Problems of the development of oil deposits of the Frasnian single reefs in the Orenburg region

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-10-64-68
Key words: Frasnian single reef, complex geological structure, two-reagent method of elimination of losses, complex type of reservoir, calculation of reserves, lithological-facies heterogeneity, development indicators, integrated approach
Authors: V.V. Kuzmina (SamaraNIPInef LLC, RF, Samara), Yu.A. Kotenyov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The article discusses the features of an integrated approach to the study of single reef deposits on the example of the Dfr2 reservoir of the Frasnian single reefs of the Volostnovsky license area of the Orenburg region. It is shown that the use of an integrated approach makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the single reefs development. According to numerous studies, the facies structure of reef reservoirs has been established, as well as the complex structure of the void space, which affects the choice of a rational method for exploration and development of oil deposits in these reservoirs. Already at the drilling stage, there are complications associated with the complex structure of the pore space of the productive deposit Dfr2 and the mixed type of a single reef reservoir. Various methods of eliminating complications did not lead to positive results, probably due to structural features. Also, at the stage of assessing oil reserves in reef reservoirs, a number of problems arise related to the calculation methods. The standard technique for assessing the geological reserves of Frasnian deposits of single reefs leads to an underestimation of the initial geological oil reserves, to an underestimation of the reservoir characteristics of reservoirs by geophysical studies of wells. This is confirmed by additional studies involving laboratory core tomography data for a productive formation, as well as experimental field data. The article also provides an assessment of the lithological - facies heterogeneity of the pay zone of a single reef reservoir. An array of well data was processed, where the criteria for geological and production characteristics were identified for the Dfr2 reservoir by facies reef zones. The influence of facies zoning on the development indicators for the wells of the Volostnovsky license area has been established.

The results of the research can be applied to other similar fields (deposits) for a more efficient development of reef reservoirs.


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