Models of a closed rectangular reservoir and an infinite reservoir with dual porosity or permeability for the interpretation of well testing of wells operating with variable flow rates

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-1-46-51
Key words: hydrodynamic well testing, variable flow rate, dual porosity, dual permeability, closed rectangular formation, radial filtration, transient regime, pseudo-steady-state filtration
Authors: N.N. Dieva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); M.N. Kravchenko (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); I.V. Afanaskin A.I. Arhipov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); D.E. Pivovarov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); A.A. Kolevatov

Well testing is the most important tool for determining the filtration and capacity properties of formations, studying their geological structure and efficient management of oil field development. Traditional methods (the pressure build-up) require the stop of production, which reduces economic efficiency, especially in mature fields. The article proposes new models for well testing interpretation of wells operating with a variable flow rate. New approaches enable to conduct well testing without stopping wells, which minimize production losses and increase the profitability. A model of a closed rectangular formation with impermeable boundaries and a model of an infinite formation with dual porosity or permeability are considered. Various filtration regimes are described: radial, pseudo-steady-state in a closed formation, and transient processes in reservoirs with dual porosity and permeability. One aspect of the work is the application of the superposition principle to obtain a solution to the piezoconductivity equation under specified conditions and subsequent analysis of bottomhole pressure. This enables to interpret data highly accurate even under changing production rates. The results of such interpretation are compared with the results of classical interpretation using the best fit method. These approaches can be used in mature fields and in new ones, providing increased accuracy of formation property assessment, improved development control, and an increase in the economic efficiency of production due to the absence of losses during well testing and due to obtaining additional information on a larger number of wells. The application of these methods can become the basis for optimizing field operation in the long term.


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