Solutions for the development of the license areas at specially protected natural reservations and biodoversity protection

UDK: 502.62 + 502.6 : 622.276.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-1-92-96
Key words: hydrocarbon material reserves, license area, natural resources usage, environmentally hazardous activity, specially protected natural reservations, environmental protection, environmental safety, complex use of natural resources, special conditions of natural resources use
Authors: Yu.G. Bezrodny (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd), V.V. Novikova (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd), V.V. Doroshev (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd), S.V. Deliya (RITEK JSC, RF, Moscow)

Replenishment of oil and gas resources is connected with the geologic study of new license areas which could be adjacent to the natural areas of protection. The specifics of new license areas development were examined. The necessity to research common allowable interests of natural resources usage process participants to which public authorities, subsurface user, local residents and general public are referred was substantiated. The requirements to environment protection were determined and main fields of environmental safety ensuring in the course of development of license areas adjacent to natural areas of protection were conceived. Real-life experience of environment protection in the course of hydrocarbon field reserves development within the areas of restricted conditions of natural resources use was proposed. Specific example of the development of a license area located on the left bank of the river Volga in the Volgograd region is described. The area coincides with the reserve created for protection of bustard listed in the Red Book.

A complex of biodiversity protection activities has been proposed for the construction at the license area Volgogradskoye Zavolzhie. It included minimum size of the drilling site, pitless drilling, etc. Author supervision over the implementation of the nature protection activities and regular reporting to supervisory bodies on the results of ecological and bird control is prescribed. Bird monitoring is a specific nature protection activity. Its duration exceeds the whole cycle of the well drilling by 875 days.

Ban on exploration in nature reserves is not effective, because when ecological norms are strictly followed contamination of the environment is minimum, but the losses related to the impossibility to extract oil and gas are very significant.


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