New approaches to rapid performance evaluation of wells in heterogeneous reservoirs

UDK: 622.276.346
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-10-61-67
Key words: inhomogeneity, hydrodynamics, filtration equation
Authors: E.V. Yudin (Gazpromneft STC LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg), I.O. Poroshin (Nedra LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg), I.E. Gruzdev (Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, RF, Saint Petersburg), N.S. Markov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

When analyzing well performance, resource-intensive hydrodynamic models are often used, the alternative to which are simple analytical models. To build an accurate hydrodynamic model, numerical calculations require correct initial data, which may not be available, and large computing power, so the use of such a model is not always justified. On the other hand, the analytical approach, having a high speed of calculation, does not consider a few parameters of the system under study. In the simplest cases, a homogeneous isotropic reservoir with single-phase filtration is considered. The Green's function for an infinite flat homogeneous isotropic reservoir can be given as an example of solving a homogeneous problem. This approach is not always acceptable from the point of view of practical application; at least it is necessary to model a finite heterogeneous reservoir. There is also a class of inverse problems of well hydrodynamic studies, dynamics adaptation and similar tasks, where both high speed of calculations and consideration of many peculiarities of the considered domain are required, but existing commercial software and analytical approaches cannot always satisfy these conditions for the reasons mentioned above.

The article consider an approach that incorporates the advantages of both numerical and analytical approaches in modeling filtration and well performance. The idea is to numerically search for a correction term to the simplest analytical models of wells and fractures to account for the inhomogeneity of the filtration region. The correction term includes the physical and capacitive properties of the formation and considers the boundary conditions, which allows us to significantly accelerate complex hydrodynamic calculations. Based on this approach, a program is implemented that promptly calculates well productivity in heterogeneous formations and calculates the matrix of mutual productivities to evaluate well performance.


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