Application of the spectral theory to the analysis and modelling of the rock properties of the reservoir

Authors: M.M. Khasanov, B.V. Belozerov, A.S. Bochkov, O.S. Ushmaev, O.M. Fuks (Gazpromneft NTC, LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg

Key words: geological modelling, geostatistics, data analysis and interpolation, spectral theory.

This paper considers the problem occurring during geological modelling of the oil field – the problem of well data interpolation between the wells, also their extrapolation to the unexplored areas of the field and further reconstruction of the rock properties of the reservoir. The article describes a new method for analysis and modelling of the reservoir properties based on the spectral theory. Several parameters are presented, which allow to identify specific facial zones of the field using the geophysical well data, as well as the method to reconstruct logging data and then the properties of the reservoir.

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