The results of field tests of the gel-forming water control technology based on the AC-CSE-1313 grade A reagent at the White Tiger field

UDK: 6252.276.64
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-39-43
Key words: enhanced oil recovery, the White Tiger field, water control technology, the AC-CSE-1313 grade A gel-forming reagent, redistribution of filtration flows, additional oil production
Authors: Nguyen Van Thiet (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), Ho Nam Chung (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), Hoang Van Minh (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), A.A. Fatkullin (Multifunctional Company ChemServiceEngineering LLC, RF, Moscow), I.R. Volgin (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Hanoi), Le Van Cong (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Hanoi)

The results of field tests of the water control technology based on the gel-forming reagent AC-CSE-1313 grade A at injection wells 1X and 2X of the Lower Miocene deposits of the White Tiger field are considered. The gel-forming system includes the reagent AC-CSE-1313 grade A and an acid composition, which, when interacting, form a visco-plastic gel screen under reservoir conditions (with a viscosity of up to 1200 mPa·s). To adapt the technology to the reservoir conditions of the field, testing of working compositions was performed, which confirmed the compliance of the technology with the declared characteristics – the formation of a resistant, durable gel stable under reservoir conditions for at least 4 months, characterized by a selective effect – redistribution of filtration flows from a high-permeable to a low–permeable core sample, and also allowed to select the optimal ratio of the AC-CSE-1313-A and acid composition for well treatment. Work on the AS-CSE-1313 grade A technology at wells 1X and 2X of the White Tiger field was carried out in May 2021. The volume of reagent injection into each well was 72 and 95 m3 at a concentration of AC-CSE-1313-A and acid 6&6% and 5&5%, respectively. Changes in the performance of wells after treatment – an increase in injection pressure, a decrease of injection rate – indicate the formation of a gel screen in the downhole zone, contributing to the redistribution of filtration flows in the reservoir. The total additional oil production at the two sites on 01.11.2021 amounted to 4067 tons. The results obtained indicate the prospects of the AC-CSE-1313 water control technology for the conditions of the Lower Miocene deposit of the White Tiger field. It is planned to continue work on this technology, while considering the use of a modified single–component form of the reagent – AC-CSE-1313 grade B (SPA-Well), without the use of liquid hydrochloric acid.


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