Geological and geophysical characteristics and genesis of the pre-Jurassic sedimentary rocks of Urmano-Archinskaya area

Authors: E.N. Glavnova, M.A. Tugarova, Е.A. Zhukovskaja, M.A. Butorina, V.V. Zhukov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), K.V. Strizhnev (Gazpromneft-Angara LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Key words: Archinskoye field, Urmanskoye field, pre- Jurassic sediments, oil reservoirs, lithogenesis, bauxites, sedimentary and epigenetic processes.

On the example of the sedimentary section of the contact of the Paleozoic and Jurassic zone of Urmano-Archinskaya area the importance of lithogenetic step process identification is discussed for the forecast of high potential zone and of oil and gas prospects in general. Pre-Jurassicsedimentary interval of Archinskoye and Urmanskoe fields contains the supergene altered Paleozoic limestones altered by weathering and overlying redeposited laterites. The rocks have a complex composition; they are ambiguous in the genetic interpretation and prediction of reservoir properties. However, a wide range of oil and gas exploration and production problems - from hydrocarbon sources to forecast the quality of reservoirs, their irregularities and localization of traps is associated with this interval of the sedimentary section. On the basis of geological, geophysical data and detailed lithological characteristics the problems concerned to the lithogenesis of contact Paleozoic - Mesozoic zone as the basis of the forecast distribution and variability properties of the productive horizon are discussed.
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