Petrological separation and interwell correlation of volcanogenic rocks

UDK: 552.3:550.832
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-6-38-42
Key words: volcanogenic rocks, petrological separation, interwell correlation, well logging
Authors: S.V. Dobryden (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen), V.A. Kornev (Industrial university of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen), T.V. Semenova (Industrial university of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen)

The article considers the peculiarities of the geological structure volcanogenic-sedimentary sequence of the northeastern framing of the Krasnoleninsky arch. Example of petrological separation and interwell correlation volcanogenic rocks based on well logging data with the results of core and seismic researches is shown. Most of the wells are represented by an alternation effusive, the lavoclastic, pyroclastic volcanic rocks of acid composition, is less often marked out alternation of volcanic rocks of acid composition from tuffite, volcanogenic-sedimentary and sedimentary rocks, is rarer with the basic and average volcanic rocks. The greatest variety of rock types characterize wells drilled within structural raisings. In them the transformed lavas, lavoclastic rocks, tufa with dimension of detrital material from pelitic to agglomerate are developed. In the wells drilled within lowered structural zones the prevalence of lavas with the subordinated quantity the lavoclastic of formations and the pelitic tufa is noted.

Petrological separation of volcanogenic-sedimentary sequence is executed by means of multidimensional classification of geophysical parameters: natural radioactivity, hydrogen index, density, sonic interval transit time, electrical resistance by method of the cluster analysis. For a clustering the method of hierarchical classification (Ward's method) allowing to reveal ordered structure (hierarchy) of data array was used. Similar objects united in groups (clusters) passing at further association into larger groups that allowed to determine optimum number of clusters on the basis of the analysis of process of group. The made cluster analysis with attraction of the petrographic description of a core allowed to identify 8 petrologic types: effusive of acid composition of massive texture, their perlite and loosened differences. Vulkanoclastic rocks; the transformed volcanogenic rocks of acid composition with the increased content of post-magmatic minerals with a density are higher and lower than at rock-forming; volcanogenic-sedimentary, sedimentary-volcanogenic and sedimentary rocks; weathering crust deposits. Interwell correlation of identified rock types was carried out taking into account the borders established by results of seismic researches. Results of Interwell correlation can be considered at creation of geological, hydrodynamic models and the forecast of efficiency rocks of volcanogenic-sedimentary sequence.


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