Effect of anti-turbulent additives on the flow of hydrocarbon fluids at low temperatures

UDK: 622.692.4.01 : 532.542.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-3-92-96
Key words: oil, turbulence, temperature, viscosity, polymer
Authors: V.N. Manzhay (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Tomsk)

Theoretical and experimental investigations of the effect of temperature on the rate of turbulent flow of hydrocarbon fluids with polymer additives are conducted. The relevance of such studies is due to the fact that anti-turbulent additives for oil pumping through pipelines are used now in parts of the world with hot or moderate climate. Hence, the actual problem is the theoretical and experimental justification for the use of such additives in zones with low average yearly temperatures, for example, in the Arctic. It is found out that a decrease in the flow temperature favorably affects the technological effectiveness of anti-turbulent additives increasing the economic feasibility of their use in northern regions.

The foreign-manufactured Baker, Necadd, X-Pand, and Liquid Power and home-manufactured esm-68 drug reducing colloidal additives are tested to compare their efficiencies. A comparative testing of efficiencies is performed using a turborheometer. The highest hydrodynamic efficiency in a wide temperature range is exhibited by the Baker additive, which is not significantly better than the Russian esm-68 additive. The experiments have shown that the optimum concentration of additives providing the maximum drag reduction effect when passing from the region of positive temperatures to that of negative is reduced by roughly half. The results obtained indicate the promising applications of anti-turbulent additives in the Arctic zone.


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