The main uncertainties in the geological modeling of a reservoir with a complex structure of a void space

UDK: 550.8.072
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-9-7-12
Key words: 3D geological modeling, carbonate reservoir, complex structure of the void space, uncertainties
Authors: T.Yu. Alferova (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) A.A. Grebenyuk (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) A.A. Trunova (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) O.O. Fadeeva (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) E.E. Troitskaya (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) A.A. Zelenaya (RN-BVK LLC, RF, Moscow) N.N. Chikina (RN-BVK LLC, RF, Moscow)

Nowadays due to the depletion of hydrocarbon reserves, special attention is paid to complex carbonate reservoirs. For the correct assessment of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves in such reservoirs, a highly detailed geological model is used. This article presents geological modeling results of a complex carbonate reservoir. The target object is characterized by extremely high lateral and vertical heterogeneity: unstable reservoir properties, lithological variability and the complex structure of a void space, which includes pores, fractures and vugs. In order to minimize geological modeling uncertainties, an integrated analysis of all available geological and geophysical data was used in the work. This data includes research results of: outcrops, seismic survey, standard well logging, сross-dipole acoustic logging, formation micro scanning, well testing, mud logging, production logging tests and core sampling. This detailed and comprehensive analysis has helped integrate the entire volume of different scale data, therefore providing a more complete understanding of the distribution patterns of fluid flow and reservoir properties across different reservoir types. The proposed approach has enabled the creation of a geological model, which can replicate actual oil production data. Such results indicate that the final geological model accurately represents the object’s properties, and can be used to forecast oil production calculations of a complex carbonate reservoir.


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