One of the important tasks in well construction is the isolation of the oil and gas reservoirs during drilling from the permeable layers in the upper and lower intervals. The most common technological method for solving this problem is to close the productive horizons with protective pipelines and harden the annular space with cement slurry. Due to the fact that the casing reinforcement is carried out at the last stage of well construction, the high-quality execution of the process is of particular importance. Minimizing any failure can lead to underestimation of the field potential, production losses, gas-oil-water manifestations, and the creation of griffins. The water-cement factor plays a major role in regulating the rheological parameters of the cement slurry. Thus, 22-23% of water is required for clinker hydration. To increase its fluidity, the amount of water is increased to 45-50% of dry cement. With the addition of light additives, this figure increases to 100-120%. During cementation, the processes of sedimentation and filtration in the cement slurry under high thermobaric conditions increase the permeability of the resulting stone, worsen the strength properties and ultimately violate the integrity of the structure. The article analyzes these processes and proposes to use a polymer with a high molecular content, a superplasticizer, metal nanoparticles and a lightweight nanostructured cement slurry based on modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes to improve the quality of cementation. The efficiency of preparation of lightweight cement slurry under drilling conditions and its application in strengthening intervals expected to be absorbed is shown.
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