Features of production geophysical and hydrodynamic research of horizontal multilateral wells in the fields Rosneft Oil Company

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-7-94-98
Key words: multilateral horizontal wells, field geophysical survey, hydrodynamic research, well survey, pressure build-up, Y-tool
Authors: A.A. Zernin (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), K.A. Makarova (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.I. Tyulkova (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The article presents an analysis of the conducted hydrodynamic and field geophysical survey as of 09/01/2020 multilateral horizontal wells within the perimeter of Rosneft Oil Company. The main problems in conducting field geophysical survey and interpreting its results are considered: a decrease in the information content of research, difficulties in specifying the zone of water inflow, low coverage of the fund's research. In order to increase the information content and increase the coverage of production logging, the article describes the positive experience of using Y-tool equipment and alternative methods (a device for interval monitoring of the inflow and fiber-optic pressure, temperature and pressure sensors). In the case of multiphase flow stratification in the horizontal section of the well, it is recommended to use a flow meter with distributed propellers over the well section to obtain reliable information. The main problems of well testing in the multilateral horizontal wells were identified: low quality of interpretation assessment, low coverage of studies, high production losses. To increase the reliability of studies, it was proposed to tune the models for the entire production history (increasing the accuracy of estimating permeability and skin factor). With high-quality primary data (daily measurements of pressure and well flow rate), it is recommended to carry out production data analysis, which allows obtaining well and reservoir parameters without long shutdowns, and therefore increasing the coverage of the research fund. Based on the analysis results, two sets of studies (extended and optimal) were proposed for wells during pilot testing and commercial production, which can reduce oil losses without losing information content.


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