Interpretating support for seismic data processing with continuous quantitative quality control

UDK: 550.834.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-9-98-101
Key words: seismic data processing, supervising, quantitative control, interpretating support, correlation coefficient
Authors: S.V. Gorbachev (RN-Shelf-Arctic LLC, RF, Moscow), A.Yu. Nikulnikov (RN-Shelf-Arctic LLC, RF, Moscow), R.V. Vekshin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

Seismic data processing is an important stage of exploration works. With modern technologies, it is possible to solve many geological problems leveling shortcomings of field acquisition techniques and raw data quality. The use of advanced algorithms can significantly improve seismic processing quality and extract additional geological information from the recorded data. At the same time, an incorrect application of processing procedures can lead to a significant quality reduction and not revealing the full seismic data potential. In many cases, such situation occurs from performing only a qualitative (visual) assessment of wave field changes and its amplitude-frequency and phase characteristics. The comprehensive and objective control of processing technique in general and specific procedures application proved its extreme importance for deriving a quality output. A powerful tool here is an attribute-based quantitative analysis of seismic data quality during the entire processing cycle. In this paper, the authors show an integrated approach based on the quantitative quality control of individual procedures and interpretative support of data processing. On the example of the Pechora Sea project with processing seismic data from different-type recording equipment (bottom and towed streamers), the authors proved the effectiveness of an integrated approach to detailed control and interpretive support. The paper describes the key geological features of the area, 3D seismic acquisition parameters and the processing graph, which allowed obtaining a combined data array for subsequent complex geological and geophysical interpretation. The impact of quality control parameters changes was assessed both at various work stages and in comparison with materials of vintage data processing.


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