Russian shock-resistant accelerometer for use in downhole equipment

UDK: 622.244.4.06
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-7-83-88
Key words: quartz accelerometer, rotary-controlled system, measure while drilling, equipment for well logging
Authors: О.V. Zhdaneev (Yugra University, RF, Khanty-Mansiysk; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, RF, Moscow; Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, RF, Moscow), P.V. Bravkov (Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of Russia, RF, Moscow), A.V. Zaytsev (Russian Energy Agency, Ministry of Energy of Russia, RF, Moscow), A.K. Shadt (Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company PJSC, RF, Perm)

To address a wide range of tasks in the fuel and energy sector of Russia, including the drilling of high-output oil and gas wells, domestically produced shock-resistant accelerometers are required. Equipment for drilling directional wells includes an inclinometer sensor capable of operating directly in downhole conditions, where it is simultaneously exposed to temperatures up to 125°C, shock loads up to 1000g with a shock pulse duration of up to 0.5 milliseconds, and vibrations up to 30g. The article presents a new direction for the Russian instrumentation industry – the development and serial production of high-temperature, shock-resistant compensatory accelerometers. For this purpose, an optimal architecture for the bottomhole assembly (BHA) was developed, in which measurement modules are integrated into a single well-measuring high-tech complex. A distinguishing feature of this complex is the application of modern inter-module data exchange protocols via a data bus. The data bus, along with specialized low-level software, allows the combination of BHA configurations according to the tasks at hand during the drilling of oil and gas wells. A methodology for determining the optimal number of accelerometers used in the configurations has been developed, industry-specific technical requirements have been elaborated, and the potential of the Russian market for accelerometers for well equipment has been assessed. During the research and development process, special attention was paid to the shock resistance of the accelerometer. Consequently, a technology for welding all pendulum assembly nodes was developed, and an axial rod was applied to minimize the impact of shock loads on the quartz pendulum, thus limiting cross movements.


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