Taxonometry as a key success factor of oil producer strategy

UDK: 57.06:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-8-36-39
Key words: strategy, taxonometry, management, oil producing enterprise
Authors: T.N. Ivanova (Tchaikovsky Brahch of Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

Improving oil producing enterprise management processes through strategic management is regarded. New structure of strategic management of an oil enterprise is proposed. It is introduced a foreign economic activity strategy, environmental and safety strategies, energy efficiency and energy saving strategies in real time. The proposed real-time strategic management structure is focused on continuous improvement, in accordance with the current requirements of sustainable development. For the first time real-time strategic taxonometry has been created, which allows to instantly respond to changes in the external and internal environment, quickly make technical, technological or organizational decisions when managing equipment, well stock, , as well as during drilling and operation of wells. Regardless of which strategy an operation or action belongs to, it is possible to quicly respond to changes in the external and internal environment. For example, by monitoring and measuring processes or main characteristics of production operations in real time at any depth of the well, it is possible to determine energy performance in relation to the implementation of energy policy and the achievement of energy goals, or to automate the process of making technological decisions for the operation of mechanized well stock. The message about the results of digital technologies is sent to top managers, who can take operational control of technical, technological or organizational measures during drilling and well operation. In 2022, 560 technical, technological and organizational measures were carried out in all fields of Udmurtneft PJSC, the annual production amounted to 60% of the total oil production in the Udmurt Republic.


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