Comprehensive system for assessing the construction readiness of power grid facilities and selecting mobile solutions in a information model RN-KIN

UDK: 681.518:622.276.012:621.311
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-8-132-136
Key words: optimal solutions, power supply schemes, digital information model, ground infrastructure, power grid facilities (PGF), mobile installations, conceptual design, automation, IT solution
Authors: optimal solutions, power supply schemes, digital information model, ground infrastructure, power grid facilities (PGF), mobile installations, conceptual design, automation, IT solution

The article discusses the use of a digital information model of ground infrastructure for monitoring and optimizing the efficiency of field infrastructure. The developed module «Analysis of power grid facilities (PGF) Readiness» within the framework of the corporate information system «RN-KIN» is described to automate the identification of objects that are lagging behind the required commissioning period and the selection of optimal power supply schemes. The application of the module at various stages of the project life cycle is considered, including the analysis of the electrical grid, the formation of the concept and selection of mobile installations, as well as the introduction of the adopted concept into the digital information model. Within the framework of the module, the mobile power supply schemes are compared and selected: temporary energy centers - diesel generator sets or energy centers using associated gas, mobile overhead lines, mobile substations. In the developed module, the selection of mobile solutions is carried out on the basis of electrical calculations and economic assessment. All calculation and selection results are downloaded from the module in the form of ready-made recommendations and a normal network electrical connection diagram. The developed digital solution will improve the efficiency and quality of projects in the field of conceptual design and long-term planning of onshore infrastructure of the field. The developed methodology and module «Analysis of PGF readiness» were tested on the example of one of the largest subsidiaries of Rosneft. It is planned to widely introduce the module in the company’s mining companies soon.


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