Prospects for parametric standardization of mechanical safety of oil and gas facilities

UDK: 006.83:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-137-143
Key words: parametric regulation methods, oil and gas industry, construction, normative-legal regulation, state requirements
Authors: N.N. Gorban (CPC-R JSC, RF, Moscow) V.K. Ivanets (Chairman of Subcommetee 13 "Design and Construction of Trunk and Field Pipelines, Oil and Gas Storage Facilities", Technical commetee 465 "Construction", RF, Moscow) G.G. Vasilev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow) I.A. Leonovich (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The article analyzes the current situation in the normative-legal regulation of construction of oil and gas facilities. The ongoing reform of the methodology of standardization, associated with the transition from the methods of prescriptive regulation to parametric methods, requires the formation of a new vertical structure of the standardization system both at the mandatory (state), and at the voluntary level. The paper proposes a model of standardization system based on parametric methodology of regulation for oil and gas complex facilities. The relationship between the various levels of this system is established, and the potential advantages and disadvantages of such system are identified. The current model of construction standardization is analyzed, the peculiarities of the formation of the concept of «safety» in construction are revealed, the multivalue and uncertainty of the criterion of «risk» in construction regulation is shown. An approach to the formation of criterion requirements is proposed, and the dependence between the levels of functional and criterion requirements is shown. The example of calculating the wall thickness of oil and gas complex structures shows the inconsistency of the current system of normative and technical regulation of construction of various oil and gas facilities. The paper considers the potential application of some elements of the existing regulatory system as separate blocks of the proposed parametric model.


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