Taxation models of a number of oil and gas producing countries on terms of production sharing agreement

Authors: I.A. Ponomareva, Yu.G. Bogatkina (Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences)

Keywords: economic evaluation, capital investments, operating costs, investment project, the net discounting profit.

Tax models of a number of countries - subsoil users on terms of production sharing agreements, which may serve as an alternative for estimating oil and gas investment projects, are given.

Unified contract, based on production sharing, does not exist in the world, only a general principle is uniform. The government and investor participated at carrying out of production sharing agreements. This makes the contracts more flexible, allows to adapt production sharing agreements to any type of fields, to transfer the main economic elements of the contract from the sphere of strict legislative restrictions to the sphere of the agreements between the State and the investor. The presented models can be recommended for the economic evaluation of petroleum reserves at fields development at different stages of the investment planning.


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