To the question of reducing carbon dioxide emissions at the facilities of Samaraneftegas JSC

UDK: 622.276:546.26:630
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-2-116-119
Key words: associated petroleum gas (APG), gas flaring, emission and absorption of carbon dioxide, economic and environmental parameters of gas utilization methods, forests of the Samara region
Authors: G.G. Gilaev (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Krasnodar), O.V. Gladunov (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara), Gen.G. Gilaev (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara)

The article is devoted to the issues of involving Russian oil and gas producing enterprises in the climate agenda in terms of environmental protection within the framework of the overall energy strategy of Russian Federation and the implementation of the goals of the Paris Agreement, which oblige oil industry to look for ways to reduce the carbon footprint when fields developing and operating and prerequisites for achieving a clean carbon neutrality in the future until 2050. The inconsistency and ambiguity of the situation is noted when the decarbonization procedure to achieve neutrality conditions can formally be aimed at reducing hydrocarbon production, which in relation to the richest reserves of these energy resources in Russia cannot be considered acceptable. On this basis, authors proposed to look for a solution by comparing methods for utilizing associated petroleum gas (APG) together with expanding the absorption capacity of the surrounding ecosystems. The article consistently examines the economic and environmental aspects of the APG utilization using the example of the volumes of gas flared at the oil and gas facilities of Samaraneftegas JSC. Changes in the ratio of emission and sink (absorption) of carbon dioxide according to APG utilization options are presented in comparison with the absorptive capacity of forests in the Samara region under various assessment scenarios. Two main directions have been identified for the Samara region: 1) reorganization of Samaraneftegas JSC production activities in technical and technological terms in order to find and apply measures to reduce carbone dioxide emissions, and 2) activities aimed at maintaining and developing natural ecosystems which can absorbing greenhouse gas emissions.


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