Current state and prospects of domestic oil field services market development

UDK: 338.23:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-6-9-13
Key words: oil service, technologies, oil production, quality, oil and gas companies, partnership, security, import substitution, import dependence
Authors: O.V. Andrukhova (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta), S.V. Razmanova (Ukhta Branch Office of Gazprom VNIIGAZ, RF, Ukhta)

The article deals with the issues of the competitive market creation of oil field service, engineering and construction services, including the provision of the uniform transparent pricing policy for these services and favorable conditions for development of the Russian independent service companies. The need of the domestic competitive market creation of oil service for the purpose to decrease on imports of the «upstream» segment is proved. The assessment of the degree of dependence on the foreign equipment and technologies is given, including in the implementation of various types projects of oil and gas fields. Illustrating data are provided too. The authors characterize the influence of the foreign oil field services companies’ branches on functioning of Russian oil industry from energy and economic security of the country positions. Parallel import issues are obtained, assessment of domestic oil service development by profile state governments is given, and issues in the field of quality of the provided services in the oil production segment are covered. Along with the experience of foreign countries, the measures of state support of oil field services in the development of state standards and technical regulations in the field of equipment and technology are given and elimination of imperfections in the normative support of oilfield services, more exactly the definition of legal requirements for oil service contractors. Institutional prerequisites of transformation from expert and raw orientation of domestic economy to scientific and technological are defined.


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