First results of work on concept of field test site with public access Bazhen

UDK: 622.276.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-3-22-27
Key words: the Bazhenov formation, new technologies, field tests, test infrastructure, test results acknowledgement
Authors: N.N. Andreeva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.V. Strizhnev (Technological Center Bazhen LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), Yu.V. Alekseev (Technological Center Bazhen LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The Russian experience in the development of deposits of the Bazhenov Formation exceeds 50 years. Geological exploration work (geological exploration) at the Bazhenov formation has always been focused only on the exploration and development of natural highly productive zones. However, the “Shale Revolution” in the USA has proved the efficiency of technologies for formation of artificial permeability by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the issue of involving entire resource potential of similar formations in the development. Due to large-scale scientific project for the study of the Bazhenov formation, which was carried out by a consortium of contractors from leading scientific educational centers of Russia, it was established that unique technological approaches are needed to develop less productive zones of the formation. The production of domestic industrial equipment for the development of the Bazhenov formation and the use of a wide range of related technologies are impossible without full-scale tests in conditions similar to field ones. The Bazhen test site at the Palyanovsky license area is considered as a tool for testing and distribution of equipment and technologies for the development of deposits of the Bazhenov formation. The article contains the objectives of the project on creation of a test site with public access, the achieving of which will allow reaching a cost-effective Ultimate Drilling Cost (UDC). The article also demonstrates the first results of work on the concept of the public access field test site Bazhen. The paper highlights the most important conclusions from each section of the concept. The project team has calculated the optimum well Ultimate Drilling Cost (UDC) of the Bazhenov formation deposit development for new areas without existing infrastructure, efficient tools for obtaining high-quality test results of technologies and equipment were identified.


1. URL: (data obrashcheniya 15.01.2019). Tekst: elektronnyy.

2. URL:

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