Influence of faulting tectonics on the position of rocks of the vendian-cambrian complex in the deposits of the Nepsk-Botuoba anteclise and Pre-Patom tough of Eastern Siberia. Part 1

UDK: 550.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-8-24-29
Key words: methodological techniques, detailed well-log correlation, sequential paleoprofiling, postdepositional faults, downthrow, carbonate deposits, salt deposits, sills and dikes
Authors: I.S. Gutman (IPNE LLC, RF, Moscow), S.A. Rudnev (IPNE LLC, RF, Moscow), А.А. Obgolts (IPNE LLC, RF, Moscow)

The development of hydrocarbon deposits in the Eastern Siberian mega-province is largely determined by the need to replenish the oil and gas resource base of the Russian Federation. In this case a detailed geological study of the fields located on the territory of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise and the Pre-Patom trough are mostly relevant, in connection with the commissioning of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipelines.

It is known that sediment sections within the Siberian Platform are complex geological formations, which is due to the combination of fault-block tectonics with numerous halogen bodies, as well as trap magmatism. At the same time, the identification of similarities and differences in fault-block tectonics at the deposits of adjacent tectonic structures is of the greatest interest.

In this article consisting of two parts the similarities and fundamental differences in fault tectonics of the objects under consideration are shown on the basis of sequential paleoprofiling while performing a detailed well-log correlation.

In the first part it is shown how the Cambrian halogen-carbonate formations were block-formed along depositional faults with an amplitude of up to 400 meters using the example of the Markovskoye  field, on the basis of sequential paleoprofiling. Subsequently, as a result of «keyboard» diving there was an alignment of the previously disturbed productive layers of the Osinsky horizon.

In turn at the Yarakta deposit under high pressure and temperatures exceeding 1000°C faults became possible ways for subvertical intrusion of trap magmatism into sedimentary formations in the form of dikes and by subhorizontal intrusion into thin intersalt formations in the form of sills.



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