The article describes approaches and features of conducting field tests of drag reducing agents (DRA) at oil and gas production facilities. Issues of limited use of laboratory tests in the process of admitting DRA to industrial use due to the limitations of laboratory facilities when simulating real conditions of pipeline transport are discussed. Recommendations are given for the formation of a program of field tests, collection of actual data on the pipeline, and performance of hydraulic calculations of the facility. Formulas for calculating the efficiency of the DRA, the coefficient of hydraulic resistance depending on the Reynolds number are given. The issue of key performance indicators is discussed, such as the availability and relevance of technical documentation for the reagent, compliance of quality indicators during incoming inspection, obtaining a technological effect in the form of a decrease in pressure or an increase in the pumping volume, stable operation of the dosing equipment, the absence of a negative impact on the pumping process and the quality characteristics of the transported hydrocarbon. Recommendations are given on the sequence of works at the facility, including the preparatory stage, reagent compatibility assessment, fixation of the basic pumping mode without DRA, sequential testing of dosages with filling the pipeline and maintaining a steady-state mode. Issues related to the commercial form of suspension DRA are touched upon - reagent preparation for testing, use of specialized reagent dosing units.
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