Advantages and disadvantages of thermal enhanced oil recovery methods based on the results of their application at the fields of Bashkortostan

UDK: 622.276.652
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-94-97
Key words: thermal enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR), thermal fringe, thermal energy, wet in-situ combustion, thermal flooding, heating agent, wells
Authors: E.V. Lozin (ООО «РН-БашНИПИнефть», ОГ ПАО «НК «Роснефть»)

The results of pilot testing of wet in-situ combustion at Arlanskoye and thermal flooding at the Voyadinsky oil fields of Bashkortostan are considered in the article. These tests were carried out at the end of the last century and were accompanied by a complex of geological, field, hydrodynamic and special borehole studies and analysis of the data obtained. For deep-lying (below 1500 m) productive terrigenous layers of these oil fields, the unsuitability of the wet in-situ combustion process has been established due to a number of serious complications. The effect of advancing the combustion front along the most permeable layers in a geologically heterogeneous porous permeable medium is aggravated. The resulting sulfuric acid gases cause rapid corrosion of tubing, casing pipes, pipelines and field equipment which are technologically and economically unprofitable. The technology of introducing a heating agent into the reservoir (thermal flooding) demonstrates noticeable potential, but its application is limited by the limits of profitability of the process of creating a reservoir heat source. The process is accompanied by heat loss, despite the special lining of tubing through which the heating agent was fed into the formation. The effect of rising columns at the wellhead from thermal expansion is revealed, a continuous thermal fringe in the reservoir system has not been obtained. Based on the geoisotherm map, local fringes of heated water formed around the formed foci of heating agent, but the process remained unexplored. The main problem with thermal enhanced oil recovery methods is the creation of a reservoir source of thermal energy, for which it is necessary to burn part of the oil contained in the reservoir. This problem has found a rational solution in the domestic technology of in-situ combustion, but it turned out to be untenable for sulfurous oil deposits. For the technology of introducing a heating agent into the reservoir, the economic limit is the permissible volume of oil (gas) burned on the surface.


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