Substantiation of tectonic nature and formation time of terrigenous strata of the lower carboniferous deposits and its enclosing carbonate rocks of the Kama-Kinel system of downfolds

UDK: 551.248
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-5-30-35
Key words: Kama-Kinel system of downfolds, terrigenous Lower Carboniferous deposits, Kosvinskian horizon, well log correlation, domanic type deposits, paleoreconstruction, syndepositional faults, block tectonics, Tournaisian fauna, structure between the arches
Authors: I.S. Gutman(IPNE Ltd., RF, Moscow), G.N. Potemkin (IPNE Ltd., RF, Moscow), I.A. Ageeva(IPNE Ltd., RF, Moscow), A.I. Mitina(IPNE Ltd., RF, Moscow), A.V. Furman(IPNE Ltd., RF, Moscow), M.I. Saakyan( State Reserves Commission under Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, RF, Moscow)

Based on well log correlation in the interval fr om the base of the Domanic horizon of Middle Devonian sediments to the top of Vereiskian horizon of middle Carboniferous deposits in the Samara and Orenburg regions by the block structure of the Kama-Kinel system of downfolds is confirmed. Changing the thickness between the wells in two adjacent blocks and taking into account the loss of significant thickness intervals allowed us to lim it each block assumed syndepositional faults. Subsequent analysis of the results of regional seismic surveys showed that the boundaries of blocks allocated for the correlation are confirmed by the seismic data.

Sequential paleoreconstruction of deposits the Kama-Kinel system of downfolds allowed the unambiguous answer questions regarding the time and nature formation of the Kosvinskian (mostly clay) sediments in the axial zone of the system of downfolds. The analysis of 10 consecutive paleoreconstructed cross sections it is shown that the formation of a very thick layer of predominantly clayey sediments was preceded by the blocks lifting in the axial zone of this system and the erosion of carbonate deposits of the Tournaisian and Famennian tiers the most part. The lifting completed in late Tournaisian time. Beginning in Visean time, the blocks immersion was accompanied by accumulation of terrigenous sediments Kosvinskian horizon, in the bottom of which was captured on top of the Tournaisian fauna.

The location of the Tournaisian fauna in the cross section Lower Carboniferous terrigenous strata is a consequence of the tectonic blocks dip during the formation of these strata after complete erosion of the overlying Tournaisian deposits in late Tournaisian time and has nothing to do with plicative nature of the bedding. The process of forming clinoforms is not typical for carbonates. It is associated with the formation of terrigenous strata of the Lower Carboniferous in the initial period of its formation.

Thus, the Kama-Kinel system of downfolds is a complex tectonically active structure between the arches with no doubt, confined to large rivers, due to deep-seated faults.


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