Using educational digital models for teaching students of oil and gas universities

UDK: 004:378.031.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-137-141
Key words: educational digital model, educational application, automated knowledge testing tools, working profession, oil and gas production operator
Authors: E.V. Shelyago (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow) P.V. Pyatibratov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow) N.D. Shelyago (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The current paper presents a brief retrospective of digital learning tools implementation at Gubkin University. Conducting summer internships is one of the integral parts of university education. It involves obtaining a working profession and the subsequent consolidation of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in oil and gas production enterprises. Due to various reasons, the quality of educational and testing materials provided for the internships may vary even within the same university, which negatively affects students’ mastery of the hands-on experience. Within the framework of this paper the authors propose a novel solution, the digital educational models of equipment which became the basis of the new educational application «Practical work for a student of the Oil and Gas Field Development Faculty». The key difference between a «digital educational model» and a digital 3D model of a piece of equipment is the presence of training scenarios that allow students to study the equipment parts, as well as the actions of an employee using this equipment. Moreover, the training scenarios include knowledge examination tools with equipment parts nomenclature testing and its operation or maintenance sequence testing. The paper shows several training scenarios in the educational application that was created as a web page, which provides cross-platform access for PC and mobile devices.


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