Energy system safety, reliability and integrity management model

UDK: 621.311.078
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-138-143
Key words: safety, reliability, integrity, system operation, energy system, adverse impacts, planning optimization, efficiency assessment
Authors: I.Yu. Lisin (Caspian Pipeline Consortium-R JSC, RF, Moscow), S.V. Ganaga (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.M. Korolenok (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), Yu.V. Kolotilov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

One of the main goals that any operator of a major energy system aims to achieve is maintaining the system’s safety, reliability and integrity at the required level. The operators are concerned with providing safe and reliable supplies of hydrocarbon resources to the customers without causing an adverse impact on the personnel, community, customers or natural environment.

This paper is a short summary of the methodology framework for the energy system safety, reliability and integrity management model when a risk-based analysis approach is used. The methodology of a risk-oriented approach is based on the models used for evaluation and prediction of the technical condition of the facilities composing the energy system, analysis of man-made risk during operation, identifying the facilities to be repaired and the methods of repairs, optimization of planning and performance evaluation. With risk-oriented approach, the scope of repair activities at the energy system facilities is determined with consideration for additional information: basing on the results of evaluation of the technical condition and risk – analysis the reliability indicators are determined and failure effects evaluation is run. Routine and remedial maintenance program is optimized by implementing an iterative procedure, which includes the evaluation of the effects that maintenance and repairs will have on the risk indicators, evaluation of the risk indicators mitigation, and selection of the best maintenance and repairs case in terms of the performance criterion.

This approach uses more data, but it allows an operator to use more comprehensive methods of analysis and achieve greater flexibility in order to make better informed decisions when determining the intervals of time between diagnostic inspections, and use instruments, tools and risk mitigation methods.


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