The Tournesian reservoir limestones on core petrophysical and geochemical data (Southern slope of South-Tatarian Arc)

UDK: 551.7
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-2-46-48
Key words: Tournesian oil saturated limestones, progradation, grainstones, geochemical labels alternation
Authors: N.G.Nurgalieva, E.A. Anikina, N.M. Khassanova (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)

This paper presents core data on the composition and reservoir properties of the Tourneisian carbonate rocks in typical well section on the southern slope of South-Tatarian Arc. The core data include structures, minerals, reservoir properties measurements from previous studies and geochemical signs, just received by method of electron spin resonance (ESR).

Investigated interval of 12 m thickness belongs to an upper part of the Tourneisian stage. It is composed of two layers: upper grainstone layer (5 m) and lower packstone layer (7 m). The granulated fossils predominate in the studied limestones. A porous space is controlled by primary structures and also by leaching processes, a secondary calcite mineralization and stylolites.

ESR data have been obtained on 21 samples collected with a step 0.4-0.6 m along the section. ESR spectra are characterized by narrow lines, pointing on a marine genesis of the carbonates. Paramagnetic centers of Mn2+ and SO2- have been observed as typical features of the rocks due by primary processes of carbonate sedimentation.

A spatial distribution of limestones types, its geochemical and reservoir signatures is explained by the sedimentary succession of progradation type. The calcite mineralization and a distribution of Mn2+ and SO2- paramagnetic ions have been determined along the section profile simultaneously with reservoir zoning due by facies and a history of hydrocarbons.



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