Method for monitoring and controlling the development of multi-layer objects in case of multiple-zone selective completion

UDK: 622.276.56
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-3-61-63
Key words: multi-layer field, multiple-zone selective completion, development control, control valve, well testing
Authors: Yu.K. Tsiku (Oil and Gas Production Department Komsomolskneft, RF, Surgut)

For the effective operation of multi-layered objects, the field-geophysical data, obtained during the development of these objects, are necessary. The use of layout plans for, multiple-zone selective completion implies the possibility of creating a separate drawdown for each layer, up to a complete separation of one of them. This allows to keep separate account of well production for simultaneously working layers. If the layout plans of the simultaneous-separate operation are equipped with a multi-sensor system for registration of reservoir parameters, then apart separate accounting of production, it is possible real-time monitoring of the down hole equipment operation, the state of the bottom hole formation zone, as well as the operation of the layers at various drawdown creating on them.

A layout plan is proposed for obtaining information on each operating layer with placement of pressure and temperature sensors in the well at the layers cap. This design will allow the operation of well that drill in three layers or more. At that it is assumed complete automation with the control station setting to close the valves with the necessary regularity and fixing separately the parameters of the layer operation in the automatic mode. The proposed layout plan allows to control and regulate the drawdown created on the layers. Well survey is conducted without down hole equipment lifting.

The technology of research on steady state and non-steady filtration modes with the use of the proposed layout plan is considered. The application of these technologies allows to determine the production rate and water cutting of well production for each layer at a given drawdown, the production indexes for layers and well at the joint operation of the layers, the layer conductivity, the permeability, the skin factor and the current reservoir pressures of the objects under study. This makes it possible to control the state of development of a multi-layer field at a qualitatively new level and with a large sweep ratio.


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