Possible mechanisms of formation of the energy activity of the organomineral matrix during sedimentation

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-102-106
Key words: terrigenous rock, carbonate rock, organo-mineral matrix, energy heterogeneity of the surface, pyrolysis, physico-chemical molecular interactions, hydrocarbons
Authors: N.N. Bogdanovich (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, RF, Moscow)

Laboratory experience of lithological, geochemical and physico-chemical studies of low-porous and weakly permeable sediments of the West Siberian and Volga-Ural petroleum provinces has shown that in sections of terrigenous and carbonate rocks of such formations as Achimovskaya, Frolovskaya, Bazhenovskaya, Abalakskaya, Domanikovskaya, Artinskaya, intervals are distinguished where organic matter forms a complex association with a siliceous-carbonate matrix. Such organo-mineral sites on the rock surface affect wettability, primary water saturation, electrical, elastic-strength and filtration-capacitance properties of rocks. A comparison of the results of geochemical and lithological studies of carbonate rocks of domanic deposits and the Bazhenov formation suggests that during sedimentation, the macrovariability of the crystallization process creates the possibility of immobilization of organic molecules into the structure of a carbonate crystal. When studying the physico-chemical activity of terrigenous deposits of the Achimov, Frolov, Bazhenov and Abalak formations, non-standard results were obtained: mosaic hydrophobization of the organomineral matrix and cation exchange activity of the silica surface were experimentally recorded. Such difficult-to-dissolve organomineral compounds can occur when isomorphic ions capable of completing the crystal lattice are adsorbed from a colloidal solution to the surface of solid particles. When crystallizing a mineral siliceous and/or carbonate matrix in the presence of organic matter, the system can use two mechanisms of interaction with molecules: immobilization into a mineral volume and adsorption onto a mineral surface. The influence on the properties of rocks of organo-mineral associations in the context of sediments should be considered when interpreting the materials of geophysical studies, formation exposing, when forming a field development system and assessing reserves.


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