This article is devoted to the results of identification of perspective oil and gas formations in the Achimov section of the Pyreynoye gas condensate field (located in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District) obtained on the basis of complex reprocessing and interpretation of 3D and 2D common depth point method and well data. The seismic survey data of the Pyreynoye field were last processed and interpreted in 2011. Over the past period new processing technologies and methods for seismic data interpretation have appeared which make it possible to improve the quality and detail of seismic material and increase the reliability and accuracy of identifying perspective oil and gas formations in the geological section. Due to the reprocessing and interpretation of seismic data at the modern scientific and technical level, as well as using the latest approaches to studying the geological structure of sedimentary sections formed in the last decade, especially in area of clinoform deposits, the authors managed to increase the detail of the seismic correlation of the Achimov section of the field and identify a greater number of perspective formations in the fundormen and shelf parts of clinoforms. Involving the identified gas resources in development will help to extend the production period of the field and increase its economic profitability.
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