October 2012 |
Àííîòèðîâàííûé ïåðå÷åíü ñòàòåé íà ðóññêîì ÿçûêå |
The oil and gas companies |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
L.N. Ivanova, L.V. Lapina, Ì.V. Lebedev, R.B. Yanevits (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Conceptual facies model of clinoform type sedimentary basin DOI: Key words: facies model, facies sequence, facies unconformity, clinoforms, lithologically sealed structural traps. A conceptual facies model of sedimentary basin describing it as stacked facies sequences confined by facies unconformity was generated. A conceptual model of clinoform sedimentary basin was proposed that allowed prediction of, firstly, structural traps with lithologic seal associated with micro-clinorform structure of shelfal sand reservoirs, and, secondly, structural traps with lithologic seal associated with dissecting the Achimov sheet sand by mudstone member markers into bodies with no hydrodynamic communication. Examples of such targets mapped in one of the biggest fields of West Siberia are shown. References 1. Varlamov S.N., Ukhlova G.D., Burenie i neft', 2009, no. 9, pp. 13-14. 2. Grishchenko A.S., Gil'manova R.Kh., Mustaeva E.R., Ryzhov S.L., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2009, no. 9, pp. 18-23. 3. Lebedev M.V., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2006, no. 10, pp. 62-68. 4. Lebedev M.V., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2008, no. 3, pp. 8-16. 5. Posamentier H.W, Jervey M.T., Vail P.R., Eustatic controls on clastic deposition I – conceptual framework, Sea-level changes: an integrated approach: SEPM Special Publication, 1988, V. 42, pp. 109-124. 6. Posamentier H.W., Vail P.R., Eustatic controls on clastic deposition II – sequence and systems tract models, Sea-level changes: an integrated approach: SEPM Special Publication, 1988, V. 42, pp. 125-154.Login or register before ordering |
T.G. Nemirovich, N.V. Shchetinina (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Review of some initial well logs processing approaches to improve the accuracy of interpretation and to reduce geological uncertainties DOI: Key words: normalization, cross-plot, deconvolution, capillary model, laminated model. The following features were showed: errors in the initial logging data interpretation and the opportunities to correct them using different approaches prior to interpretation. Reliability improvement of reservoir parameters estimation, reduction of risk and uncertainties were reached as a result of using log processing approaches. References 1. Nemirovich T.G., Vilesov A.P., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 2, pp. 28-31. 2. Khabarov A.V., Karotazhnik, 2009, no. 12, pp. ?? 3. Vendel'shteyn B.Yu., Rezvanov R.A., Geofizicheskie metody opredeleniya parametrov neftegazovykh kollektorov (Geophysical methods for determining the oil and gas reservoirs parameters), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1978, 173 p. 4. Dobrynin V.M., Vendel'shteyn B.Yu., Kozhevnikov D.A., Petrofizika (Petrophysics), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1991, 368 p.Login or register before ordering |
À.V. Khabarov, À.S. Glebov, P.S. Utkin, À.À. Chusovitin (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) New log interpretation technologies to solve problems of Samotlorskoye field modeling and reserves estimate DOI: Key words: “Ryabchik”, deconvolution, lithotype, permeability, capillary model, productivity, water cut, automation, integrity, consistency. The Samotlorskoye field is one of the biggest fields in Russia. Largest reserves are confined to AV1-5 formation units which have been developed for 40 years. Detailed 3D static and dynamic models are required to evaluate and localize remaining reserves. New approaches to well logging data interpretation are suggested to meet modeling and reserves estimation objectives: analysis of lithological features and permeability prediction with honoring reservoir types; estimation of porosity by SP method with using deconvolution; saturation determination by electric logging and capillary model during change in formation water salinity; horizontal and directional well-bore logging data interpretation, comparison and consistency of petrophysical data with well production performance. Also, the paper presents how the technology of integrated automated interpretation of logging data is implemented. References 1. Khabarov A.V., Volokitin Ya.E., Karotazhnik, 2009, V. 189, pp. 83-128. 2. Amaefule J.O., Altunbay M., Djebbar T. et al., Enhanced reservoir description: using core and log data to identify hydraulic (flow) units and predict permeability in uncored intervals/wells, SPE 26436. 3. Gunter G.W., Finneran J.M., Hartman D.J., Miller J.D., Early determination of reservoir flow units using an integrated petrophysical method, SPE 38679. 4. Hartmann D.J., Farina J., Integrated reservoir analysis: prediction reservoir performance through collaboration, Occidational oil & gas corporation: course workbook, Houstoná 2004. 5. Khabarov A.V., Volokitin Ya.E., Karotazhnik, 2009, V. 189, pp. 167-211. 6. Looyestijn W.J., Deconvolution of petrophysical logs: applications and limitations, SPWLA 23rd Annual Logging Symposium, July 6-9. 7. Khabarov A.V., Volokitin Ya.E., Borkent E.-Ya., Karotazhnik, 2009, V. 189, pp. 129-143. 8. Volokitin Ya.E., Khabarov A.V., Karotazhnik, 2009, V. 189, pp. 143-166. 9. Volokitin Ya.E., Khabarov A.V., Sakhibgareev R.R. et al., Karotazhnik, 2009, V. 189, pp. 212-226. 10. Lomeland F., Ebeltoft E., Hammervold W., A new versatile relative permeability correlation, SCA2005-32.Login or register before ordering |
N.V. Shchetinina, A.V. Khabarov, E.F. Tsukanova (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Improvement of clastic-carbonate rock permeability of Urnenskoye field DOI: Key words: permeability, well efficiency, nuclear magnetic resonance logging (NMR), lithotype, deconvolution. Urnenskoye J1 integrated interpretation model was built based on G&G data analysis, results of SCAL and routine core analysis, reservoir properties, testing and well performance results which provided to improve permeability and identify the reservoir type features References 1. Enikeev B.N., Materials of the conference "Geomodel 2011", Gelendzhik, 2011, 380 p. 2. Aktual'nye voprosy petrofiziki slozhnopostroennykh kollektorov (Topical issues of complicated reservoir petrophysics), edited by Shnurman I.G., Krasnodar: Izdatel'stvo Publ., 2010, 306 p. 3. Khabarov A.V., Volokitin Ya.E., Borkent E.-Ya., Karotazhnik, 2009, no. 12(189), pp. 129-143.Login or register before ordering |
Yu.V. Endalova, O.S. Malygina, N.V. Yankova (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Microclinoform model of Valanginian deposits in the Vostochno-Urengoiskoye field DOI: Key words: lenticular structure, correlation, depositional environment, BU161-4-BU171-2 formation units. The Vostochno-Urengoiskoye field has a complex geologic architecture. The paper presents the methodology of building the model of BU161-4-BU171-2. Integrated approach to the study of Valanginian interior architecture provided more accurate and reasonable mapping of the structure of the formations under study, identifying of their lenticular structure, determining of boundaries of lens-shaped bodies using seismic sections, paleotectonical maps and well data, and also three-dimensional distribution of sand bodies. References 1. Pinus O.V., Payrazyan K.V., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2008, no. 1, pp. 25-38. 2. Endalova Yu.V., Zakirov I.S., Korabel'nikov A.I., Ivantsov N.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 11, pp. 100-104. 3. Fishchenko A.N., Zverev K.N., Romanchev M.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no. 2, pp. 5-9. 4. Baraboshkin E.Yu., Prakticheskaya sedimentologiya (Terrigennye kollektory) (Practical sedimentology (sandstone reservoirs)), Tomsk: Publ. of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2007, 255 p. 5. Zakrevskiy K.E., Geologicheskoe 3D modelirovanie (Geological 3D modeling), Moscow: OOO “IPTs Maska” Publ., 2009, 376 p. 6. Gibling M.R., Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2006, V. 76, pr. 731-770. 7. Reynolds A.D., AAPG Bulletin, 1999, no.2 (February), V. 83, pr. 211-229.Login or register before ordering |
À.I. Kudamanov, O.S. Generalenko, O.À. Khokhrina (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Possibilities of calculating uncompacted sediment thickness by core and logs based on the case study of the Verkhnetyumenskaya subsuite deposits DOI: Key words: sillicioclastic sediment, compaction, fine-grained deposits, reconstruction, paleorelief, sedimentation. In reconstructing the paleorelief in the sedimentary section one can come to erroneous conclusions and incorrect predictions of reservoir and seal bodies distribution without accounting for sharply varying degree of compaction of shale (in 3-4 times) and sand (only by 15-20%) sediments. The paper presents some methods and results of conversion of present-day thickness into uncompacted thickness (as of the time of sedimentation) by core and logs (SP log) based on the case study of the Verkhnetyumenskaya subsuite in the south-west of Western Siberia. References 1. Ezhova A.V., Litologiya: uchebnoe posobie (Lithology: Textbook), Tomsk: Publ. of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2005, 353 p. 2. Kudamanov A.I., Vologin S.V., Abstracts of scientific and practical conference ”Sovremennye vyzovy pri razrabotke i obustroystve mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza Sibiri” (Modern challenges in the design and arrangement of oil and gas fields of Siberia), Tomsk, 2011, pp. 191-192. 3. Kudamanov A.I., Vologin S.V., Materials of XIV scientific conference ”Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo i rudnogo potentsiala KhMAO-Yugry” (Ways of implementation of oil and gas and ore potential of the KhMAO - Ugra), Khanty-Mansiysk, 2011, V. 2, pp. 241-249. 4. Lebedev B.A., Geokhimiya epigeneticheskikh protsessov v osadochnykh basseynakh (Geochemistry of epigenetic processes in sedimentary basins), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1992, 239 p. 5. Muromtsev V.S., Elektrometricheskaya geologiya peschanykh tel – litologicheskikh lovushek nefti i gaza (Electrometric geology of sand bodies - lithologic oil and gas traps), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1984, 260 p. 6. Reshenie 6 Mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po rassmotreniyu i prinyatiyu utochnennykh stratigraficheskikh skhem mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri (The decision of the 6th Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Meeting on the consideration and adoption of revised Mesozoic stratigraphic schemes of Western Siberia), Novosibirsk, 2003 g., Publ. of SNIIGGiMS, 2004, 114 p. 7. Romanovskiy S.I., Sedimentologicheskie osnovy litologii (Sedimentological basis of lithology), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1977, 408 p. 8. Sokolov V.N., Sorosovskiy obrazovatel'nyy zhurnal, 1998, no. 7, pp. 83-88. 9. Sokolov V.N., Sorosovskiy obrazovatel'nyy zhurnal, 2000, no. 9, pp. 59-65.Login or register before ordering |
V.S. Vorobyev, A.P. Vilesov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Sedimentation model of Vendian preobrazhensky horizon (Eastern Siberia) DOI: Key words: sedimentological model, preobrazhensky horizon, carbonate rocks, Eastern Siberia, Vendian, paleofeomorphological reconstructions. Based on results of drilling at Verkhnechonskoye field, a detailed sedimentological model of preobrazhensky horizon was created, where four member can be identified that were formed under different facial conditions of shallow marine basin. The results obtained provide an explanation for low production rates and oil recovery factor at the field. A method of paleomorphological reconstructions was proposed that will enable to better understand the architecture and oil- and gas-bearing prospects of the Vendian carbonate complex. References 1. Shemin G.G., Collection of materials of science and practical conference ”Teoriya i praktika geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki raznomashtabnykh neftegazovykh ob"ektov. Aktual'nye problemy podgotovki i osvoeniya uglevodorodnoy syr'evoy bazy” (Theory and practice of geological and economic evaluation raznomashtabnyh oil and gas facilities. Actual problems of training and development of hydrocarbon resource baseSt. Petersburg: Publ. of VNIIGRI, 2008, pp. 286 – 296. 2. Gurova T.I., Chernova L.S., Bogdanova V.N. et al., Litologiya i usloviya formirovaniya rezervuarov nefti i gaza Sibirskoy platformy (Lithology and conditions of forming oil and gas reservoirs of the Siberian platform), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1988, 254 p. 3. Shemin G.G., Chernova L.S., Potlova M.M. et al., Geologiya i geofizika – Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2012, V. 53, no. 2, pp. 226 – 236. 4. Mel'nikov N.V., Yakshin M.S., Shishkin B.B. et al., Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Rifey i vend Sibirskoy platformy i ee skladchatogo obramleniya (Stratigraphy of the oil and gas basins of Siberia. Riphean and Vendian of the Siberian Platform and its folded frame), Novosibirsk: ”Geo” Publ., 2005, 428 p. 5. Vorob'ev V.N., Collection of works ”Novye dannye po geologii i neftegazonosnosti Leno-Tungusskoy provintsii” (New data on the geology and petroleum potential of the Lena-Tunguska province), Novosibirsk: Publ. of SNIIGGiMS, 1982, pp. 4 – 7. 6. Vilesov A.P., Vorob'ev V.C., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no.10, pp.??? 7. Harwood C.L., Sumner D.Y., Microbialites of the Neoproterozoic Beck Spring Dolomite, Southern California, Sedimentolgy, 2011, V. 58, pp. 1648-1673. 8. Chernova L.S., Potlova M.M., Gushchina N.E. et al., Materials of the international conference” Geologiya rifov” (Geology of reefs), Syktyvkar: Publ. of Institut geologii, 2005, pp. 190-192. 9. Khabarov E.M., Geologiya i geofizika – Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2011, V. 52, no. 10, pp. 1447-1465.Login or register before ordering |
A.P. Vilesov, V.S. Vorobyev (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) The lithological characteristic of preobrazhensky productive horizon of the Verkhnechonskoye field (Eastern Siberia) DOI: Key words: Eastern Siberia, preobrazhensky horizon, Verkhnechonskoye field, lithology of the carbonate rocks, facies, secondary transformations, unconformities. The basic lithogenetic types of rocks and facies of the Preobrazhensky productive horizon and deposits containing it are established on the basis of detailed studying of a core of new well on the Verkhnechonskoye field. Upper Nepsky and lower Danilovsky unconformity are confirmed. The unconformity in the lower part of the Preobrazhensky horizon is disclosed for the first time. References 1. Gurova T.I., Chernova L.S., Bogdanova V.N. et al., Litologiya i usloviya formirovaniya rezervuarov nefti i gaza Sibirskoy platformy (Lithology and formation conditions of oil and gas reservoirs of the Siberian platform), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1988, 254 p. 2. Shemin G.G., Chernova L.S., Potlova M.M. et al., Geologiya i geofizika - Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2012, V. 53, no. 2, pp. 226 – 236. 3. Mel'nikov N.V., Yakshin M.S., Shishkin B.B. et al., Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Rifey i vend Sibirskoy platformy i ee skladchatogo obramleniya (Stratigraphy of the oil and gas basins of Siberia. Riphean and Vendian of the Siberian Platform and its folded frame), Novosibirsk: “Geo” Publ., 2005, 428 p. 4. Wilson J.L., Carbonate facies in geologic history, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1975, 463 p.Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
K.E. Zakrevskiy (TNK-BP, OJSC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Arzhilovskiy, A.S. Timchuk, M.A. Grischenko, T.G.Bikbulatova (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Geological and hydrodynamic modeling quality improvement DOI: References 1. Zakrevskiy K.E., Maysyuk D.M., Syrtlanov V.R., Otsenka kachestva 3D modeley (Quality rating of 3D models), Moscow: OOO “IPTs Maska” Publ., 2008, ??? p. 2. Spilsbury-Schakel J.A., Quality control of static reservoir models, SPE 101875, 2006. 3. Ogvozdin V.Yu., Upravlenie kachestvom. Osnovy teorii i praktiki (Quality management. Fundamentals of theory and practice), Moscow: Delo i Servis Publ., 2002, 160 p. 4. Rebrin Yu.I., Upravlenie kachestvom (Quality management), Taganrog: Publ. of Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering, 2004, p. Login or register before ordering |
N.A. Cheremisin, I.A. Rzaev, E.V. Borovkov, D.V. Tolstolytkin, A.A. Chusovitin (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Improving the full-scale hydrodynamic model formation AV1-5 Samotlorskoye field DOI: Key words: simulation model, relict oil saturation, residual oil saturation, phase permeability, gas cap,adaptation,residual gas saturation. Experience of digital simulation models showed that a simple increase of the spatial detail is not the key to an adequate description of field development. A more productive way is to define sufficient spatial detail and increased physical meaningfulness of hydrodynamic models. This article shows how to implement this ideology as an example Samotlorskoye field, one of the largest in Western Siberia. References 1. Arzhilovskiy A.V., Bikbulatova T.G., Kostyuchenko S.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no. 11, pp. 46-50. 2. Dvorak S.V., Sonich V.P., Nikolaeva E.V., Collected works “Povyshenie effektivnosti razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri” (Improving the efficiency of the development of oil fields in Western Siberia), Tyumen', 1988. 3. Cheremisin N.A., Sonich V.P., Baturin Yu.E., Drozdov V.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 1997, no. 9, pp. 40-45. 4. Legatski M.W. et al., Displacement of gas from porous media by water, SPE 899. 5. Penland C., Itsekiri E., Mansoori S., Iqlaner S., Bijeljic B., Blunt J., Measurement of nonwetting-phase trapping in sandpack, SPE 11697. 6. Cheremisin N.A., Sonich V.P., Baturin Yu.E., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 1997, no. 9, pp. 58-61. 7. Holtz M.H., Residual gas saturation to aquifer influx: A calculation method for 3D Computer reservoir construction, SPE 75502. 8. Cheremisin N.A., Sonich V.P., Baturin Yu.E., N.Ya. Medvedev, Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2002, no. 8, pp. 38-42. 9. Cheremisin N.A., Sonich V.P., Baturin Yu.E., Medvedev N.Ya., Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on “Povyshenie nefteotdachi plastov” (Enhanced oil recovery), Kazan', 8-10 September 2003. Login or register before ordering |
N.N. Ivantsov (TNNC LLC) Integrated flow simulation of complex heavy oil field development DOI: Key words: viscous and heavy oil, complex field, flow simulation, macro-sector, full-scale model, results scaling. The problems of modeling of large and complex heavy oil fields were reviewed. The modeling method for such fields using the complex of interactive models was proposed. The case study of application of this complex in Russkoye field was demonstrated. References 1. Arzhilovskiy A.V., Bikbulatova T.G., Kostyuchenko S.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 11, pp. 52-55. 2. Edel'man I., Ivantsov N., Shandrygin A. et al., SPE 149917, 2011. 3. Endalova Yu.V., Zakirov I.S., Korabel'nikov A.I., Ivantsov N.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 11, pp. 100-103. 4. Ivantsov N.N., Stepanov S.V., SPE 157869, 2012.Login or register before ordering |
L.S. Brilliant, Yu.À. Plitkina, M.A. Antipin (TING CJSC, RF, Tyumen), À.N. Lazeev, R.À. Gnilitskiy (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), Ì.N. Nikolaev (ÒNÊ-Nyagan OJSC, RF, Nyagan) Analysis of problems and perspective assessment of development of UK10 object of Talinskaya area of Krasnoleninskoye field on the base of situation DOI: Key words: oil recovery, negative factors, permeability heterogeneity, heterogeneous wettability, PVT properties, production condition of well, reservoir and bottomhole pressure, oil phase permeability, well-drained and weak-drained oil resources, oil recovery mechanism. The presented work is concerned with oil recovery regularity of UK10 development object of Talinskaya area of Krasnoleninskoye field. Qualitative assessment of mobile oil resources structure is attended. Mobile oil resources are splitted into two types: well-drained and weak-drained, which is essentially distinguished by oil recovery mechanism. Conclusions is based on the situational analysis consist of consideration every possible scenarios of development on the various parts of oil accumulation on the last period. References 1. Brilliant L.S., Skrylev S.A., Peshkov M.I., Tekhniko-ekonomicheskoe obosnovanie razrabotki Krasnoleninskogo mestorozhdeniya na usloviyakh zaklyucheniya soglasheniya o razdele produktsii (Feasibility study for development Krasnoleninskoye field on terms of the agreement on production sharing), Tyumen: ZAO “TING” Publ., 2001. 2. Brilliant L.S., Skrylev S.A., Arzhilovskiy A.V. et al., Collection of works “Optimizatsiya tekhnologiy razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy” (Optimization of technology of oil field development), Ekaterinburg: Middle-Ural Book Publishers, 2003, pp. 4-36. 3. Brilliant L.S., Kozlova T.N., Volkov V.P., Arzhilovskiy A.V., Collection of works “Optimizatsiya tekhnologiy razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy” (Optimization of technology of oil field development), Tyumen: OOO “Pechatnyy Dom “TsESSIYa” Publ., 2008, pp. 351-371. 4. Brilliant L.S., Kozlova T.N., Shibeko I.Yu., Collection of works “Optimizatsiya tekhnologiy razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy” (Optimization of technology of oil field development), Tyumen: OOO “Pechatnyy Dom “TsESSIYa” Publ., 2008, pp. 327-350, 5. Geologiya i razrabotka krupneyshikh i unikal'nykh neftyanykh i neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy Rossii (Geology and development of the largest and most unique of oil and gas fields in Russia), 2nd Part, Publ. of VNIIOENG, 1996, pp. 296-310. 6. Diyashev R.N., Gatenberger Yu.P., Usenko V.F., et al., Spravka o sostoyanii razrabotki Talinskogo mestorozhdeniya i predlozheniya po ee sovershenstvovaniyu (Reference on the status of the Talin field and suggestions for improvement), Nyagan', 1990, 195 p. 7. Ivanova M.M., Grigor'eva V.A., Lysenko V.D. et al., Osobennosti razrabotki mestorozhdeniy s trudnoizvlekaemymi zapasami nefti (na primere Talinskogo mestorozhdeniya) (Features of development of fields with hard to recover oil reserves (for example, Talin field)), Moscow: Publ. of VNIIOENG, 1996, 72 p. 8. Guzeev V.V., Belevich G.K., Collection of works “Voprosy intensifikatsii razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri” (Issues of intensification the development of oil fields in Western Siberia), Tyumen: Publ. of SibNIINP, 1986, pp. 61-71. 9. Zubkov M.Yu., Dvorak S.V., Bakuev O.V., Collection of works “Lokal'nyy prognoz neftegazonosnosti Zapadno-Sibirskoy geosineklizy” (Local forecast of oil and gas potential of the West Siberian geosyneclise), Tyumen: Publ. of SibNIINP, 1989, pp. 159-167. 10. Piyakov G.N., Kudashev R.I., Usenka V.F., Temnov G.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 1993, no. 2, pp. 27-29. 11. Zakirov S.N., Roshchina I.V., Indrupskiy I.M., Roshchin A.A., Razrabotka mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza s superkollektorami v produktivnom razreze (Development of oil and gas reservoirs in a super productive interval), Moscow: Publishing and printing company OOO “Kontent-press”, 2011, 248 p. 12. Deeva T.A., Kamartdinov M.R., Kulagina T.E., Mangazeev P.V., Gidrodinamicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin: analiz i interpretatsiya dannykh (Well testing: analysis and interpretation of data), Tomsk: Publ. of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2009, 243 p.Login or register before ordering |
I.V. Kovalenko (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Interpretation improvement of well test applied on vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing when radial regime was not registered DOI: Key words: logarithmic derivative, linear drain, imaginary radius of the ellipse, equivalent area of investigation, weighted average pressure of the square, elliptic flow, dimensionless function of equivalent area of investigation, dimensionless pressure loss. In the article the actual problem of well test interpretation on vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing in conditions of low piezoconductivity is solved (heavy oil and low permeable reservoirs), where radial regime was not reached during the well test. The presented approach allows increasing the accuracy of interpretation, to lower uncertainty, and also to reduce necessary time for well test than it is required at the classical way of interpretation. References 1. Mangazeev P.V., Pankov M.V., Kulagina T.E., Kamardinov M.R., Deeva T.A., Gidrodinamicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin (Well testing), Tomsk: Publ. of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2004, 339 p. 2. Kovalenko I.V., Nauka i TEK - Science and FEC, 2012, no. 2, pp. 32-33. 3. Basniev K.S., Kochina I.N., Maksimov V.M., Podzemnaya gidrodinamika (Underground hydrodynamics), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1993, 416 p.4. 4. Horne R.N., Modern well test analysis, Petroway, Inc., Palo Alto, 1995, pp 49-52. 5. Yusupov K.S., Misharin V.A., Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po gidrodinamicheskim metodam issledovaniya skvazhin i plastov (Practical Guide to the hydrodynamic method for wells and reservoirs testing),Tyumen: Publ. of SibNIINP, 1992, 208 p. 6. Shagiev R.G., Issledovaniya skvazhin po KVD (Well testing by pressure build-up curve), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1998, 304 p.Login or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
N.P. Êuznetsov, B.A. Yerka, A.E. Savin (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Predicted evaluation of hydrating in oil wells DOI: Key words: hydrates, hydrates development condition, phase diagrams of hydrating. The paper describes conditions of hydrates formation and factors controlling features of this type of complication development in wells. The algorithm realized in Pipesim program of identifying zones of possible hydrate development is outlined in the paper. References 1. Maganov R., Vakhitov G., Vafina N., Neft' Rossii – Oil of Russia, 2000, no. 3, pp. 96 – 99. 2. Gimatudinov Sh.K., Fizika neftyanogo i gazovogo plasta. Uchebnik (Physics of oil and gas reservoir. Textbook), 2nd ed., Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1971, 312 p. 3. Guzhov A.I., Sovremennyy sbor i transport nefti i gaza (Modern collection and transportation of oil and gas), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1973, 300 p. 4. Mazepa B.A., Zashchita neftepromyslovogo oborudovaniya ot parafinovykh otlozheniy (Protection of oilfield equipment from paraffin deposits), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1972, 117 p. 5. Babalyan G.A., Fiziko-khimicheskie protsessy v dobyche nefti (Physical and chemical processes in the oil production), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1974, 200 p. 6. Vyatchinin M.G., Pravednikov N.K., Batalin O.Yu., et al., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2001, no. 7, pp. 56-57. 7. Vyatchinin M.G., Pravednikov N.K., Batalin O.Yu., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2001, no. 4, pp. 54-57. 8. Khoroshilov V.A., Semin V.I., Preduprezhdenie gidratoobrazovaniya pri dobyche nefti. Prirodnye i tekhnogennye gazovye gidraty (Prevention of hydrate formation in oil production. Natural and man-made gas hydrates), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1990, 220 p. 9. Malyshev A.G., Cheremisin N.A., Shevchenko G.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 1997, no. 9, pp. 62-69.Login or register before ordering |
Information |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
S.R. Bembel (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen) Actual issues exploration, geology and hydrocarbon potential of long-developed fields in Western Siberia DOI: Key words: oil and gas exploration, 3D-seismic, development, reservoir, geological structure. The questions of violations of the correspondence between the levels of structural complexity of geological objects and applied technologies of prospecting, exploration and development oil and gas fields on the sample Tagrinskoe multilayer oil and gas fields in Western Siberia, the issues of its ongoing exploration and understanding of the geological structure of the most interesting of its facilities. References 1. Bembel S.R., Modelirovanie slozhnopostroennykh zalezhey nefti i gaza v svyazi s razvedkoy i razrabotkoy mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri (Modeling of complicated oil and gas deposits in connection with the exploration and development of oil fields in Western Siberia), Tyumen – Shadrinsk: Shadrinskiy Dom Pechati Publ., 2010, 181 p. 2. Gogonenkov G.N., Timurziev A.I., Geodinamika neftegazonosnykh basseynov (Collected papers “Geodynamics of oil and gas basins”), Moscow: Publ. of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 2004, pp. 145-147. 3. Dmitrievskiy A.N., Balanyuk I.E., Karakin A.V., Doklady Earth Sciences, V. 415, no. 2, pp. 940-943.Login or register before ordering |
A.Ya. Suleimanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Investigation of structural plans ratios in Lower Carboniferous and Upper Devonian prospects DOI: Key words: geologic survey, stratal surface, geostatistical modeling, prospect, drilling. More than 75% of total oil resources of the Republic of Tatarstan are associated with the South-Tatarian Arch. Geologic survey of the territory is still relevant in these days, inasmuch deposit geology is determined by pronounced lithofacies changes. Geostatistical modeling is an efficient tool to simulate geoenvironment variations and to improve the performance of exploration. References 1. Fayzullin I.N., Sharafutdinov V.F., Volkov Yu.A., Danilova T.E., Zolova I.V., Suleymanov A.Ya., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2004, no. 7, pp. 58-61. 2. Mel'nikov S.N., Shaykhutdinov R.S., Geologiya, razrabotka neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy, fizika i gidrodinamika plasta, 1974, V. 26, pp. 32-35. 3. Patent 2159944 RF, MPK G 01 V 1/00, Sposob poiska i razvedki mnogoplastovykh zalezhey nefti (Process of search and prospecting for multipool deposits of oil), Inventors: Larochkina I.A., Muslimov R.Kh., Kirillov E.R., Nazipov A.K. 4. Khisamov R.S., Shavaliev M.A., Valeev I.I., Suleymanov A.Ya., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 7, pp. 8-11. 5. Khisamov R.S., Voytovich E.D., Liberman V.B. et al., Tektonicheskoe i neftegeologicheskoe rayonirovanie territorii Tatarstana (Tectonic and geological zoning of oil fields in Tatarstan), Kazan': Fen Publ., 2006, 328 p.Login or register before ordering |
A.A. Efimov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) The development of predictive models for the oil mobility coefficient assessment based on the oil facial conditions by the example of layer Bsh of Sibirskoye field DOI: Key words: facies peculiarities, mobility coefficient, carbonate deposits, Bashkirsky layer, statistical model. The paper presents the results of lithofacies analysis of Bashkir layer of Sibirskoye field (Perm region). The models for prediction of the oil mobility coefficient are created using probabilistic and statistical methods. References 1. Khizhnyak G.P., Raspopov A.V., Efimov A.A., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2009, no. 10, pp. 32-35. 2. S.V. Galkin, T.B. Poplaukhina, A.V. Raspopov, G.P. Khizhnyak, Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 4, pp. 38-39. 3. Voevodkin V.L., Galkin S.V., Poplygin V.V., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2010, no. 7, pp. 45-48. 4. Galkin V.I., Galkin S.V., Anoshkin A.N., Akimov I.A., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2007, no. 10, pp. 51-53. 5. Galkin V.I., Khizhnyak G.P., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 3, pp. 70-72. 6. Efimov A.A., Kochneva O.E., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2010, no. 12, pp. 15-18. 7. Efimov A.A., Kochneva O.E., Vestnik PNIPU. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo, 2012, no. 3, pp. 15-23. 8. Krivoshchekov S.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo - Oil Industry, 2011, no. 10, pp. 10-14.Login or register before ordering |
M.A. Nosov (LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RF, Perm), V.I. Galkin, S.N. Krivoshchekov, O.A. Melkishev (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Domanik type rocks - a possible source of non-conventional hydrocarbons for the Perm region: an overview, perspectives, recommendations DOI: Key words: Domanik type rocks, nontraditional hydrocarbons, shale gas, Perm region, oil-content. The article describes the prospects nontraditional exploration of oil deposits in the Perm region - Domanik type deposits. The history of study of these deposits in the Volga-Ural province and Perm regions is presented. The geological features of domaniks rocks, petroleum potential and recommendations for exploration are given. References 1. Galkin V.I., Kozlova I.A., Krivoshchekov S.N., Pyatunina E.V., Pestova S.N., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2007, no. 10, pp. 22-27. 2. Galkin V.I., Krivoshchekov S.N., Nauchnye issledovaniya i innovatsii, 2009, V. 3, no. 4, pp. 3-7. 3. Larskaya E.S., Diagnostika i metody izucheniya neftematerinskikh tolshch (Diagnosis and methods of studying oil source strata), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1983, 200 p. 4. Neruchev S.G. Rogozina E.K., Neftegazoobrazovanie v otlozheniyakh domanikovogo tipa (Oil and gas generation in the Domanik sediment type), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1986, 247 p. 5. Krivoshchekov S.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 10, pp. 10-14. 6. Krivoshchekov S.N., Kozlova I.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 7, pp. 82-85. 7. Sirotenko L.V., Sirotenko O.I., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2001, no. 5. 8. Zaydel'son M.I., Surovikov E.Ya., Kaz'min L.L. et al., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 1990, no. 6. 9. Krivoshchekov S.N., Galkin V.I., Kozlova I.A., Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2012, no. 4, pp. 1-11..Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
R.Kh. Muslimov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Problems of innovative design of development of especially complex fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves DOI: Key words: hard-to-recover reserves, oil recovery ratio, oil industry, innovative development. R.Kh. Muslimov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) The classification of oil deposits by the complexity of their development and classification of enhancing reservoirs recovery (by R.Kh. Muslimov) are given. The considerable role of matrix solid material, and most importantly, of an active mineral phase, forming the paltry part of the entire rock, in oil displacement is shown. Some measures, the implementation of which would contribute to the effective development of fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves are recommended. References 1. Varshavskaya I., 10 Rossiyskiy neftegazovyy kongress (10th Russian gas congress), Moscow, 2012, june 26-27. 2. Muslimov R.Kh., Neft'. Gaz. Novatsii, 2010, no. 1, pp. 6-11. 3. Muslimov R.Kh., Sovremennye metody povysheniya nefteizvlecheniya: proektirovanie, optimizatsiya i otsenka effektivnosti: Uchebnoe posobie (Modern methods of increasing oil recovery: design, optimization and performance evaluation: Textbook), Kazan': Fen Publ., 2005, 688 p. 4. Izotov V.G, Sitdikova L.M., Georesursy - International Journal of Sciences “Georesources”, 2007, no. ¹3(22), pp. 21-23 5. Muslimov R.Kh, Shaposhnikov D.A., Kollodnaya khimiya v protsessakh izvlecheniya nefti iz plasta: Uchebnoe posobie (Colloid chemistry in the process of extracting oil from the reservoir: Textbook), Kazan': Fen Publ., 2006, 156 p.Login or register before ordering |
A.M. Petrakov, E.M. Simkin, Yu.A. Egorov, T.L. Nenartovich, A.N. Shaimardanov (VNIIneft OAO, RF, Moscow) Experimental and analytical studies of gas-oil displacement DOI: Key words: oil recovery, gas injection, low permeability, reservoir simulation model, displacement efficiency, dead oil, recombinate oil sample, relative permeability. The evaluation of the effectiveness of gas injection technology to increase the recovery ratio of oil from low-permeability reservoirs by results of physical modeling is executed. Hydrodynamic model is built on its basis with the aim to determine the relative permeabilities, which can be used at full-scale simulation of the process of the field development with the use of water-and-gas injection. References 1. Baishev A.B., Kuznetsov V.V., Gabsiya B.K., Begisheva S.F., Proceedings of the Institute VNIIneft, 2003, V. 129, pp. 93-97. 2. Demyanenko N.A., Sannikov V.A., Pakhol'chuk A.A., Proceedings of the Institute Ukrgiproniineft', 1990, pp. 133-142. 3. Khavkin A.Ya., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy, 1994, no. 7-10, pp. 30-37. 4. Veres S.P., Ibragimov L.Kh., Turchin I.V., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 1996, no. 5, pp. 7-11. 5. Ivanishin V.S., Liskevich E.I., Mishchuk I.N., Neftyanaya i gazovaya promyshlennost' (Kiev), 1973, no. 6, pp. 20-22. 6. Koshovkin I.N., Deynezhenko A.L., Skripkin A.G., Anur'ev D.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 3, pp. 36-40. 7. Simkin E.M., Neftegazovye tekhnologii, 2011, no. 6, pp. 11-16. 8. Kryanev D.Yu., Petrakov A.M., Simkin E.M., Proceedings of III International Scientific Symposium ”Teoriya i praktika primeneniya metodov uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov” (Theory and practice of enhanced oil recovery), 2011, pp. 163-172.Login or register before ordering |
V.A. Mordvinov, V.V. Poplygin, F.F. Erofeev (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Influence of gas reservoir and deformation on the performance of wells after fracturing DOI: Key words: oil reservoir, well, coefficient of productivity, bottom-hole pressure, hydraulic fracturing. The authors consider changing rates of productivity and production wells after hydraulic fracturing at the Unvinskoye oil field. It is shown that by reducing the pressure bottom-hole technology hydraulic fracturing efficiency can be greatly reduced by reducing the pressure bottom-hole technology. Taking into account the influence of the reservoir deformations and gas on the productivity bobryk deposits’ wells operation after hydraulic fracturing should be conducted under minimum depression. References 1. Kotyakhov F.I., Fizika neftyanykh i gazovykh kollektorov (Physics of oil and gas reservoirs), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1977, 287 p. 2. Mishchenko I.T., Skvazhinnaya dobycha nefti: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov (Oil Production: Textbook for high schools), Moscow: “Neft' i gaz” Publ., 2003, 816 p. 3. Mordvinov V.A., Poplygin V.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 8, pp. 120-122. 4. Mordvinov V.A., Poplygin V.V., Chalov S.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no. 8, pp. 104-106. 5. Poplygin V.V., Mordvinov V.A., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2010, no. 2, pp. 52-53.Login or register before ordering |
V.V. Poplygin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), , I.S. Poplygina (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm) Evaluation of rational bottom-hole pressure for oil deposits with high gas saturation DOI: Key words: oil reservoir, bottom-hole pressure, reservoir pressure, productivity index, well, oil recovery. The article regards how wells productivity changes during the Visean deposits development when the reservoir and bottom-hole pressures vary. For Bobrikov objects of oilfields in the north of Perm region, the duration of recovery of 70 % of the initial recoverable oil reserves is calculated in the conditions of existing development systems and different values of bottom-hole pressure using the program PrognozRNM. According to calculation results authors are defined bottom-hole pressures allowing recover 70 % of recoverable reserves within the shortest possible period of time. References 1. Mishchenko I.T., Skvazhinnaya dobycha nefti: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov (Oil production: Textbook for high schools), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ., 2003, 816 p. 2. Poplygin V.V., Poplygina I.S., Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2012, no.5, pp. 60-65. 3. Mordvinov V.A., Poplygin V.V., Chalov S.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no. 8, pp. 104-106. 4. Poplygin V.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 10, pp. 28–29. 5. Mordvinov V.A., Poplygin V.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 8, pp. 120-122. 6. Poplygin V.V., Prognozirovanie produktivnosti skvazhin i tempov nefteizvlecheniya pri vysokoy gazonasyshchennosti plastovoy nefti (na primere mestorozhdeniy Verkhnego Prikam'ya) (Prediction of well productivity and the rate of oil recovery at high gas saturation of crude oil (on example deposits of the Upper Kama)): Thesis of the candidate of technical sciences, St. Petersburg, 2011. 7. Poplygin V.V., Galkin S.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 3, pp. 112-115. 8. Poplygin V.V., Golovizina A.A., Neft', gaz i biznes, 2011, no. 8, pp. 24–26.Login or register before ordering |
A.M. Dubina, P.A. Shakhov, M.V. Chebykina (VNIIneft OAO, RF, Moscow) True errors of the calculation of absolute marks in deviating holes and methods of their estimation DOI: Key words: inclinometry, error, gyroscopes, estimation of reserves, geological modeling. The errors of calculation of absolute marks by different ways are estimated by the example of several fields. It is shown that the use of modern magnetic inclinometers even at high angles of inclination of the wellbore final error of the calculation of absolute marks is not so great as to exclude those wells from structural imagings at geological models creation and performing calculation of hydrocarbons reserves. References 1. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu geologicheskikh zapasov ob"emnym metodom (Guidelines for the estimation of geological reserves volumetric method), Moscow-Tver: Publ. of VNIGNI, NPTs “Tver’geofizika, 2003. 2. Denisov S.B., Bilibin S.I., D"yakonova T.F.et al., Karotazhnik, 2001, no. 86, 2001, pp. 113-124. 3. Levyant V.B., Ampilov Yu.P., Glogovskiy V.M., Kolesov V.V., Korostyshevskiy M.B., Ptetsov S.N., Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po ispol'zovaniyu dannykh seysmorazvedki (2D, 3D) dlya podscheta zapasov nefti i gaza (Guidelines on the use of seismic data (2D, 3D) for the calculation oil and gas reserves), Moscow: Publ. of OAO “TsGE”, 2006, 40 p. 4. Wolff C.J.M., Wardt J.P., Borehole position uncertaintly – analysis of measuring methods and derivation of systematic error model, Jornal of Petroleum Technology, December 1981, pp. 2339-2350. 5. Kovalenko K.V., Vestnik Assotsiatsii burovykh podryadchikov, 2011, no. 4, pp. 10-13. 6. Ekseth R., Kovalenko K., Weston J.L., The reability problem related to directional survey data, IADC/SPE 103734, 2006. 7. Williamson H.S., Accuracy prediction for directional MWD, SPE 56702, 1999. 8. Williamson H.S., Accuracy prediction for directional measurement while drilling, SPE 67616, 2000.Login or register before ordering |
B.M. Kurochkin (Burovaya tekhnika - VNIIBT NPO OAO, RF, Moscow) On the use of water flooding through the vertically crossing cracks at fields development DOI: Key words: well, water flooding, fracturing, reservoir and aquifer, horizontal wellbore. The possibility of use the tectonic vertical faces of fracturing as channels by water flooding deposits is considered. Nearby aquifer water must be fed through them in the reservoir under the wave action. The laws of cracks development and the technology of reservoir wave stimulation are given. It is noted that the technologies of vertical-lateral water flooding through the vertical cracks seem to be real. References 1. Kurochkin B.M., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na more, 2010, no. 9, pp. 6-14. 2. Limberger Yu., Neft' i gaz, 2008, no. 4, pp. 3. Anan'ev S.A., Yakshibaev F.R., Gorgots V.D., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 6, pp. 18-22. 4. Khisamov R.S., Khamidullin M.M., Kandaurova G.F., Nechval" S.V., Fazlyev R.T., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2006, no. 3, pp. 12-16. 5. O.L. Kuznetsov, I.A. Chirkin, Yu.S. Ashchepkov et al., Volnovye tekhnologii na pozdney stadii razrabotki neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy (Wave technology at the late stage of oil and gas development), Moscow: Publ. of Central Development Commission - Rosnedra, 2008, pp. 266-278. 6. Kuchernyuk A.V., Kuchernyuk V.A., Davidenko S.M., Sova V.M., Maksimchuk M.Yu., Nefteprmyslovoe delo, 2006, no. 5, pp. 42-46. 7. Kurochkin B.M., Oborudovanie i tekhnologii dlya neftegazovogo kompleksa, 2011, no. 3, pp. 60-68. 8. Kalashnik A.I. Kalashnik N.A., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2009, no. 9, pp. 9. Afanas'ev I.S., Antonenko N.M., Kutukova N.M. et al., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 6, pp. 10-13.Login or register before ordering |
R.A. Kemalov, A.F. Kemalov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Ñomplex investigations of heavy oil of Akanskoye deposits DOI: Key words: oil, analysis, physical and chemical characteristics, the true temperature dependence of the distillation of crude oil, vacuum distillation of fuel oil, the process of delayed coking. Comprehensive studies of high-viscosity oils of Verey and Bashkirs-ray sediments of Akanskoye deposit are conducted in order to determine the basic physical and chemical characteristics. The separation of asphalt-free components is made by chromatography. Their content in the oil is defined. The Individual hydrocarbon composition of n-alkanes and izoprenanov is studied by gas-liquid chromatography. Geochemical factors are calculated. Such important parameters as molecular weight, specific heat and the heat of combustion components are determined. The dependences of the specific heat and thermal conductivity on temperature and pressure are presented. References 1. Akhmetov S.A., Tekhnologiya glubokoy pererabotki nefti i gaza (The technology of deep processing of oil and gas), Ufa: Gilem Publ., 2002, 672 p. 2. Kemalov A.F., Kemalov R.A., Nauchno-prakticheskie osnovy fiziko-khimicheskoy mekhaniki i statisticheskogo analiza dispersnykh sistem (Scientific and practical basis of physical and chemical mechanics and statistical analysis of disperse systems), Kazan': Publ. of Kazan State Technological University, 2008, 472 p. 3. Shumskiy E.G., Bogdasarov B.A., Obshchaya teplotekhnika (The total heat transfer engineering), Moscow: Mashgid Publ., 1961, 462 p. 4. Kemalov, A.F., Ganieva T.F., Diyarov I.N., Khazimuratov R.Kh., Kemalov R.A., Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, 2007, no. 2, pp. 29-32.Login or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
I.K. Ivanova, E.Yu. Shitz (Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Yakutsk) The kinetics studies of the asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits dissolution in hexane and hexane mixtures DOI: Key words: asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits, order and reaction rate constant, diffusion and the kinetic regime, aliphatic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons. In this paper the results of the kinetics studies of the paraffin the asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) dissolution in hexane, hexane-benzene and hexane-cyclohexane-benzene mixtures at temperature range from 10 to 60oC are considered. Half-life periods, the order of reaction, rate constants and activation energies of the ARPD destruction in model systems are determined. References 1. Kamenshchikov F.A., Udalenie asfal'tosmoloparafinovykh otlozheniy rastvoritelyami (Removal asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits using solvent), Moscow-Izhevsk: Publ. of NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika”, Izhevskiy institut komp'yuternykh issledovaniy, 2008, 384 p. 2. Bulatov A.I., Kusov G.V., Savenok O.V. Asfal'to-smolo-parafinovye otlozheniya i gidratoobrazovaniya: preduprezhdenie i udalenie (Asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits and hydrate formation: prevention and removal), V.2, Krasnodar: Publishing House “Yug”, 2011, 348 p. 3. Dolomatov M.Yu., et al., Fiziko-khimicheskie osnovy napravlennogo podbora rastvoriteley asfal'tosmolistykh veshchestv (Physico-chemical basis of directional selection solvent of asphalt-resins), Moscow: Publ. of TsNIITEneftekhim, 1991, 47 p. 4. Ivanova I.K., Shits E.Yu., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 12, pp. 99 – 101. 5. Ivanova I.K., Shits E.Yu., Khimiya v interesakh ustoychivogo razvitiya – Chemistry for Sustainable Development, 2010, no. 6, V. 18, pp. 735-739. 6. Ivanova I.K., Rykunov A.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo - Oil Industry, 2010, no. 11, pp. 108-110. 7. Ivanova I.K., Rykunov A.A. Shits E.Yu., Rudy i metally, 2011, no. 3-4, pp. 73-74.Login or register before ordering |
Designing of arrangement of deposits |
V.G. Kondratiev (TransEGEM OOO, RF, Moscow), A.G. Perekupka, S.S. Primakov, A.S. Petrova, (Giprotyumenneftegaz (Giprotyumenneftegaz OAO, HMS Group, RF,Tyumen) The measures of heat exchange variation on the earth surface and their influence on the temperature distribution in the soil DOI: Key words: temperature, heat exchange, temperature regime, permafrost soil, measures of permafrost protection, solar radiation, effective-terrestrial radiation, snow mantle, snow clearing, calculation. The heat exchange between the atmosphere and the earth surface has a significant effect on the temperature distribution in the soil. The conditions variation on the ground surface leads to change of thermal regime and permafrost soil thickness. The calculations taking into account the key factors of the temperature regime forming allows to predict the temperature distribution in the soil. Thereby it is getting possible to correctly regulate the thermal-physic situation in the soil by the measures of heat exchange variation on the earth surface. References 1. Fel'dman G.M., Metody rascheta temperaturnogo rezhima merzlykh gruntov (Methods of calculating the temperature of frozen soil), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1973, 254 p. 2. Kondrat'ev V.G., Stabilizatsiya zemlyanogo polotna na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh (The stabilization of the roadbed on permafrost soils), Chita: PoligrafResurs Publ., 2011, 176 p. 3. Tikhonov A.N., Samarskiy A.A., Uravneniya matematicheskoy fiziki (Equations of mathematical physics), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1972, 736 p. 4. Pavlov A.V., Teplofizika landshaftov (Thermophysics of landscapes), Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., 1979, 284 p. 5. Zarling J.P., Breley A.W., Thaw stabilization of roadway embankments constructed over permafrost, Alaska DOT&PF, Report no. FHWA-AK-RD-87-20, 1986, 34 p. 6. Feng Wenjie, Wen Zhi, Sun Zhizhong & Wu Junjie, Application and effect analysis of awning measure on cold regions, Proceeding of the eighth international symposium on permafrost engineering, 15-17 October, 2009, Xi’an, China, Lanzhou: Lanzhou University Press, 2009, pp. 148-160. 7. Niu Fujin, Shen Yongping, Guide of field excursion after Asian conference on permafrost (Aug. 10-16, 2006), China, Lanzhou: Lanzhou University Press, 2006, 28 p. 8. Kondrat'ev V.G., Geotekhnika, 2011, no. 1, pp. 4-11.Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
A.P. Bespalov, Yu.A. Tryapochkin (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk),R.R. Akhmetzyanov, V.V. Samoylov (Tatintek OOO, RF, Almetyevsk) Oil accounting accuracy increase in the feed tanks of refineries DOI: Key words: interphase level, feed tank, emulsion layer, accuracy of accounting of oil in the tanks, preparation of oil, oil-water interface. Questions of authenticity of oil in feed and commercial tanks accounting by UMF300 measurement system, which has been debugged by Tatintek OOO and Research Center of Multilevel Measurements OOO are considered. As a result of debugging of UMF300 system and obtaining quantitative characteristics in the emulsion zone at the experimental objects of Almetyevneft, Bavlyneft and Prikamneft oil and gas production departments it was succeeded to turn from labor-intensive and inaccurate method of determining the amount of oil in storage tanks and process vessels through sampling and samples analysis to the instrumental one and thus more accurate method of an oil accounting. Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
A.A. Gareev (Oil and Gas Production Department Nizhnesortymskneft, Surgutneftegas OJSC, RF, Nizhnesortymsk), R.F. Sharafutdinov, R.A. Valiullin (Bashkir State University, RF, Ufa) On the importance of à pressure at an electric submercible pump suction DOI: Key words: electric submercible pump (ESP), operation conditions, pressure at an electric submercible pump suction. The suction pressure variation ranges, when the electric centrifugal pump of a poor efficiency can be operated, and the concept of limiting pressure at the pump suction, depending on the properties of the oil, are determined. It is shown, that the obtained theoretical results of determination of the pressure at the electric centrifugal pumping unit suction have practical importance at the operation to analyze the status of the unit, at the selection of the unit - to predict its status. References 1. Mishchenko I.T., Skvazhinnaya dobycha nefti (Oil production), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ. 2003, 710 p. 2. Drozdov A.N., Tekhnologiya i tekhnika dobychi nefti pogruzhnymi nasosami v oslozhnennykh usloviyakh (Technology and engineering oil extraction with submersible pumps under complicated conditions), Moscow: MAKS Press Publ., 2008, 82 p. 3. Gareev A.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 3, pp. 122 – 126. 4. Gareev A.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no. ¹ 6, pp. 90-93.Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Lekomtsev, V.A. Mordvinov, V.V. Poplygin, I.N. Ponomareva (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Efficiency of electric submersible pumps at extraction of the gas-liquid blends from wells DOI: Key words: producing well, efficiency factor, electrical submersible pump. The paper presents the results of field research of wells equipped with submersible centrifugal pumps. The influence of free gas on the efficiency of pumping systems is evaluated on the example of the production wells of the Sibirskoye, Unvinskoye and Shershnevskoye fields (Perm region). The article notes that the increase of the input gas content results in a significant reduction in the efficiency of the pump, worsening its efficiency. The given waveforms relative reflect the characteristics of the pumps work at the gas-liquid mixtures in well conditions and confirm the main results of known laboratory research. References 1. Lekomtsev A.V., Mordvinov V.A., Nauchnye issledovaniya i innovatsii, 2011, V. 5, no. 4, pp. 29-32. 2. Lekomtsev A.V., Mordvinov V.A., Turbakov M.S., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 10, pp. 30-31. 3. Ivanovskiy V.N., Darishchev V.I., Sabirov A.A., Kashtanov B.C., Pekin S.S., Skvazhinnye nasosnye ustanovki dlya dobychi nefti (Borehole pumps for oil production), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ., 2002, 824 p. 4. Mishchenko I.T., Skvazhinnaya dobycha nefti (Oil production), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ. 2007, 826 p. 5. Drozdov A.N., Tekhnologiya i tekhnika dobychi nefti pogruzhnymi nasosami v oslozhnennykh usloviyakh (Technology and engineering oil extraction with submersible pumps under complicated conditions), Moscow: MAKS Press Publ., 2008, 312 p. 6. Lekomtsev A.V., Mordvinov V.A., Turbakov M.S., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 4, pp. 114-116. Login or register before ordering |
Rational use of oil gas |
M.A. Gulyansky, A.A. Kotenko, E.G. Krasheninnikov, S.V. Potekhin (GRASYS, RF, Moscow) Methods of oil associated gas utilization: technological and economic aspects, new approach to its treatment based on membrane technology DOI: Key words: oil associated gas, methods of oil associated gas treatment, membrane technology. The article deals with utilization of the oil associated gas (OAG). The traditional well known OAG treatment methods are described, their restrictions are revealed for the OAG treatment. The membrane technology OAG treatment is presented with the new hollow fiber membranes CarboPEEK. The comparison of the new OAG treatment membrane technology with the traditional methods reveals its high attraction. The success of the membrane method for OAG treatment is demonstrated in the number of installations. The fist industry-level membrane plant has been working since 2010 for simultaneous gas drying and hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans removal. The parameters of the plant collected during its operation are shown. The results to be achieved in membrane OAG treatment are described. References 1. Order of Russian Ministry of Energy from 06.06.2011 no. 212 “O General'noy skheme razvitiya neftyanoy otrasli do 2020 goda” (About the plan for development of the oil industry by 2020), URL: http://minenergo.gov.ru/documents/fold13/index.php?print=Y&ELEMENT_ID=8334. 2. Chubanov O.V., Kharlanov S.A., Nurgaliev R.G., Territoriya Neftegaz, 2008, no. 9, pp. 42-49.Login or register before ordering |
Petroleum industry abroad |
N.M. Bajkov (Institute of World Economy and International Relations of RAS, RF, Moscow) World oil industry development forecast to 2035 DOI: Key words: forecast, primary energy resources, consumption, production, traditional and non-traditional oils. Primary energy resources consumption forecasts, developed by U.S. organizations EIA and IEA, are given. World oil prices forecast is considered, their impact on the total volume of consumption of the primary energy resources is determined. The expected increase in production of traditional and untraditional oils in the countries entering and not entering OPEC is analyzed.Login or register before ordering |