Key words: gel compounds, carbonate rocks, filtration, chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery.
The main purpose of this paper is a determination of an interaction mechanism between minerals of a carbonate rock and a certain acid gel compound. Additionally, the results of experiments could demonstrate an increased efficiency of this compound in conditions of the Jugomashevskoe oil field.
As a result of filtration and petrography experiments, we determined that the gel compound on the basis of «sienit» and hydrochloric acid actively interacts with minerals of a reservoir of the Jugomashevskoye oil field in conditions of high temperature and high pressure. The dynamic of gradient pressure on a core sample shows that the gel compound forms a strong gel which reduces core permeability by 5 times. A petrography analysis of slices of a carbonate rock after hydraulic acid filtration through a core sample shows that acid compound dissolves mainly gypsum which is cement for grains of a dolomite in a core. As a result of filtration, grains of dolomite lose their coherence and a long hole appears. The «sienit» reagent reduces the interaction velocity of dolomite dissolving due to appearance of residues CaSiO3. This residue forms a protection layer on the rock.
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