Field development system based on a controlled change in the stress-strain state of the reservoir with the purpose of formation of transverse hydraulic fracturing cracks

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-78-82
Key words: hard to recover reserves, oil field development system, oil recovery factor, hydraulic fracturing, geomechanics, regional stress
Authors: D.R. Mulyukov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

Due to the deteriorating quality of hydrocarbon reserves, new methods of oil fields development are required. The paper considers a field development system based on control of the stress-strain state of the formation. This development system combines the advantages of using horizontal wells with fractures oriented across the horizontal wellbore for fluid production, and horizontal wells with longitudinal fractures for injection of displacement agent. The required fracture orientation is achieved by controlling the stress state of the formation. The mechanism that allows managing the direction of hydraulic fracturing cracks is based on the influence of the pore pressure gradient on the local stress-strain state of the rock mass. The paper presents a method for reversing a fracture, based on a controlled change in the stress-strain state of the formation, determining the point and direction of fracture initiation from the wellbore with a system of perforations, as well as solving the problem associated with the growth trajectory of a hydraulic fracture. A methodology for selecting the optimal development system taking into account variations in technological parameters is described. Calculations of various development system options were carried out in a hydrodynamic simulator, and a technical and economic assessment was performed. The choice was made taking into account maximizing the oil recovery factor and net present value. It has been established that the oil recovery factor for a development system with transverse fractures is 9% higher than for a development system with longitudinal fractures. The risks that may arise when implementing a development system with transverse cracks are considered. It is shown that the development system with transverse cracks demonstrates greater technical and economic performance than the development system with longitudinal cracks, despite the increase in the cost of constructing a production well by 14%.


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