Digital oilfield development experience based on interactive petrocup sessions

UDK: 331.363:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-3-28-34
Key words: digital oilfield, petroleum field development planning, online training, interactive training, petroleum simulator
Authors: A.M. Aslanyan (Nafta College, RF, Kazan)

The paper provides an overview of the accumulated experience in development of digital oilfields synthesized by Nafta College specialists based on complex PolyPlan asset simulator during the multi-year program of PetroCup interactive tournaments. Digital oilfields were developed by professional multidisciplinary teams of 8-10 people from various petroleum organizations in various countries over the last few years. A summary of more than 20 oil companies, more than 10 oilfield service companies and 10 academic and research institutions are presented. The PetroCup tournaments account the specifics of team structure, digital reserves structure and regional economics. Despite this fact some statistical metrics provide a clear idea of the dominant trends in oilfield development strategies, including effective and ineffective ones. The results may attract interest of petroleum asset management to assess the efficiency of corporate strategies and policies in field development planning and well & reservoir management and eventually increase the effectiveness of these strategies. The provided statistics is also useful for oil and gas companies managers to assess the range, perspectives and value of the market services. The Petrocup statistics will be also useful to training centers and universities as indicator of upstream trends and maintain the right focus of petroleum engineering curriculums.


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