Developing the concept of a robotic technological complex for well servicing and workover

UDK: 621.865.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-1-82-85
Key words: robotic technological complex (RTC), RTC concept, automation, well repair, descent-lifting operations, technological process, increased efficiency
Authors: K.O. Ilin (RN−BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), N.N. Kraevskiy (RN−BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), O.A. Gavrilova (RN−BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

At the present stage of development of the oil and gas industry, the most important is the development of technologies for the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials. It is known that well equipment wears out from long-term operation, as a result of which it is subject to repair. For the repair and maintenance of such equipment, descent and lifting operations of pumping and compressor pipes or steel drill pipes are carried out. It is known that it is necessary to ensure smooth running when performing descent-lifting operations, to increase their productivity, to reduce the likelihood of errors due to the influence of the human factor. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use automation and robotization tools for technological operations. The key direction in the robotization of technological processes is the transition from the use of individual robotic manipulators to robotic technological complexes. When creating such RTCs, it is necessary to consider the robot in connection with the subsystems of transportation, maintenance, control, etc. Thus, industrial robots are the basis of robotic technological complexes, the important features of which are the flexibility of reconfiguration and the possibility of continuous operation. This is a necessary condition for the introduction of integrated automation of technological processes. The robotization of preparatory and final, descent and lifting and other operations when performing major well repairs provides ample opportunities to reduce the risk of emergency situations, as well as to increase the economic efficiency of production processes.

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