Impact of neotectonic movements on position of fluid contact of the Western Siberia oil deposits

Authors: K.V. Svetlov, T.N. Smagina, L.Kh. Alimchanova (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

Key words: geological modeling, oil field, deposit, water-oil contact, neotectonic movements, paleostructural mapping, multi-factor analysis.

The cases of complex configuration of water-oil contact (WOC) relative surface determined by neotectonic movements of structures are shown based on building geological models of oil deposits of various Western Siberia fields. The known reasons for change of hypsometric contact location are listed. It is noted that selection of reason for contact location represents the result of probability analysis of various factors influence. Some justification methods of WOC variation in the result of neotectonic movements are described.

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