Nowadays, steel pipelines are mainly used in field pipelines of the fuel and energy complex of Russia. Despite their high strength characteristics, their use is associated with the risk of emergency situations, mainly due to corrosion. This article presents an assessment of the impact of in-line cleaning on the accident rate of field pipelines. The factors influencing high corrosion rate and pipeline accident rate are analyzed. The authors noted that one of the main reasons for the increase of corrosion rate and reduction of operational reliability of pipelines is the impact of aggressive medium on the metal. The influence of such factors as corrosion products, asphalt-salt-paraffin deposits, inorganic salts, water accumulations and mechanical impurities on corrosion processes is considered. The statistics of field pipeline accidents at three Rosneft Group companies was analyzed. Grouping was carried out on the basis of field data. The division of the data sample into groups of similar indicators allowed analyzing the existence of a relationship between cleaning and accident rate in order to subsequently assess the efficiency of in-line cleaning in each company of Rosneft Group. The results of laboratory research in the framework of studying the influence of corrosion products on the overall corrosion rate of metal are presented. In the course of the study, experiments were conducted with samples of two grades of steel for the efficiency of their cleaning from corrosion products, and a general assessment of the impact of in-line cleaning on the corrosion rate and accident rate of field pipelines was given.
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