Analysis of filtration processes in a well and practice of applying pills having bridging and strengthening properties

UDK: 622.244.441
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-25-31
Key words: drilling mud, filtration processes, drilling mud filtration losses, specific drilling mud filtration loss factors, filter cake, solids, pore size, micro-bridging agent, mud injection for wall packing, wellbore strengthening
Authors: E.Yu. Chernikov (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) T.R. Rakhimov (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) D.L. Kim (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) O.V. Grachev (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) D.V. Malyutin (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) T.N. Demidova (Tomsk oil and gas research and development design institute JSC, RF, Tomsk) S.A. Kotelnikov (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow)

The article is devoted to studying filtration processes of the drilling mud when developing oil wells at the Western Siberia fields. Previously, filtration logging was used as the filtration processes assessment to delineate the permeable beds, while now filtration processes are being assessed for the whole of a well to regulate the required volumes of drilling muds and the flow rate of chemicals. This work is biased towards to the effect of filtration processes on stability of the well walls. Depending on the configuration of a drilling rig, the options for assessing filtration processes are demonstrated both across the well in general, and by drilling intervals. The examples for assessment of the same filtration with different specific loss factors are provided; recommendations for the use of these factors are given. With regards to the studied field, the intervals with increased filtration are delineated, which coincide with the formations traditionally being the foci characterized by high collapse risks. This coincidence allowed for establishing the correlation between the well walls stability loss and filtration processes. In addition, it was determined that filtration continues after achieving the target bottom hole level, therewith the filtration intensity of the drilling mud during non-deepening works was consistent with the filtration intensity during percussing. In order to explain this effect, the drilling mud filtration hypothesis was formulated, also for the performance of non-deepening works. To test this hypothesis, the laboratory studies were carried out. Based on the obtained results the measures were developed and the pilot tests were carried out successfully.


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