An Integral Efficiency System as a result of Rosneft’s Oil Company refining and petrochemical operational efficiency improvement decade

UDK: 658.011.46:665.62
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-64-67
Key words: operational efficiency, benchmarking, energy efficiency, efficiency improvement projects, continuous improvements
Authors: B.A. Fedyanin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); Yu.V. Shevelev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); D.A. Lenkevich (All-Russian Research Insitute of Oil Refining, RF, Moscow); M.Yu. Dubinsky (All-Russian Research Insitute of Oil Refining, RF, Moscow)

The article describes the approaches of Rosneft Oil Company to improve operational efficiency in oil refining and petrochemical enterprises. An experience of 10 years of developing a system to improve operational efficiency is considered. It includes such areas as a benchmarking, a set of methods for identifying improvement measures, forming comprehensive improvement programs and integrating them into the company's business processes, controlling the implementation of relevant projects, and a monitoring system for the effects of programs’ implementation. In fact, the benchmarking system enables to determine the potential for improving technological objects in terms of technological, energy and capacity utilization efficiency and operational availability. Based on the benchmarking results, long-term roadmaps are developed to improve the efficiency of enterprises. Currently, the approaches to improving operational efficiency are formalized in the form of the Integral Efficiency system, integrated into the company's existing business processes, such as business planning, project implementation and monitoring the effects of efficiency improvement measures. At the same time, through the 10 years of the operational efficiency improvement system operation at 24 oil refining and petrochemical business units in Oil Refining and Petrochemistry block of Rosneft Oil Company, more than 1500 projects have been implemented with a total economic effect of over 170 billion rubles.


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