Researching effect of biocontamination of pumped light oil products on corrosion resistance of the pipe steel and influence of corrosion process on fuel quality

UDK: 622.692.4.076:620.193/.197
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-10-94-98
Key words: corrosion resistance, jet fuel, diesel, produced water, in-line resinous deposits, biocontamination, fuel quality
Authors: L.P. Hudyakova, A.A. Shestakov, R.A. Harisov, I.R. Farhetdinov, G.P. Khovanov, F.V. Timofeev, A.A. Novikov. (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow, Ufa)

The article considers a comprehensive study of an impact of petroleum products (aviation and diesel fuels), their mixtures, produced water and in-tube resinous deposits formed during the transport and storage of fuels, as well as their biocontamination on the corrosion resistance of pipe steel. The presence of even traces of water, mineral contamination in oil fuels and a favorable temperature (15°C and higher) allows various groups of microorganisms to develop actively. The ability of microorganisms to assimilate the hydrocarbons of fuel leads to a deterioration in the quality of the petroleum products themselves and the occurrence of problems during their storage, transportation and use, causing malfunction of the fuel system sensors, clogging of filters, damage to internal protective coatings and, as a result, corrosion of pipelines, tanks and equipment systems that use biocontaminated fuel.

An assessment of the microbial population in the investigated fuels, produced water and in sediments was carried out for the following representatives of microorganisms: SRB (sulfate-reducing bacteria), AB (aerobic bacteria), HOB (hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria), MG (microscopic fungi or micromycetes). As a result of the research, the influence of microbiological contamination and the presence of impurities in fuel on corrosion processes and the quality of fuels during their transportation and storage have been shown. It is almost impossible to minimize the risk of corrosive and bio-damage by removing water, since residual water, even in small quantities, provides a habitat in which microbial communities can develop. The presence of SRB, HOB and AB in the bottom water of the oil tanks was established in the amount of 102-106 cells per 1 ml of water, respectively. A particularly critical factor in terms of corrosion is a high content of SRB, which exceeds the level of occurrence of corrosion damage by a factor of a thousand. The presence of DRR in petroleum products (aviation and diesel fuels) in an amount exceeding 1000 CFU/ml is dangerous because during their growth and development in the above-mentioned media there is a gradual destruction of hydrocarbons, leading to the appearance of water-soluble acids in the fuel (pH = 4.56).References

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