPE-8210-MS, 1979, DOI:

3. Vetter O.J. et al., Particle invasion into porous medium and related injectivity problems, SPE-16255-MS, 1987, DOI:

4. Pang S., Sharma M.M., A model for predicting injectivity decline in water-injection wells, SPE-28489-PA, 1997, DOI:

5. Todd J.E., Somerville J.F., Scott G., The application of depth of formation damage measurements in predicting water injectivity decline, SPE-12498-MS, 1984,


6. Tarko Ya.B., Otsenka vliyaniya okhlazhdeniya priskvazhinnoy zony plastov na ikh priemistost’ (Assessment of the influence of cooling of the near-well zone of formations on their injectivity), Neftepromyslovoe delo. Otechestvennyy opyt: ekspress-informatsiya (Oilfield business. Domestic experience: express information), Moscow: Publ. of VNIIOENG, 1987, V. 4, p. 59.

7. Mikhaylov A.A., Strekalov P.V., Modeling of the atmospheric corrosion of metals and kinds of dose-response functions (In Russ.), Korroziya: materialy, zashchita, 2006, no. 3, pp. 2-13.

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9. Chernyy A.A., Chernyy V.A., Prognozirovanie svoystv materialov po matematicheskim modelyam (Prediction of material properties using mathematical models), Penza: Publ. of PSU, 2007, 61 p.

10. Sharma M.M. et al., Injectivity decline in water-injection wells: An offshore Gulf of Mexico case study, SPE-60901-PA, 2000 DOI:

11. David A.S. et al., Improved water injector performance in a Gulf of Mexico deepwater development using an openhole frac pack completion and downhole filter system: Case history, SPE-84416-MS, 2003, DOI:

12. Barkman J.H., Davidson D.H., Measuring water quality and predicting well impairment, SPE-3543-PA, 1972, DOI:

13. Dambani S.L. et al., Analysis of injectivity decline in some deepwater water injectors, SPE-172469-MS, 2014, DOI:

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DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-26-31

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Z.A. Loshcheva (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.A. Pimenov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), R.R. Bildanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), T.I. Ganiev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), V.A. Dekhtyarev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), M.Sh. Magdeev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), R.M. Khisanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), D.K. Shaykhutdinov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk)
Modern solutions for oil fields at a late stage of development

Keywords: petrophysics, seismic, geological and reservoir simulation model, integrated model, digitization

Advancements in currently available modeling and digitization technologies offer new opportunities for development of investment programs and revitalization of oil production from mature oil fields. Integration and combination of reservoir engineering and operation solutions by multidisciplinary expert teams, modeling and digital technology specialists substantially improve the efficiency of investment projects while reducing geological, technological and subjective judgment risks. The resultant suite of solutions for producing fields is synergistic (interconnected) on the one hand, and a flexible tool for field development planning and management, on the other hand. Application of end-to-end processes with participation of specialists involved in well logging, seismic survey, geological exploration, reservoir engineering, modeling and digital operations allows for more thorough analysis of input data to identify bypassed oil reserves and reduces the risk of overestimation of depleted reservoir zones, while interrelated project solutions enable synergetic effect from various operations. Integration of digital tools into production processes, as well as the development of big data and predictive analytics tools for designing of investment projects allow upscaling of originally complex research methods for selection and evaluation of activities at the scale of company's group of assets and shifting of human resource functions to intelligent operations. Favorable results from investments, confirmed by the successful production enhancement operations in mature fields carried out by the authors, on the one hand, reveal the potential of Russian oil industry trends, and on the other hand, highlight the necessity to reconsider the required expertise of managing staff and project team participants to improve their understanding of related industry applications and up-to-date digital tools.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-32-38

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À.Yu. Dmitrieva (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), N.I. Baturin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), À.À. Lutfullin (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk) E.Ì. Abusalimov (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk) V.À. Solovyev (TATNEFT PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk) À.Î. Malakhov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), M.À. Varfolomeev (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)
Study of optimal thermo-foam acid treatments of carbonate reservoirs

Keywords: acid treatment, thermo-foam, coreflood experiments, design, tomography

The paper considers two fields characterized by high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits, low permeability and high oil saturation. Carbonate fields are the primary targets for geological exploration and account for the majority of incremental oil and gas reserves. Carbonate reservoir development has been widely practiced in Tatarstan. To date, TATNEFT PJSC has set an objective to stabilize commercial oil production using chemical enhanced oil recovery methods in such fields. Improvement of oil field production performance entails application of controlled matrix and deep selective acidizing of carbonate reservoirs using acid compositions of different purposes and principles of action. However, field development is challenging because low-permeability rock matrix does not allow achieving any significant oil inflow. Productivity results predominantly from oil inflow through natural and induced fractures. In such conditions, thermo-foam acid treatment of bottomhole formation zone offers one of the promising solutions to improvement of well productivity. The authors considered a number of thermo-foam-acid compositions, evaluated their applicability and performance in producing wells of Novo-Yelkhovskoye and Aksubayevo-Mokshinskoye fields. For selection of appropriate acid composition, physical modeling of bottomhole treatment process was performed to simulate two typical injection designs: simultaneous and sequential injection of components. Created pore channels were evaluated based on reservoir properties and using 3D computer tomography methods.


1. Ivanova L.V., Burov E.A., Koshelev V.N., Asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits in the processes of oil production, transportation and storage (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business , 2011, no. 1, pp. 268–284, URL:

2. Gutorov A.Yu., Application of various kinds of hydrochloric acid treatment for oil producing well efficiency increase in Tatarstan oil fields (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2012, no. 3, pp. 54-58.

3. Doskazieva G.Sh., Zhakanova Zh.A., Analysis of hydrated acid treatments in production wells (In Russ.), Evraziyskiy Soyuz Uchenykh, 2021, no. 1, pp. 4-11,


4. Novikov V.A., Martyushev D.A., Experience in acid treatments in carbonate deposits of Perm region fields (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional’nogo issledovatel’skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, 2020, V. 20, no.1,

pp. 72-87, DOI:

5. Davletshina L.F., Magadova L.A., Silin M.A. et al., Acid treatment of injection wells. Old problems - new solutions (In Russ.), Territoriya Neftegaz, 2009, no. 3, pp. 38–41.

6. Leong V.H., Ben Mahmud H., A preliminary screening and characterization of suitable acids for sandstone matrix acidizing technique: a comprehensive review, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2019, V. 9, no. 1, pp. 753-778. – DOI:

7. Al-Shargabi M. el at., A critical review of self-diverting acid treatments applied to carbonate oil and gas reservoirs, Petroleum Science, 2023, V. 20, no. 2, pp. 922-950, DOI:

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-39-43

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A.P. Chirkunov (Tatneft-Dobycha, RF, Almetyevsk), Ò.À. Òuktarov (Tatneft-Dobycha, RF, Almetyevsk), Ì.N. Khanipov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), R.Z. Sattarov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), S.N. Òrunova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), Ì.À. Sharifullina (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk)
Procedure for comprehensive comparative assessment of waterflood pattern efficiency

Keywords: water flooding, waterflood pattern efficiency, key performance indicators, rating, clustering

Water flooding is widely used in the development of oil fields in the Russian Federation. It is essential for oil companies operating hundreds of oil reservoirs to compare them in terms of their performance. The paper presents a procedure for a comprehensive assessment of waterflood pattern efficiency enabling selection of proper stimulation techniques to improve reservoir development. The proposed procedure involves comparative assessment of development strategies for similar reservoirs in order to eliminate the effect of geological setting. Production targets are classified into the groups of similar reservoirs based on clustering according to their geological characteristics and production data indicating the stage of reservoir development. The paper presents the results of reservoir clustering. In the proposed procedure, the existing waterflood pattern efficiency is evaluated by 11 key reservoir performance indicators. A weighting factor is assigned to each indicator based on its significance in terms of waterflooding efficiency. The range of normalized values for key indicators, from minimum to maximum, is divided into five intervals, each having an assigned score. Based on the key indicators, comparative assessment of reservoir performance is made. The highest-ranking reservoir is identified in each group and its key performance indicators are analyzed in comparison with the other reservoirs in this group. Various stimulation techniques are selected for the reservoirs to improve their performance and rating.


1. Khanipov M.N., Nasybullin A.V., Sattarov Rav.Z., Probabilistic estimate of displaced oil reserves based on oil displacement by water characteristics using statistic methods (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2017, no. 6, pp. 37-39, DOI:

2. Khanipov M.N., Estimation of developed oil reserves by means of production decline analysis using statistical methods (In Russ.), Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2017, no. 4, pp. 91-102, URL:

3. Gorban A.N., Zinovyev A.Y., Principal graphs and manifolds, In: Handbook of research on machine learning applications and trends: Algorithms, methods and techniques, 2009, pp. 28-59.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-44-46

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V.V. Soloviev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.N. Shatalov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), R.Z. Sakhabutdinov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), R.M. Garifullin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), D.D. Shipilov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), T.V. Ibryaeva (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), S.M. Kadysev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk)
Analysis of liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in oil

Keywords: oil, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, catalyst complex, test, effectivity

The subject of this paper is hydrogen sulfide stripping technology in presence of industrial oxygen and catalyst complex, as well as its implementation in laboratory conditions. The purpose of the work is to bring the quality of marketable oil in terms of residue H2S content up to requirements of Type 1 GOST R 51858-2002 standard. Currently there are two technologies capable to reduce H2S content in oil to 20 mil-1 or less. Drawback of hydrogen sulfide stripping technology using chemicals is high operational costs required to procure chemical scavengers. Hydrogen sulfide stripping method by oxidation using oxygen from air (DMS-1MA) characterized by high capital expenditures (need for high pressure in the system to carry out reaction in separate reactor with associated gas removal equipment) and significant volume of waste CO2 with high nitrogen content which limits the possibility of its common usage in processing facilities for hydrogen sulfide containing oil. To practically evaluate H2S neutralization technology by oxygen oxidation which requires significantly lower capital expenditures, laboratory and pilot test were performed on-site. Optimal operation modes were reached which resulted in reduction of H2S content lower than 20 mil-1. According to laboratory and field data, on the corrosion resistance scale for steel 20 according to GOST 1050-2013 standard, the obtained mixture of oil, oxygen and catalyst complex is rated at 6 points – reduced resistance to this corrosive environment. Considering that maximum corrosion occurs in the initial section of pipeline where industrial oxygen being introduced in doses, it is necessary to provide corrosion protection.

Addressing the issue of fire-explosion safety of the technology, several recommendations for industrial oxygen introduction to oil stream were provided.


1. Sakhabutdinov R.Z., Shatalov A.N., Garifullin R.M. et al., Technologies of an oil cleaning from hydrogen sulphide (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2008, no. 7, pp. 82-85.

2. Solovev V.V., Shatalov A.N., Garifullin R.M. et al., Razrabotka i issledovanie variantov kataliticheskoy ochistki nefti ot serovodoroda na primere ob»ektov podgotovki sverkhvyazkoy nefti (Development and research of options for catalytic purification of oil from hydrogen sulfide using the example of ultra-viscous oil treatment facilities), Proceedings of TatNIPIneft / Tatneft’, 2022, V. 90, pp. 244-249.

3. Kornetova O.M. et al., Liquid-phase oxidation of hydrogen sulfide in oil with molecular oxygen in the presence of an ammonia solution of cobalt phthalocyanine

(In Russ.), Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii = Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2020, V. 93, no. 9, pp. 1363-1368, DOI:

4. Patent RU 2783439 C1, Set for purifying petroleum from hydrogen sulphide and low molecular weight mercaptans, Inventors: Shatalov A.N., Solov’ev V.V.,

Garifullin R.M.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-47-50

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S.A. Tatikyan (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), D.I. Gaforova (TNG-AlGIS LLC, RF, Almetyevsk)
Efficient methods of detecting behind-the-casing flow

Keywords: temperature logging, behind-the-casing flow, spectral noise logging, radioactive tracer, thermohydrodynamic simulator, well survey technique, application

The paper discusses basic methods of behind-the-casing flow detection including temperature logging, spectral noise logging, injection of tracer-containing fluid, and application of a thermohydrodynamic simulator to quantify behind-the-casing flows. Each of these methods has its benefits, range of application, and limitations. Relevance of this paper is that it discusses a method of detecting behind-the-casing flow using a thermohydrodynamic simulator that enables estimation of wellbore temperature distribution based on the preset parameters of a numerically simulated model. It also determines the amount of behind-the-casing flow which is of primary importance for planning further well surveying. Thermal simulation results in obtaining behind-the-casing flow value, inflow/injectivity profile, flow rate of each separate reservoir. Implementation and application of this method results in reduced squeeze cementing costs for the wells where behind-the-casing flow is insignificant. When selecting an optimum well log survey technique, a variety of factors and downhole conditions shall be considered including well injectivity, well drive, reservoir pressure, gamma background, well design (whether perforations are open or closed off by completion assembly), sump size (small or absent), watercut, etc. ll wells have their own specific aspects which should be considered during survey technique selection. It is not unlikely that selection of the best technique will require individual approach to each well. For example, injection of fluid containing radioactive tracer will be inefficient in wells with low injectivity. In this case, it is recommended to use a suite of methods including temperature logging, inflow detectors, thermohydrodynamic simulation to determine the amount of behind-the-casing flow. Application of advanced well survey tools including casing integrity survey, detection of producing zones and behind-the-casing flows (temperature logging, inflow detectors, thermohydrodynamic simulation, spectral noise logging) results in better quality and reliability of the conclusion report, since the conclusions drawn are supported by several methods.


1. D’yakonov D.I., Leont’ev E.I., Kuznetsov G.S., Obshchiy kurs geofizicheskikh issledovaniy skvazhin (General course of geophysical surveys of wells), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1984, 432 p.

2. Valiullin R.A. Vakhitova G.R., Kompleksnaya interpretatsiya geofizicheskikh dannykh na osnove tipovykh diagramm (Comprehensive interpretation of geophysical data based on standard diagrams), Ufa: Publ. of BGU, 2004, 94 p.

3. Marfin E.A., Skvazhinnaya shumometriya i vibroakusticheskoe vozdeystvie na flyuidonasyshchennye plasty (Downhole noise logging and vibroacoustic impact on fluid-saturated formations): Kazan: Publ. of Kazan University, 2012, 44 p.

4. Koskov V.N., Geofizicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin (Well geophysical surveys), Perm: Publ. of PSTU, 2005, 122 p.

5. Ramazanov A.Sh. et al., Thermal modeling for characterization of near wellbore zone and zonal allocation (In Russ.), SPE-136256-MS, 2010,

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-51-55

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I.M. Ishkulov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk Almetyevsk; State Technological University Higher School of Petroleum, RF, Almetyevsk), R.R. Vafin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), D.D. Takhauov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), I.G. Fattakhov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), À.À. Pimenov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk)
Production casing leak detection methods revisited

Keywords: production casing leak, correlation matrix, research, chemical analysis of water, machine learning

Production casing leak detection issues are of current interest due to oil production at late stages of fields development, ageing well stock and high water cut. Well logging is the most common method used to identify potential well integrity issues. This method, however, entails pulling the equipment out of hole to result in non-productive time, oil production losses, and upset of steady-state well operation process. Note also high risk of failed efforts to detect any loss of production casing integrity. The authors have analyzed the existing methods for production casing leak detection. Production well logging data has also been analyzed. This has enabled determination of average depths of well integrity failures, as well as identification of leaking hole sections. Indirect approaches to casing leak detection have been investigated; in particular, component ratio analysis based on six-component chemical analysis of water. On top of that, a new indirect method for analysis of production casing leak probability based on feature correlation matrix has been proposed. The authors have also developed and implemented a machine learning model for well integrity failure detection. It allows understanding of the primary factors contributing to the loss of wellbore integrity. Analysis of the effects of such factors suggests that the impacts of well age, sulfates concentration in produced fluid, water density, primary salts, and hole curvature are the most noticeable. The results of the research enabled development of production casing leak detection method together with indirect method for diagnosing and predicting the severity of production casing fatigue and related risks of casing integrity failure.


1. Khuzina L.B. et al., To the problem of production columns leakage (In Russ.), Stroitel’stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na more, 2023, no. 4, pp. 35-38, DOI:

2. Mukhametshin V.G., Dubinskiy G.S., Aver’yanov A.P., About the causes of the flow tubing tightness fault and preventive actions (In Russ.), Problemy sbora, podgotovki i transporta nefti i nefteproduktov, 2016, no. 3, pp. 19-24, DOI:

3. Nabiullin A.Sh., Sinitsyna T.I., Vorontsov S.Yu., Studying the causes of casing leakages in production wells. Developing preventive methods for casing protection

(In Russ.), Ekspozitsiya Neft’ Gaz, 2023, no. 8, pp. 88-93, DOI:

4. Nazarov V.F., Mukhutdinov V.K., Monitoring the tightness of casing and tubing in injection wells by measurements using complex equipment (In Russ.), Innovatsionnaya nauka, 2015, no. 12-2, pp. 107-112.

5. Valiullin R.A. et al., Ecological questions of control for operation of underground gas storages wells (In Russ.), Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN, 2015, no. 5, pp. 256-262.

6. Kubrak M.G., Possible consequences from wells operation with casing integrity damage (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2012, no. 2, pp. 434-446,


7. Dzyublo A.D., Ruban G.N., Reliable diagnostics and liquidation of behind casing flows as an ecological safety guarantee during the oil and gas fields development

(In Russ.), Aktual’nye problemy nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 4, pp. 1-10, URL:

8. Nazarov V.F., Mukhutdinov V.K., Monitoring the tightness of casing and tubing in injection wells by measurements using complex equipment (In Russ.), Innovatsionnaya nauka, 2015, no. 12, pp. 107-112.

9. Aslanyan A.M. et al., Identification of leakage in couplings of tubing, casing and intermediate casing for wells of underground gas storage in salt caverns by means of spectral noise logging (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2016, no. 18, pp. 186-190, DOI:

10. Valiullin R.A. et al., The thermal convection study of behind-casing flow directed from up to down on a well model with induction heater (In Russ.), Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta, 2017, no. 2, pp. 325-329.

11. Kanafin I.V. et al., Research of formation thermal label in wellbore during case induction heating for assesment rate of cross-flow between layers (In Russ.), Bulatovskie chteniya, 2017, V. 1, pp. 70-72.

12. Davletshin F.F. et al., Investigation of thermal field in a well under fluid movement under induction impact (In Russ.), Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Inzhiniring georesursov, 2023, no. 3, pp. 153-164, DOI:

13. Ramazanov A.Sh. et al., Assessment of the possibility of exploring the well’s backwater space by active thermometry (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2023, no. 6,

pp. 43-50, DOI:

14. Azamatov M.A., Shorokhov A.N., Production casing leakage determining method (In Russ.), Nedropol’zovanie XXI vek, 2015, no. 6, pp. 43-47.

15. Aslanyan A. M. et al., Well noise logging as energy saving innovation technology (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2016, V. 15, no. 2, pp. 8-12.

16. Leshkovich N.M., Improvement of the technology for determining casing leakages using the example of the Anastasievsko-Troitskoye field (In Russ.), Nauka. Tekhnika. Tekhnologii (politekhnicheskiy vestnik), 2019, no. 4, pp. 194-220.

17. ERB 2286-2022. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po provedeniyu ekspertizy po promyshlennoy bezopasnosti skvazhin na neftyanykh mestorozhdeniyakh Respubliki Tatarstan (Guidelines for conducting an examination of the industrial safety of wells in oil fields of the Republic of Tatarstan), Bugul’ma, 2022, 44 p.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-56-60

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V.A. Balboshin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), K.M. Garifov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.Kh. Kadyrov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.V. Glukhoded (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), I.G. Garaev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), I.Sh. Ayupov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk
Sucker rod pump valves for horizontal wells which can be deployed in dual completion units

Keywords: dual completion, sucker-rod pump valve, horizontal well

TATNEFT PJSC uses dual completion technology (DCT) to recover oil from horizons with different physical and chemical properties by single well. However, for horizontal wells it is necessary to run a pump to an interval with large curvature (more than 42°) to reduce bottomhole pressure to optimum values. In such conditions, standard pump valves are unable to operate or there is a delay in valve actuation which significantly reduces volumetric efficiency (down to 0,3). Design sizes of known standing and traveling valves used in horizontal wells do not allow their implementation as an auxiliary standing valve in downhole pumping equipment arrangements for wells with 114 mm production string or less. Thus, recovery of potential well flow rate is not ensured. Simple, reliable, and compact standing and traveling valves have been created which provide operation of dual completion arrangement using tubing sucker-rod pump in horizontal wells with hole curvature in 42-90° range and volumetric efficiency no less than 0,65. The following hole inclinations were modeled for comparative trials: 42°, 50°, 60°, 70°, 80°, 90°, 105°. Additionally, the developed valve with ST-TC1 balls was tested to determine critical inclination angle at which valve is unable to operate. The test was based on simulation of the moment plunger reaches upper «dead» point when fluid in tubing rushes downwards and closes standing valve. Closure speed and the amount of returned fluid determine volumetric efficiency. As a result of benchmark and field trials it was found that the minimum volumetric efficiency (even with greater inclination at pump seating of 76-77° after installation versus 44,38° before installation) after installation of new valves is 24% higher than the maximum volumetric efficiency before the installation and the average is 51% higher. Newly designed valve meets requirements and is properly functioning. Moreover, it has been proven that it’s properly functioning in horizontal hole unlike valve of standard design.


1. Patent RU 2764943 C1, Sucker-rod pump valve, Inventors: Garifov K.M., Kadyrov A.Kh., Glukhoded A.V., Balboshin V.A., Rakhmanov I.N., Voronin N.A.

2. Mishchenko I.T., Raschety v dobyche nefti (Calculations in oil production), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1989, 245 p.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-61-64

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E.R. Asadullin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.V. Larionov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk), V.S. Omorokov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Almetyevsk)
Transformation of well logging methods – transition to industry stage 4.0

Keywords: logging hoist, autopilot, automation, well logging, data transmission, remote control, remote management, geophysics

As part of its global digital transformation, TATNEFT PJSC in cooperation with the Russian Foundation for Information Technology Development is implementing an innovation project called Integrated Digital Platform for Geological and Technological Monitoring of Oil and Gas Field Development. One of the key milestones of this project is the creation of Geophysics Management Center where all well studies and operations will be managed by highly skilled specialists in a unified digital information field. To create this center the company must have a fully digital logging infrastructure: downhole and surface equipment, software for management, transmission, processing and interpretation of data, as well as equipment for special purposes. Development of advanced hydraulic powered PKS-Online logging hoist which will allow performing automated tripping operations in autopilot mode and ensure the possibility of remote management and transmission of well logging data, will make it possible to fully automate the process and establish end-to-end digital system.

Implementation of this technology will increase the effectiveness of logging operations and oil and gas field development as a whole. Skilled geophysicist will be able to control logging process and operations in wells from Geophysics Management Center with possibility to remotely manage several geophysical crews assigned to them in real time.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-65-68

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R.Kh. Masagutov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), A.A. Nikolaev(RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), J.U. Komilov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.M. Nigmatzyanova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)
Connection between tectonic disturbances and oil content and epigenesis of Devonian terrigenous reservoirs in the east of the East European Platform (on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan)

Keywords: Devonian, oil, graben, fault, migration, sandstone, epigenesis, regeneration, replacement, porosity

Oil fields in the Devonian terrigenous sediments in the east of the East European Platform play a large role in ensuring a high level of hydrocarbon production. At the first stages of the development of the oil industry, the production of liquid hydrocarbons from deposits was carried out from plicative traps associated with extended swells, such as the Tuymazinsky-Bavlinsky, Serafimovsky-Baltaevsky and Shkapovsky arched uplift. The second stage in the development of oil production from these deposits began after the discovery of large oil accumulation zones linearly elongated from southwest to northeast, confined to the Devonian consedimentary graben-like troughs (Sergeevsko-Demsky, Tavtimanovo-Urshaksky and others) formed in the Lower Timan time. They controlled mainly both large and medium-sized deposits. In parallel with them, oil accumulation zones were discovered associated with post-sedimentary graben-like troughs, horst-like structures and buried Devonian terraces. The identified oil reserves in them were quantitatively inferior compared to the previous zones. Tectonic disturbances, in addition to participating in screening and formation of structures, took part in the movement of hydrocarbons, mineralized and hydrothermal waters from bottom to top along the section. Reservoir fluids, in combination with rock pressure and temperature, influenced the capacitive properties of Devonian quartz silt-sand reservoirs. The changes were studied using instrumental methods, including optical and electron microscopy. The latter represent high-tech core studies that reveal a number of structural features of the rocks being studied. Firstly, this is the presence of newly formed quartz of small size (grain size from 1 to 10 micrometers), similar in size to the pelitic fraction in silty-sandy rocks, consisting of clay minerals. Secondly, the presence of ribbon crystals of illite was revealed, which, like quartz microcrystals, retain the volume of pore space. These features in the lithology of reservoirs were first established in silt-sand reservoirs of the terrigenous Devonian in sections of wells drilled near tectonic disturbances. Identifying them in reservoirs will allow more accurate assessment of hydrocarbon reserves.


1. Orlov Yu.A., Tektonika i neftenosnost' devona platformennoy Bashkirii (Tectonics and oil content of the Devonian platform of Bashkiria), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1979, 148 p.

2. Khat'yanov F.I., Geologo-geofizicheskie osnovy prognozirovaniya neftegazoperspektivnykh struktur na vostoke Russkoy plity (Geological and geophysical foundations for forecasting oil and gas promising structures in the east of the Russian Plate): thesis of doctor of geological and mineralogical science, Leningrad, 1991, 60 p.

3. Lozin E.V., Geologiya i neftenosnost' Bashkortostana (Geology and oil content of Bashkortostan), Ufa: Publ. of BashNIPIneft', 2015, 704 p.

4. Masagutov R.Kh., Natural bitumens and high-viscosity oils of the east of the Russian Plate (using the example of Bashkortostan) (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2007,

no. 4(23), pp. 34–36.

5. Masagutov R.Kh., Kharakteristika uglevodorodnykh flyuidov v nizhnepermskikh otlozheniyakh platformennogo Bashkortostana (Characteristics of hydrocarbon fluids in the Lower Permian sediments of platform Bashkortostan), Proceedings of BashNIPIneft, 1999, V. 97, pp. 51–55.

6. Yakutseni V.P., Geologiya geliya (Geology of helium), Leningrad, Nedra Publ., 1968, 232 p.

7. Yusupov S.Sh., Masagutov R.Kh., Novye dannye po mineralogii, termometrii i geokhimiii rayonov Bashkirskogo Priural'ya (New data on mineralogy, thermometry and geochemistry of the regions of the Bashkir Urals), Proceedings of Kh International conference on thermobarogeochemistry, Aleksandrov, 10–14 September 2001,

pp. 399–441.

8. Lukin A.E., Native-metallic micro- and nanoinclusions in the formations of oil and gas basins - tracers of superdeep fluids (In Russ.), Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 2009,

V. 31, no. 2, pp. 61–92.

9. Lozin E.V., On tectonics preconditions to form an oil and gas deposits (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 4, pp. 18–22,


10. Lozin E.V., About the mechanism of below hydrocarbons inflows (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 9, pp. 15–17,


11. Fattakhutdinov G.A., Masagutov R.Kh., Lozin E.V., Ivanova T.V., Consequences of the interference of paleoseismic waves in the Devonian sedimentary sequence of the eastern part of the Russian Platform (In Russ.), DAN SSSR, 1990, V. 315, no. 4, pp. 941–944.

12. Yapaskurt O.V., Gorbachev V.I., Lithogenetic factors in the formation of deep porosity of paleodelta sediments (in the lower section of the Tyumen well) (In Russ.), DAN, 1997, V. 353, no. 2, pp. 241–245.

13. Worden R.H., French M.W., Mariani E., Amorphous nanofilms result in growth of misoriented microcrystalline quartz cement maintaining porosity in deeply buried sandstones, Geology, 2012, V. 40(2), pp. 179–182, DOI:

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-70-74

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E.Yu. Ilina (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Kondakova (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen), E.M. Pinigina (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen), D.A. Kaukov (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen)
The fluid saturation palette development using modern core photo processing algorithms

Keywords: processing photographs of a whole core, fluid saturation probability curve, saturation palette, Khamakinsky horizon, 3D core photography, scan of core photographs
Terrigenous reservoirs of Eastern Siberia have a
number of specific features and difficulties in studying. In this paper,
attention is paid to ambiguity of the fluid saturation definition while working
with photographs of a whole core in ultraviolet light. Intervals of reservoir
rocks glowing in ultraviolet light during the well production tests can result
in both moisture-free and producing oil inflow. The project was carried out
using 50 wells with core sampling from the Khamakinsky horizon. The developed workflow
made it possible to define the light intensity range of values at which,
probably, one or another hydrocarbon inflow will be received: gas
(gas-condensate), oil, mixed saturation in different combination. As a result,
we get the saturation palettes catalog as an additional source of information.
Processing photographs of a whole core in daylight makes it possible to
additionally determine the glow intervals of rocks lithological inhomogeneity
(foci of anhydritization). Thus, terrigenous reservoirs intervals of mineral
glow are excluded from the fluid saturation probability curve. To solve
operational issues and predict development indicators for complex and fractured
reservoirs, Surgutneftegas PJSC carries out 3D photography and visualization of
a whole core column. Based on the scan of a whole core photographs, the fluid
saturation probability curve is also calculated. The results are imported into
permanent geological models. Depending on the production objective, a
specialist can create a 3D cube of the fluid saturation probability. The
results of created fluid saturation probability curve were compared with the
specific electrical resistivity values, which were measured on core samples and
the specific resistivity curve along wellbore. As a result, well test intervals
choice in exploratory wells drilling process became more successful. Further
prospects for the development
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-75-77

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V.S. Sustavov (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), D.Yu. Gundorin (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), A.V. Zheleznikov (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau)
Borehole instability while drilling through faults at the fields of Vietsovpetro JV

Keywords: drilling, well bore instability, tectonic fault, fractured rocks, inclination angle, mud weight, equivalent circulation density

Borehole instability when drilling across a fault in a terrigenous sand-clay formation is manifested by the effect of overburden pressure and depends on the inclination angle. When a hole penetrates a fault with an inclination angle of more than 45° the drilling tool may become stuck at the initial stage, expressed by a peak-shaped increase in the torque on the top drive and the surface pump pressure. At the same time, after the cuttings are lifted to the surface, their number on the shakers will increase; caving with polished surface typical for a fault will appear. The development of this process over time can lead to annulus blockage, loss of circulation and mechanical sticking of the drilling tool. Prevention of complications and accidents associated with the collapse of fractured rocks during drilling lies in controlling the well trajectory, the mud density and equivalent circulation density. Therefore, such cases at the design stage require the development of additional measures, as well as calculations of the borehole stability in the fault zone. This can be a detailed pre-drill mechanical earth model that estimates the safe drilling window in advance. During drilling, it is necessary to carefully monitor mud density and drilling parameters, the amount and size of cuttings. When the first signs of borehole instability appear, take prompt measures to contain the problem.


1. Basarygin Yu.M., Bulatov A.I., Proselkov Yu.M., Oslozhneniya i avarii pri burenii neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin (Complications and failures in drilling oil and gas wells), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 2000, 680 p.

2. Voytenko V.S., Upravlenie gornym davleniem pri burenii skvazhin (Rock pressure control when drilling wells), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1985, 185 p.

3. Hossain M.E., Islam M.R., Drilling engineering problems and solutions : A field guide for engineers and students, Hoboken, NJ, USA : Wiley-Scrivener, 2018, 627 p.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-79-82

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Î.V. Zhdaneev (Yugra University, RF, Khanty-Mansiysk; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, RF, Moscow; Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF, Moscow), P.V. Bravkov (Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of Russia, RF, Moscow), A.V. Zaytsev (Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of Russia, RF, Moscow), A.K. Shadt (Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company PJSC, RF, Perm)
Russian shock-resistant accelerometer for use in downhole equipment

Keywords: quartz accelerometer, rotary-controlled system, measure while drilling, equipment for well logging

To address a wide range of tasks in the fuel and energy sector of Russia, including the drilling of high-output oil and gas wells, domestically produced shock-resistant accelerometers are required. Equipment for drilling directional wells includes an inclinometer sensor capable of operating directly in downhole conditions, where it is simultaneously exposed to temperatures up to 125°C, shock loads up to 1000g with a shock pulse duration of up to 0.5 milliseconds, and vibrations up to 30g. The article presents a new direction for the Russian instrumentation industry – the development and serial production of high-temperature, shock-resistant compensatory accelerometers. For this purpose, an optimal architecture for the bottomhole assembly (BHA) was developed, in which measurement modules are integrated into a single well-measuring high-tech complex. A distinguishing feature of this complex is the application of modern inter-module data exchange protocols via a data bus. The data bus, along with specialized low-level software, allows the combination of BHA configurations according to the tasks at hand during the drilling of oil and gas wells. A methodology for determining the optimal number of accelerometers used in the configurations has been developed, industry-specific technical requirements have been elaborated, and the potential of the Russian market for accelerometers for well equipment has been assessed. During the research and development process, special attention was paid to the shock resistance of the accelerometer. Consequently, a technology for welding all pendulum assembly nodes was developed, and an axial rod was applied to minimize the impact of shock loads on the quartz pendulum, thus limiting cross movements.


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DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-83-88

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A.R. Deryaev (Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Turkmengas, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)
Borehole fastening during the plastic flow of salts using the active resistant method

Keywords: deformation, fastening, casing, manifestation, absorption, collapse, plastic flow

The process of constructing wells for subsalt deposits is complicated by the opening of high-pressure brines in the salt-bearing deposits that overlap them. Such brines in the salt-bearing deposits were the main reason for restraining the development of the fuel and raw materials base and the continuing uncertainty in assessing the prospects of the subsalt complex in the eastern part of the oil and gas basin of Turkmenistan. The problem of successful construction and completion of wells in salt-bearing deposits still remains relevant and economically feasible not only for the Eastern part of Turkmenistan but for all countries where there are thick salt-bearing deposits. A successful solution of the problem will contribute to a more intensive development of the gas industry. It is believed that an increase in the technical and economic indicators of drilling operations in areas complicated by brine occurrence can be achieved by allocating zones with the maximum probability of occurrence of these complications over the area of deposits. Usually, geophysical methods are used for these purposes, in particular, the method of the common deep point. However, as drilling shows, not all types of brines can be predicted by existing methods of geophysics. Another negative side of this type of forecast is the forced, unrelated to the morphology of the trap, placement of exploratory, and subsequently exploration and production wells outside the zones of brine occurrence, which causes a sharp decrease in the efficiency of not only exploration, but also field operation. The revealed patterns of formation of high-pressure brines in salt-bearing deposits allow recommending not only the forecast of the zone (place) of occurrence, but also of the mining and geological situation in salt-bearing deposits, ensuring compliance of drilling technology with the geological conditions of the section. The work is devoted to an urgent issue – countering the crumpling of casing strings during inelastic deformations of salt deposits and prolonging the life cycle of production casing. The author has proposed a fundamentally new method, which was not previously used in Turkmenistan. The essence of the method is to actively counteract plastic deformations of salt-bearing deposits from the side of the well support instead of the existing passive resistance of the support to crumpling.


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3. Deryaev A.R., Analysis of the opening of zones with abnormally high reservoir pressures in the oil and gas fields of the Western part of Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special, 2023, no. 2, pp. 22–27, DOI:

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16. Ratov B.T., Fedorov B.V., Khomenko V.L. et al., Some features of drilling technology with PDC bits, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2020, no. 3, pp. 13-18, DOI:

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18. Deryaev A.R., Forecast of the future prospects of drilling ultra-deep wells in difficult mining and geological conditions of Western Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue, 2023, no. 2, pp. 13–21, DOI:

19. Galamay A.R., Karakaya M.Ç., Bukowski K. et al., Geochemistry of brine and paleoclimate reconstruction during sedimentation of Messinian salt in the Tuz Gölü Basin (Türkiye): Insights from the study of fluid inclusions, Minerals, 2023, V.13(2), DOI:

20. Deryaev A.R., Drilling of directional wells in the fields of Western Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue, 2023, no. 2, pp. 22–31,


21. Soliman N., Salem S., Attwa M., El Bastawesey M., Mapping potential salt minerals over Wadi El Natrun saline lakes, Egypt, using remote sensing and geophysical techniques, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, V. 14, 1-15, DOI:

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-89-93

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thermal enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR), thermal fringe, thermal energy, wet in-situ combustion, thermal flooding, heating agent, wells
Advantages and disadvantages of thermal enhanced oil recovery methods based on the results of their application at the fields of Bashkortostan

Keywords: thermal enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR), thermal fringe, thermal energy, wet in-situ combustion, thermal flooding, heating agent, wells

The results of pilot testing of wet in-situ combustion at Arlanskoye and thermal flooding at the Voyadinsky oil fields of Bashkortostan are considered in the article. These tests were carried out at the end of the last century and were accompanied by a complex of geological, field, hydrodynamic and special borehole studies and analysis of the data obtained. For deep-lying (below 1500 m) productive terrigenous layers of these oil fields, the unsuitability of the wet in-situ combustion process has been established due to a number of serious complications. The effect of advancing the combustion front along the most permeable layers in a geologically heterogeneous porous permeable medium is aggravated. The resulting sulfuric acid gases cause rapid corrosion of tubing, casing pipes, pipelines and field equipment which are technologically and economically unprofitable. The technology of introducing a heating agent into the reservoir (thermal flooding) demonstrates noticeable potential, but its application is limited by the limits of profitability of the process of creating a reservoir heat source. The process is accompanied by heat loss, despite the special lining of tubing through which the heating agent was fed into the formation. The effect of rising columns at the wellhead from thermal expansion is revealed, a continuous thermal fringe in the reservoir system has not been obtained. Based on the geoisotherm map, local fringes of heated water formed around the formed foci of heating agent, but the process remained unexplored. The main problem with thermal enhanced oil recovery methods is the creation of a reservoir source of thermal energy, for which it is necessary to burn part of the oil contained in the reservoir. This problem has found a rational solution in the domestic technology of in-situ combustion, but it turned out to be untenable for sulfurous oil deposits. For the technology of introducing a heating agent into the reservoir, the economic limit is the permissible volume of oil (gas) burned on the surface.


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DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-94-97

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A.Z. Mukhametdinova (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), D.B. Dorhjie (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), D.À. Bakulin (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), T.I. Unusov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), T.R. Aminev (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), A.N. Cheremisin (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow), P.A. Grishin (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow)
Determination of relative phase permeability for the oil-gas system in low-permeability reservoirs of the Achimov deposits

Keywords: low-permeability reservoir, sandstone, Achimov formation, relative phase permeability, X-ray tomography, Corey model, LET model

Effective development of oil fields with low-permeability reservoirs is an urgent task for most oil companies due to the fact that a significant part of current and future reserves belong to this category. Relative phase permeability is the most important parameter of multiphase flow through a porous medium, characterizing the effective permeability for each phase. When determining relative permeability using standard methods, there are a number of methodological risks, which can significantly affect the results of experiments and their applicability. The objective of the study was the laboratory determination of the relative permeability in core samples of low-permeability rock of the Achimov Formation (permeability less than 1 mD) for the fluid-gas system using the method of stationary filtration with X-ray control of saturation, as well as by the method of non-stationary filtration in order to improve the quality of results using this type of data. For analytical modeling of phase permeabilities, a number of correlation models (Corey, Honarpour, LET) were used to accurately describe the obtained curves and select approximation coefficients for the target object. A core-scale hydrodynamic model, tuned to the results of single tests of displacement efficiency was used to predict the relative permeability curves. Generalization of the data obtained enabled creating the methodological approaches to reconstructing phase permeability in low-permeability rocks of the Achimov deposits. This approach will increase the accuracy of determining the dynamics of fluid flow and optimize field development scenarios and risk assessments.


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DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-98-103

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M.A. Silin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), L.A. Magadova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.I. Kudryashov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow; Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), V.D. Kotekhova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), M.V. Kuksina (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)
Development and research of environmentally benign corrosion inhibitor for protection of oilfield equipment in mineralized aquatic environments

Keywords: corrosion inhibitor, environmental safety, imidazoline derivatives, vegetable oils, fatty acids, corrosion ratio, inhibition efficiency, pour point, solvents

Corrosion wear of equipment is a significant problem at any oil and gas production facility, where most of materials are metals. The effectiveness of counteracting corrosive wear largely determines the terms of safe and reliable use of equipment. The application of corrosion inhibitors still remains a key method of protecting oilfield equipment from the destructive impact of corrosion processes. Due to the growing attention to the problem of environmental pollution, the demand for environmentally benign reagents is significantly increasing. In this work, imidazoline derivatives, which are featured by low toxicity and high efficiency of inhibitory action, were developed as a safe active base of the inhibitor. A single-reactor method for the synthesis of imidazolines based on carboxylic acids and ethylenediamines, which does not require harsh conditions and solvents, was determined to be the simplest and most environmentally friendly. The optimal ratio of feedstock reagents was established, which provide the maximum protective ability of the active base. Fatty acids were isolated from renewable raw materials (vegetable oils), on the base of which a number of imidazoline derivatives were synthesized. The protective and low-temperature properties of the obtained active bases were investigated, which showed that imidazoline IM3, containing mainly ricinoleic, oleic and linoleic acid hydrocarbon fragments in its structure, demonstrates the best properties. For the selected active base, environmentally friendly solvents were selected in order to ensure optimal low-temperature and fire-safe characteristics. The required low-temperature properties were achieved with a mass content of 20% isopropyl alcohol and 30% diethylene glycol in the corrosion inhibitor composition.


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DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-104-108

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T.A. Kholmurodov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), O.O. Mirzaev (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), A.V. Vakhin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), E.A. Bakumenko (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), S.Ya. Malanii (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), S.V. Tsvetkov (RITEK-Samara-Nafta TIC, RF, Samara), A.A. Ryazanov (RITEK JSC, RF, Moscow)
The phenomenon of asphaltenes' peptization to improve steam-thermal methods efficiency for heavy oil fields development

Keywords: surfactants, steam injection, aquathermolysis, high-viscosity oil, peptization, catalyst, asphaltenes

Increasing the efficiency of thermal methods of high-viscosity oil fields development can be achieved through the implementation of catalytic processes in the reservoir, which provide an increase in oil mobility and, consequently, enhanced oil recovery. Under steam-heat influence, conditions for chemical conversion of high-molecular weight components of oil are created. Aquathermolysis catalysts intensify chemical processes of oil conversion and in combination with hydrogen-donor solvents provide increase of well production rate. The key components of high-viscosity oil that determine its low mobility are resins and asphaltenes. Their molecules are built of polycyclic aromatic or naphthenoaromatic nuclei containing heteroatoms and side substituents of different composition. Asphaltene molecules tend to aggregate even at low concentrations. On average, an asphaltene molecule contains one polycondensed nucleus of seven aromatic cycles. Part of asphaltene molecules consists of polycyclic nuclei connected by methylene chains or sulfide bridges. The formation of stable nanoaggregates from 6-10 asphaltene macromolecules leads to the formation of structures 2-10 nm in size. Thermostable organosoluble surfactants may have the ability to affect asphaltene aggregates in hydrothermal conditions created in the formation during treatment with superheated steam. This increases the probability of breaking the carbon-heteroatom bond in the presence of aquathermolysis catalysts. When combining in-situ catalytic complexes and heat-resistant surfactants, a synergetic effect is achieved in reducing the content and molecular weight of asphaltene substances of high-viscosity oil.


1. Kholmurodov T.A., Khelkhal M.A., Galyametdinov Y.G. et al., Innovative dual injection technique of nonionic surfactants and catalysts to enhance heavy oil conversion via aquathermolysis, Fuel, 2024, V. 366, DOI:

2. Kholmurodov T.A., Vakhin A.V., Aliev F.A. et al., Influence of anionic and amphoteric surfactants on heavy oil upgrading performance with nickel tallate under steam injection processes, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, no. 27, pp. 10277–10289, DOI:

3. Slavkina O.V., Tsvetkov S.V., Nikiforov A.B. et al., Changes in the composition of produced oil at the Strelovskoye field in the Samara region using aquathermolysis catalysts (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 8, pp. 110-113, DOI:

4. Malaniy S.Ya., Slavkina O.V., Ryazanov A.A. et al., Field test of catalytic aquathermolysis technology at Strelovskoye oil field in the Samara region (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 12, pp. 118–121, DOI:

5. Protsenko A.N., Malaniy S.Ya., Bakumenko E.A. et al., Downhole catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide during thermal enhanced heavy oil recovery (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 12, pp. 114-117, DOI:

6. Kudryashov S.I., Afanas’ev I.S., Solov’ev A.V. et al., Application of catalytic aquathermolysis technology in Boca de Jaruco oilfield: spotlight from theory to field test

(In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 9, pp. 37-41, DOI:

7. Kholmurodov T.A., Tajik A., Farhadian A. et al., Development of a simple and efficient oil-soluble nanocatalytic system for aquathermolysis upgrading of heavy crude oil, Fuel, 2023, V. 353, DOI:

8. Betiha M.A., Elmetwally A.E., Al-Sabagh A.M., Mahmoud T., Catalytic aquathermolysis for altering the rheology of asphaltic crude oil using ionic liquid modified magnetic MWCNT, Energy and Fuels, 2020, no. 34(9), pp. 11353-11364, DOI:

9. Vakhin A.V., Aliev F.A., Mukhamatdinov I.I. et al., Extra-heavy oil aquathermolysis using nickel-based catalyst: Some aspects of in-situ transformation of catalyst precursor, Catalysts, 2021, V. 11(2), no. 189, pp. 1-22, DOI:

10. Kholmurodov T.A., Aliev F.A., Mirzaev O.O. et al., Hydrothermal in-reservoir upgrading of heavy oil in the presence of non-ionic surfactants, Processes, 2022, V. 10, no. 11, DOI:

11. Kholmurodov T.A., Mirzaev O.O., Affane B. et al., Thermochemical upgrading of heavy crude oil in reservoir conditions, Processes, 2023, V. 11, no. 7,


12. Yanping Wang et al., Synthesis and properties evaluation of novel Gemini surfactant with temperature tolerance and salt resistance for heavy oil, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, V. 382, DOI:

13. Okhotnikova E.S., Barskaya E.E., Ganeeva Y.M. et al., Catalytic conversion of oil in model and natural reservoir rocks, Processes, 2023, V. 11, no. 8,


14. Mworia M.R et al., A review of VAPEX recovery technique: Mechanisms, driving models uncertainties, and enhancement factors analysis, Fuel, 2024, V. 361,


15. Abdelsalam Y.I., Akhmetzyanova L.A., Galiakhmetova L.K. et al., The catalytic upgrading performance of NiSO4 and FeSO4 in the case of Ashal’cha heavy oil reservoir, Processes, 2023, V. 11, no. 8, DOI:

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-109-112

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D.G. Didichin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.A. Pavlov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), A.A. Paziy (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), V.V. Solodkin (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), I.D. Baranovskiy (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar)
Aspects of digitalization and information technology in the field of engineering surveys

Keywords: computer-aided design systems, information modeling, engineering surveys, soil information model, 3D model, classifier of engineering and geological elements, machine-readable format

The article is devoted to digitalization in the field of engineering surveys for the construction of industrial facilities. The authors consider the advantages and prospects of using three-dimensional information modeling of soils at all stages of the object's life cycle (planning, design, preparation of working, documentation design, construction, operation and dismantling). The formation, maintenance and examination of an information model of a capital construction facility are regulated by state acts, which must be taken into account when developing information modeling tools. The article discusses the problems that specialists face during the implementation of digital solutions in the field of engineering surveys, and suggests ways to solve them in order to further introduce information modeling into the production activities of the Rosneft Oil Company. To implement information modeling based on a 3Dl model, it is necessary to create a common information environment based on the principles of customization and functional versatility. In order to obtain machine-readable geological data, it is proposed to introduce a single code for the calculated geological element, a unified data structure, as well as a common repository based on a geoinformation system. A loader has been developed to enter and process soil parameters, which allows reading reports in a traditional format. The result of processing geological data in specialized software is a 3D geological model with soil characteristics at any point in the array.

The research is of interest to survey engineers, designers, builders and anyone interested in modern technologies in construction.


1. Didichin D.G., Pavlov V.A., Mislivskaya A.A., Galich N.N., New tools of Rosneft Oil Company to improve design efficiency: 3D information modeling of highways

(In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2024, no. 4, pp. 90-95, DOI:

2. Avrenyuk A.N., Didichin D.G., Pavlov V.A. et al., 3D engineering for Rosneft oil producing facilities construction (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 11, pp. 64–67, DOI:

3. Didichin D.G., Pavlov V.A., Volkov M.G. et al., New tools of Rosneft to improve the efficiency of design: the transition to 3D technology and information modeling in the block of capital construction (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 8, pp. 64–68, DOI:

4. Samosvat V.V., Trekhmernaya tsifrovaya model’ geologicheskoy sredy kak klyuchevoy element BIM-tekhnologii i vysshaya stupen’ tsifrovizatsii stroitel’stva (Three-dimensional digital model of the geological environment as a key element of BIM technology and the highest level of digitalization of construction),


DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-114-119

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D.S. Bratskikh (Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint Petersburg), N.V. Romasheva (Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint Petersburg) A.Y. Konopelko, L.A. Nikolaychuk (Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint Petersburg)
Model of supply chain management in the oil and gas industry using digital technologies

Keywords: oil and gas industry, supply chain, digital solutions, supply chain management model, blockchain, smart contracts, internet of things (IoF)

Oil and gas companies are actively implementing digital solutions into their logistics networks to optimize processes and increase business efficiency. The study identified current supply chain management issues in the oil and gas industry and their potential solutions through the use of digital technologies. As a result, a blockchain-based oil and gas supply chain management model, (BCSCM O&G), was developed using smart contracts and the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure transparency, security, and efficiency in managing the supply chain in the oil and gas industry. Experimental simulation of the model, using IoT simulation at various stages of the supply chain, confirms its potential for significantly improving supply chain management by providing transparency, reliability, and real-time data accuracy. Recording IoT data on the blockchain provides supply chain participants with access to precise and up-to-date information in real-time, reducing the risk of errors and manipulation. Smart contracts automate the execution of contract terms, contributing to increased efficiency and cost reduction. The implementation of blockchain technologies combined with the IoT not only enhances monitoring and control of processes but also helps create safer and more optimal supply chains. These innovative approaches encourage the re-evaluation of traditional management methods, creating more sustainable and competitive models that meet the demands of the modern market. Thus, the digital transformation of supply chain management in the oil and gas industry represents a crucial step toward improving overall business efficiency and sustainability.


1. Chima C., Supply-chain management issues in the oil and gas industry, J. Bus. Econ. Res., 2007, V. 5, no. 6, pp. 1-6, DOI:

2. Yurak V., Dushin A., Mochalova L., Vs sustainable development: scenarios for the future (In Russ.), Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2020,

V. 242, pp. 242 – 247, DOI:

3. Zhukovskiy Y. et al., Fossil energy in the framework of sustainable development: Analysis of prospects and development of forecast scenarios, Energies, 2021, V. 14, no. 17, DOI:

4. Ahmed H., Al Bashar M., Abu Taher Md., Ashiqur Rahman Md., Innovative approaches to sustainable supply chain management in the manufacturing industry: a systematic literature review, Global Mainstream Journal of Innovation, Engineering & Emerging Technology, 2024, V. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-13, DOI:

5. Razmanova S., Andrukhova O., Oilfield service companies as part of economy digitalization: assessment of the prospects for innovative development (In Russ.),

Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2020, V. 244, pp. 482-492, DOI:

6. Sireesha M. et al., A review on additive manufacturing and its way into the oil and gas industry, RSC Advances, 2018, no. 8, pp. 22460-22468,


7. Romagnoli S. et al., The Impact of digital technologies and sustainable practices on circular supply chain management, Logistics, 2023, V. 7, no. 1,


8. Ying Li et al., Digitalization for supply chain resilience and robustness: The roles of collaboration and formal contracts, Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2023,

V. 10, no. 1, pp. 5-19, DOI:

9. Agrawal P., Narain R., Analysis of enablers for the digitalization of supply chain using an interpretive structural modelling approach, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2021, V. 72, no. 2, pp. 410-439, DOI:

10. Taj S. et al., IoT-based supply chain management: A systematic literature review, Internet of Things, 2023, V. 24, DOI:

11. Litvinenko V. et al., Assessment of the role of the state in the management of mineral resources (In Russ.), Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2023, V. 259, pp. 95-111, DOI:

12. Ponomarenko T., Gorbatyuk I., Cherepovitsyn A., Industrial clusters as an organizational model for the development of Russia petrochemical industry (In Russ.),

Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2024, pp. 1-13, EDN DESOAU

13. Samylovskaya E. et al., Digital technologies in arctic oil and gas resources extraction: Global trends and Russian experience, Resources, 2022, V. 11, no. 3,


14. Carayannis E.G., Ilinova A., Cherepovitsyn A., The future of energy and the case of the Arctic offshore: The role of strategic management, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, V. 9, no. 2, DOI:

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-120-125

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P.V. Kuznetsov (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), R.D. Kanevskaya (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), A.V. Buyanov (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), D.V. Savchuk (ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy), A.A. Ibatulin (ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy)
Assessment of operational parameters of gas condensate wells based on field data

Keywords: triple phase flow, flow mathematical modeling, gas-condensate, field development management

A thorough analysis of the reservoir current state and constant monitoring of operational parameters, which characterize the reserves production intensity, are required to ensure gas and gas-condensate production target and optimal planning for further development with the most efficient resources usage. However, current wells operation diagnosing is sometimes difficult due to the recording sensors installing problems at the bottomhole or tool failures under high temperature and pressure conditions. The developed technology for evaluation of the gas-condensate wells operational parameters based on field data is described in the paper. The technology includes an approximation of the dependence of the condensate-gas and water-gas factor on bottmhole pressure based on a wellhead flowmeter measurements and three-component gas-liquid flow model in a wellbore. Volumetric gas flow is estimated by gas flow model through the choke, water flow and gas condensate flow is estimated by obtained approximations. Differential equations system, which uses the basic conservation laws, empirical functions for various flow modes and wellbore geometry, is iteratively solved to determine bottomhole pressure and temperature. The resulting operational parameters estimates can be used to monitor wells operation, control, record and forecast its production. The calculation module prototype was developed on the base of described methodology and was tested on more than 25 wells. The calculation results showed higher convergence with the data from metering installations than previously used approaches, especially for significant water cut wells.


1. Brill J.P., Mukherjee H., Multiphase flow in wells, SPE Monograph, Henry L. Dogherty Series, V.17, 1999, 164 p.

2. Maron V.I., Gidravlika dvukhfaznykh potokov v truboprovodakh (Hydraulics of two-phase flows in pipelines), St. Petersburg: Lan Publ., 2012, 256 p.

3. Kalitkin N.N., Chislennye metody (Numerical methods), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1978, 512 p.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-126-129

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S.V. Skorodumov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), R.N. Salikhov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)
Investigating the quality of weld affecting the reliability of operation of main oil pipeline structures

Keywords: welds, reliability, durability, welding factors, longitudinal welds, circumferential welds

The article analyzes the reliability factors of pipeline transport facilities related to the quality of welded joints. These factors include: deviations in the manufacturing welding process, unacceptable defects in longitudinal and circumferential welds, high sulfur and phosphorus content in the weld area metal, high content of non-metallic inclusions being local source of cracks, low ductility and impact strength of various weld sections, structural heterogeneity of various weld zones, factors associated with pipeline operation (development of extended pits for repairs and diagnostics, installation of soil supports, etc.). Based on many years of research, the authors analyze common causes of deteriorated durability of both longitudinal factory and circumferential field welds. The article shows typical groups of defects that can be detected in welded connections. The main causes of certain weld defects, external signs, preventing methods and detection strategies are presented. The authors provide references to regulatory documentation that reflects standard requirements for welded joints of piping products both at the national and industry level. The regulatory documentation contains requirements for the geometry of longitudinal welds, requirements for mechanical properties of longitudinal weld metals, quality assessment methods and non-destructive testing methods for welded pipe joints. As a comprehensive survey of weld quality factors, the authors propose a standard algorithm of studying such objects, as well as the list of required tests and examinations.


1. Tsenev N.K., Salikhov R.N., Kozyrev O.A. et al., T-pipe destruction origin investigation (In Russ.), Nauka i tehnologii truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov = Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation, 2018, V. 8, no. 3, pp. 290–299, DOI:

2. Yukhin N.A., Defekty svarnykh shvov i soedineniy (Defects in welds and joints), Moscow: SOUELO Publ., 2007, 56 p.

3. Ovchinnikov V.V., Defektatsiya svarnykh shvov i kontrol’ kachestva svarnykh soedineniy (Weld defect detection and quality control of welded joints), Moscow: Akademiya Publ., 2018, 224 p.

4. Neganov D.A., Metodologiya obosnovaniya prochnosti obolochkovykh konstruktsiy dlitel’no ekspluatiruemogo oborudovaniya magistral’nykh nefteprovodov (Methodology for substantiating the strength of shell structures of long-term operating equipment of oil trunk pipelines): thesis of doctor of technical science, Ufa, 2021.

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-130-135

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