Directions for the development of geopolymer materials technologies for the production of grouting solutions and the disposal of industrial waste

UDK: 691.544:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-127-131
Key words: cement, compressive strength, geopolymer, fly ash, blast-furnace slag
Authors: R.R. Romanov (Gazprom Neft Companу Group, RF, Saint Petersburg; ITMO University, RF, Saint Petersburg) T.N. Nosenko (ITMO University, RF, Saint Petersburg)

Currently, most of the fields with easily accessible oil are depleted. The development of hard-to-recover reserves is fraught with difficulties, which requires careful preparation and study during the preliminary stages, one of which is the process of cementing and fixing wells. Improper selection of the components has negative consequences, among which are griffin formation, groundwater circulation and gas breakthroughs. Investigation on the search for alternative materials for the preparation of grouting solutions is also aimed at reducing the impact on ecology and environment. The use of geopolymers can be considered as one of the most promising technologies for the construction and anchoring of wells. The material received its official name in 1970 due to the works of French chemist-scientist Joseph Davidovich, according to which the composition is based on an aluminosilicate binder and an alkaline activator. The use of inorganic waste from industrial enterprises of the fuel and metallurgical industries is proposed as a base material. Such materials, when interacting with aqueous solutions of alkali metals, are able to form a strong and durable structure that is comparable or superior to similar Portland cement-based samples. The characteristics of clinker-based cement are conditioned by «natural» properties, which depend on the firing temperature, quality of raw materials, fineness of grinding and a number of other factors. The use of geopolymer composition can provide not only increased economic efficiency of the resulting product, but also environmental safety in combination with increased resistance to thermobaric conditions of the formation.


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