Geodynamic specifics of the Mezozoic sedimentation of Yamal-Gydan syneclise

Authors: Yu. V. Filippovich, O.A. Zaharova, R.R. Murzin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.N. Obukhov (Gazprom Neft JSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Key words: Yamal-Gydan syneclise, Enisei-Khatangsky rift, Nurminskiy megaswell, Neocomian, petroleum potential.

In this paper authors present a relatively new conceptual view on the geological structure and evolution of the northern territories of Yamal, including the Kara Sea. In fact – this is the stage of the formulation of the problem, or definition of directions of study and geological modeling of the region.
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