Structural and formation complexes and features of the formation of the South Turgay basin

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-6-25-30
Key words: South Turgay basin, Aryskum trough, sediments, Upper Paleozoic, trap, genesis of rifts, stage of development, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon potential
Authors: D.K. Azhgaliev (Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after Safy Utebayev, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Atyrau), G.B. Amangeldieva (Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda), A.B. Demeuova (Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda)

The article presents refined information on the composition and basic structural-formation complexes of sediments in the section of the South Turgay sedimentary basin for the assessment of hydrocarbon potential. Regional and tectonic characteristics are given, taking into account the latest data on the oil and gas potential and the confinement of hydrocarbon deposits to linear tectonic elements (graben-synclines and horst-anticlines). Pre-rift Upper Paleozoic, rift Jurassic and post-rift platform structural and formation complexes are substantiated, as well as their connections with the geodynamic features of the development of the territory of the Turgay mega trough (as part of the South Turgay and North Turgay basins). The role and influence of rifting processes and Mesozoic rifting on the formation of large blocks and the placement of oil and gas accumulations and of potential oil and gas traps are indicated. Mesozoic rifting was characterized by stratigraphic sliding and an increase in the depth (intensity) of development in the direction from north to south. As a result, in the southern part of the territory, a powerful deflection is timed to the Jurassic stage of sedimentation, with which all the main oil and gas-containing sediment complexes are associated. The mechanisms of probable accumulation and preservation of hydrocarbon deposits are evaluated. Based on the results of the analysis and generalization of the data, the main directions of prospecting work associated with a more detailed study of the lower part of the section (basement and Upper Paleozoic strata), along with relatively more studied deposits of the rift (Jurassic) and post-rift (Cretaceous horizons) accumulation stage are identified. For the prospecting of new oil and gas deposits, the promising territory in the northern direction from the Aryskum trough within the strip of its junction with the Mynbulak saddle and further in the Zhylanshik trough is of exploration interest.


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