May 2012 |
Аннотированный перечень статей на русском языке |
The oil and gas industry |
G.I. Shmal, president of the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia The basic strategy of the state oil and gas industry must be innovative component DOI: Key words: oil and gas complex, reserves, geological exploration, investment, innovation and modernization, industry science, cadres, the state. The main trends and problems of development of oil and gas industry of Russia are considered. It is shown that, despite the efforts made, the actual problem is the reproduction of mineral raw material resources. It is noted that the modernization of industry is impossible without appropriate scientific support. The main lines, in which efforts of industrial enterprises, scientific organizations and the state should be concentrated, are presented. The necessity of development and urgent realization of a complex of measures is accentuated. Login or register before ordering |
M.N. Grigoryev, Director of Geological consultation center GECON, member of Problem council of the Russian academy of sciences for geology and development of oil and gas fields Assessment of features of the oil reserves to production ratio DOI: Key words: oil reserves to production ratio,oil, reserves. The methodical approach of an assessment of the Reserves to Production Ratio of the groups of objects with the different degree of the involvement in development is stated. On the basis of the provided analysis of explored Reserves to Production Ratio of the vertically integrated petroleum companies and Russia as a whole the various methods for expansion of the base of oil production are proved. Login or register before ordering |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
B.F. Borisov B., G.A. Kovaleva, O.L. Kuzovenkova (Giprovostokneft OJSC, RF, Samara) Reservoir oil viscosity impact on reservoir oil saturation under core sample laboratory studies DOI: Key words: reservoir, viscosity, residual oil saturation, water oil displacement factor. The paper provides for the results of laboratory study for reservoir oil viscosity impact on oil saturation of Bobrikovskoye horizon and Tournaisian stage reservoirs. Laboratory tests were performed according to OST 39-195-86 using complex reservoir models with sufficiently close average permeability characteristics of coeval deposits and different oil viscosity. Obtained results show that reservoir oil viscosity under studied values has insignificant effect on residual reservoir oil saturation. In this case, to achieve final water oil displacement factor and residual oil saturation different quantity of water shall be pumped through porous medium depending on value of reservoir oil viscosity. References 1. Kisilenko B.E., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 1963, no. 11, pp. 35-40. 2. Mikhaylov N.N., Ostatochnaya neftenasyshchennost' razrabatyvaemykh plastov (Residual oil saturation of working seams), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1992, 270 p.Login or register before ordering |
I.A. Larochkina (Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Tatarstan, RF, Kazan) New unique discoveries in Кamsko-Kinelskaya system of depressions in Tatarstan DOI: Key words: deposit, stratigraphy, depressions, rises, reefs, collector, fluid stop, hydrocarbon, reserves, resources. For many years of exploration work on oil in Tatarstan a wide range of oilfields has been opened: there are unique and large, average and a great number of small among them. Sensational discoveries of the group of fields, which are characterized by the most powerful stratigraphic ranges of oil-storage, are the kind of signal for science and subsoil users to set target researches and summarize accumulated geological information about Kamsko-Kinelskaya province with a view to in-depth study of its hydrocarbon potential and clarification of oil and gas storage. Footnote Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora V.A. Uspenskogo (Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference on the 100th anniversary of V.A. Uspenskiy), Sankt-Peterburg, Nedra Publ., 2006, pp. 219-230.Login or register before ordering |
S.R. Bembel (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen), R.M. Bembel (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen) On the exploration of multilayer oil and gas fields in Western Siberia DOI: Key words: hydrocarbons, seismic 3D, model, efficiency, geology, oil and gas. Growing problem in recent years, the development of hydrocarbon fields with complicated geological structure, require a rethinking of the theoretical foundations of education of oil and gas, as well as how they are for prospecting and exploration. A striking feature of the multilayer oil and gas reserves is a high density areas in the sub-vertical zones of destruction of rocks. At present, the prospects for expanding resources associated with the ability to recover hydrocarbon in the centers of modern active oil and gas generation. References 1. Bembel' R.M., Megerya V.M., Bembel' S.R., Geosolitony: funktsional'naya sistema Zemli, kontseptsiya razvedki i razrabotki mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov (Geo-solitons: a functional system of the Earth, the concept of exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits), Tyumen': Vektor Buk Publ., 2004, 344 p. 2. Bembel' S.R., Modelirovanie slozhnopostroennykh zalezhey nefti i gaza v svyazi s razvedkoy i razrabotkoy mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri (Modeling of oil and gas complex structure in connection with the exploration and development of fields in Western Siberia), Tyumen' – Shadrinsk: OGUP “Shadrinskiy Dom Pechati” Publ., 2010, 181 p. 3. Yanin A.N. Problemy razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri (Problems of development of oil fields in Western Siberia), Tyumen'-Kurgan: Zaural'e Publ., 2010, 608 p. 4. Dmitrievskiy A.N., Balanyuk I.E., Karakin A.V. Doklady Akademii nauk - Doklady Earth Sciences, 2007, no. 5, V. 415, pp. 678-681. 5. Muslimov R.Kh., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2004, no. 1, pp. 2-10.Login or register before ordering |
V.A. Lifanov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Gas and Oil prospectivity of nadoyahsky horison of Nyurolsky basin DOI: Key words: The features of the geological structure and formation conditions of Nadoyahsky horizon deposits of Nyurolsky depression are considered. A set of structural maps, net thickness maps of the YU10 layer and pre-Jurassic formations were compiled and analyzed. Potential prospects were identified and mapped. References 1. Kontorovich V.A. Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' mezazoysko-kaynozoyskikh otlozheniy yugo-vostochnykh rayonov Zapadnoy Sibiri (Tectonics and petroleum potential of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the south-eastern regions of West Siberia), Novosibirsk: Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences, 2002, 253 p. 2. Surkov V.S., Kazakov A.M., Devyatov V.P., et al., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 1999, no. 1 3. Kontorovich A.E., Il'ina V.I., Moskvin V.I., et al., Geologiya i geofizika - Russian Geology and Geophysics, 1995, V. 36, no. 6, pp. 110-126.Login or register before ordering |
A.S. Flaas (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Genesis and dynamics of local structures in Sredneobskaya petroleum province of Western Siberia DOI: Key words: structural and paleotectonic analysis, compaction, inversion structure, the Alpine tectonic activity, the mobile zone. A detailed study of areal relations of the structural plan of the late-jurassic sediments from the rugged pre-jurassic basement has found that most of the area Sredneobskaya petroleum province one of the main reasons for the formation of local uplift of the sedimentary cover is the seal. Other factors that play in some areas and isolated areasis not less important are the Cimmerian-Alpine tectonic movements. References 1. Flaas A.S., Chernova M.L., Geologiya nefti i gaza - The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2003, no. 4. 2. Flaas A.S., Geotektonika (metodicheskie priemy paleotektonicheskogo analiza) (Geotectonics (methodical ways of paleotectonic analysis)), Perm': PGTU Publ., 2008, 197 p. 3. Flaas A.S., Chernova M.L., Vestnik PGTU. Geologiya, geoinformatsionnye sistemy, gorno-neftyanoe delo, 2000, V. 3, pp. 42-46. 4. Flaas A.S., Chernova M.L., Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Zapadnogo Urala, 2001, pp. 26-28. 5. Flaas A.S., Problemy mineralogii, petrografii i metallogenii PGU, 2004, V. 6, pp. 91-94. 6. Flaas A.S., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2005, no. 9-10, pp. 18 – 23. 7. Nassonova N.V., Romanchev M.A., Geologiya nefti i gaza - The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2011, no. 4.Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
R.S. Khisamov, I.A. Nuriev (Tatneft ОАО, RF, Almetyevsk), R.I. Kateev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) S.V. Belonogov (LUTR LLC, RF, Leninogorsk), M. Hoeydal (Norsk Bronnservice AS, Norway, Volda) Experience of increased cementing quality at the wells of Tatneft OAO DOI: This article describes the results of using lightweight expanded glass granules in cement slurries used for well cementing by ОАО «Tatneft». Laboratory testing of the cement slurry confirms that Super-К aggregate is evenly distributed in the cement slurry, increases sediment stability of the cement slurry and increases the compressive strength of the cement matrix, ensures better bonding to the formation and the casing. Tatneft performed an extensive 9 well field testing program for cementing of production casing using the new Super-K lightweight cement slurry composition in 2011. The Super-K technology helps reducing well construction time due to avoiding two-stage well cementing with the use of stage collar. Adding lightweight glass aggregate with the closed internal pores to the cement slurry positively influences the quality of well cementing. Key words: well cementing, lightweight aggregate, expanded glass micro granules, one-stage cementing, strength, Super-k. Login or register before ordering |
G.S. Abdrakhmanov (TatNIPlneft, RF, Bugulma), М.М. Zalyatov (System-Service 000, RF, Almetyevsk), L.R. Goldenberg, M.V. Fomin (000 NewTech Services, RF, Moscow), N.Ya. Timkin, I.G. Arslangaliev (Perekryvatel 000, RF, Aznakaevo) Application of expandabIe casing pipes for drilling troubIes control in dеер oil and gas wells DOI: Key words: well design, expandabIe profile liner It has bееn shown that for the time being local isolation of troubIe zоnes with expandabIe рiреs with no loss of wellbore ID is the most reliabIe method of drilling troubIes control. Inclusion of this technology in well programs results in simplified well design, significant reduction of drilling time and saving of materials. Reference 1. Oil of Russia. – Oil and gas in the African continent. 4.2010. – mode of access: 2. Watson Web. – America, Africa and Oil. – mode of access: 3. – Oil in Africa. – 29.12.2005. – mode of access: 4. AfricaEconomicAnalysis. – Nigeria and her membership of OPEC. – mode of access: articles/gen/opec.html 5. BP statistical review of world energy. – 06.2011. – P.8. – mode of access: uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_energy_review_ 2011/STAGING/local_assets/pdf/statistical_review_of_world_en ergy_full_report_2011.pdf 6. Chad/Cameroon development project. – Development history. – mode of access: PA/Operations/TD_History.asp 7. BP statistical review of world energy. – 06.2011. – P.8. – Mode of access: uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_energy_review_ 2011/STAGING/local_assets/pdf/statistical_review_of_world_en ergy_full_report_2011.pdf 8. BP statistical review of world energy. – 06.2011. – P.20. – Mode of access: globalbp_uk_english/reports_and_publications/statistical_ energy_review_2011/STAGING/local_assets/pdf/statistical_r eview_of_world_energy_full_report_2011.pdf P20 9. Encyclopedia of the nations. – Federal Respublic of Nigeria. – mode of access: Africa/Nigeria.html 10. AfroAsian business chronical. – oil and gas hydrocarbons. – Mode of access: sectors-for-investment/oil-and-gas-hydrocarbons.html 11. Газета.ру. – Газпром заморозил Нигерию. – 12.09.2011. – Код доступа: 12. МинЭкономРазвития России. – ЭКСАР до конца года вы- даст первый полис по страхованию экспортных поставок. – 27.10.2011 doc20111027_034 Login or register before ordering |
G.G Ishbaev, M.R. Dilmiev, A.V. Khristenko, A.A. Mileyko (Sientific and Production Enterprise BURINTEKH Ltd., RF, Ufa) New apparatus addresses to solve the problem of bit balling DOI: Key words: drilling swelling formation, accretion of clay, bit balling, adhesive interaction, sticking the pipe string. Drilling bit balling leads to a decrease in the rate of penetration and the various emergency situations. Improving of anti-adhesion properties of drilling mud during drilling swelling formation reduces the adhesion of the clay slurry to the surface of the drilling bit. A description of the apparatus, which allows to estimate the ability of drilling mud to inhibit drilling bit balling, is given. References 1. Khristenko A.V. Obosnovanie khimicheskoy obrabotki burovykh rastvorov dlya preduprezhdeniya sal'nikoobrazovaniya pri razburivanii plastichnykh gornykh porod (Justification of the chemical treatment of drilling fluids to prevent balling when plastic rock drilling): Doctor of Science dissertation, 2010 2. Khristenko A.V., Mileyko A.A. Ustroystvo dlya opredeleniya adgezii gliny k metallicheskoy poverkhnosti v srede burovogo rastvora (A device for determining the adhesion of clay to the metal surface in drilling mud), Reshenie o vydache patenta ot 16.03.2012 po zayavke no. 2012107510 (Decision to grant a patent on 16.3.2012 on the application number 2012107510). 3. G.G. Ishbaev, M.A. Tikhonov, M.R. Dil'miev, et al., Burenie i neft', 2011, no. 4.Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
V.M. Khusainov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), M.F. Shamsutdinov (Oil and Gas Production Department Aznakaevskneft, RF, Aznakaevo) Selective wave technologies and interfacial interaction control add to economic development of mature oil fields DOI: Key words: current oil recovery, remaining recoverable reserves, pulse-wave stimulation, interfacial interaction, formation pressure. On the basis of TatNIPIneft-designed methodological approach, current oil recovery values for natural oil reservoir classes have been obtained. Directions for further research related to increased recovery of unrecovered oil of the Romashkinskoye field are presented. Results of pilot pulse-wave stimulation of layered heterogeneous formations and formations with deteriorated reservoir quality as a result of man-caused impact are discussed. References 1. Khusainov V.M., Afanas'ev S.V., Vserossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal “EKO”, 2012, no. 1, pp. 41-47. 2. Pat. 2297528 RF, MPK E 21 B 43/263, Sposob vozdeystviya na plast (Method of reservoir stimulation): by Paderin M.G., Paderina N.G. 3. Khusainov V.M., Shamsutdinov M.F., et al., Effektivnost' primeneniya tekhnologii impul'sno-volnovogo vozdeystviya na ob"ektakh razrabotki NGDU “Aznakaevskneft'” (The effectiveness of pulsed-wave technology impact on the development facilities of oil-and-gas production department “Aznakaevskneft”), Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 60-letiyu obrazovaniya OAO “Tatneft'” (Research and practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of "Tatneft"),Al'met'evsk: Tatneft Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 154-157.Login or register before ordering |
V.A. Mordvinov, V.V. Poplygin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), I.A. Chernykh (LUKOIL-PERM CJSC, RF, Perm) Supply in periodic well at high gas saturation of reservoir oil DOI: Key words: oil reservoir, well, cycling, gas content, coefficient of productivity, bottom-hole pressure, reservoir pressure. The dynamics of changes in the coefficient of productivity into the well under the regime of periodic pumping. Work well with periodic high gas saturation and reservoir oil at low bottom-hole pressures is complicated by the significant release of the free phase, dissolved gas, which is reflected in the ratio of the flow and well productivity. References 1. Mishchenko I.T., Raschety pri dobyche nefti i gaza (The calculations for oil and gas extraction), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ., 2008, 295 p. 2. Mishchenko I.T., Skvazhinnaya dobycha nefti (Downhole oil extraction), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ., 2007, 826 p. 3. Poplygin V.V., Mordvinov V.A., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2010, no. 12, pp. 59 – 63. Login or register before ordering |
V.V. Maltsev, R.N. Asmandiyarov (RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk)V.A. Baikov, T.S. Usmanov, A.Ya. Davletbaev (RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa) Testing of auto hydraulic-fracturing growth of the linear oilfield development system of Priobskoye oil field DOI: Key words: interference test, hydraulically fractured wells, auto hydraulic fracturing, active and observation wells. This paper discuses result of field case of interference test with spontaneous development of fracture in the injection wells when the bottomhole pressure is higher than the formation fracturing pressures. Within 3 months of water injection growth of fracture length ~ 1000m. A numerical model was used to interpret the results of field case and estimated fracture conductivity. References 1. Baykov V.A., Zhdanov R.M., Mullagaliev T.I., Usmanov T.S., Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal “Neftegazovoe delo” - The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, no. 1, pp. 84-98. URL: 2. Afanas'eva A.V., Gorbunov A.T., Shustef I.N. Zavodnenie neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy pri vysokikh davleniya nagnetaniya (Water flooding of oil fields under high injection pressure), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1975, 208 p. 3. Sæby J., Pjømdal H.P., Van den Hoek P., Managed induced fracturing improves waterflood performance in South Oman, IPTC 10843, 2005. 4. Chavez J.C., Carruthers J., McCurdy P., Water flooding efficiency in a scenario of multiple induced fractures, an applied geomechanical study, SPE 97526, 2005. 5. Van den Hoek P.J., Volchkov D., Burgos G., Masfry R.A., Application of new fall-off test interpretation methodology to fractured water injection wells offshore Sakhalin, SPE 102304, 2006. 6. Hustedt B., Zwarts D., Bjoerndal H.-P., Masfry R., van den Hoek P.J., Induced fracturing in reservoir simulation: application of a new coupled simulator to waterflooding field examples, SPE 102467, 2006. 7. Van den Hoek P.J., Hustedt B., Sobera M., Mahani H., Masfry R.A., Snippe J., Zwarts D., Danymic induced fractures in waterfloods and EOR, SPE 115204, 2008. 8. Santarelli F.J., Havmøller O., Naumann M. Geomechanical aspects of 15 years water injection on a field complex: an analysis of the past to plan the future, SPE 112944, 2008. 9. Davletbaev A., Baikov V., Ozkan E., Garipov T., Usmanov T., Asmandiyarov R., Slabetskiy A., Nazargalin E., Multi-layer steady-state injection test with higher bottomhole pressure than the formation fracturing pressure, SPE 136199, 2010. 10. Khasanov M.M., Krasnov V.A., Musabirov T.R., Mukhamedshin R.K., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 2, pp. 92-96 11. Cinco-Ley H., Meng H.-Z., Pressure transient analysis of wells with finite conductivity vertical fractures in double porosity reservoirs, SPE 18172, 1988, pp. 645 – 660.Login or register before ordering |
Sun Hsing Yun, M.D. Dosmukhambetov (Mangistaumunaygaz JSC, Kazakhstan, Aktau), A.V. Ignatenko (Altair Ltd, RF, Tomsk), A. Nesterkin (Alstron-Telecom LLP, Kazakhstan, Almaty) Tracer tests of productive intervals of J of the field Kalamkas DOI: Key words: tracer tests, flooding, oil reservoir, channel, tracer, hydrodynamic relations, well, rhodamine C, ammonium thiocyanate, carbamide, disodium phosphate, strength (consentration). Only reliable information about hydrodynamic processes occurring in the developed reservoir can provide the effective control for the flooding process. One of the most informative direct methods to determine inter-well parameters is indicator tracer methods. This article presents the results obtained from the complex tracer test conducted in the year of 2011 at the field Kalamkas and extended conclusions as well. References 1. Sokolovskiy E.V., Solov'ev G.B., Trenchikov Yu.I., Indikatornye metody izucheniya neftegazonosnykh plastov (Indicator methods for the study of oil and gas reservoirs), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1986, 157 p. 2. Ternovaya S.V., Tarasov M.G., Trunov N.M., et al., Uchenye zapiski geologo-geograficheskogo fakul'teta, Rostov-on-Don, 2004, pp. 156-168 3. Baykov U.M., Garifullin Sh.S., Eferova L.V., Metodika i rezul'taty primeneniya rodanistogo ammoniya dlya opredeleniya skorosti i napravleniya fil'tratsii nagnetaemoy vody po produktivnomu plastu (The methodology and results of ammonium thiocyanate to determine the rate and direction of the injected water filtration of productive formation), Trudy BashNIPIneft', 1975, no. 42. 4. Bukin I.I., Ganiev R.R., AsanbaevD.N., Kalmatskiy SP., Opredelenie skorosti i napravleniya fil'tratsii po plastu nagnetaemoy vody s pomoshch'yu indikatorov (Determination of the velocity and direction filtering by injected water reservoir with the indicators help), Trudy BashNIPIneft', 1981, no. 62. 5. Bukin I.I., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 1981, no. 10. 6. Danilova E.A., Chernokozhee D.A., Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal “Neftegazovoe delo” - The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2007, URL: 7. Il'yaev V.V., Materialy V nauchno-teoreticheskoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov po razvitiyu nauchnykh osnov razrabotki mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza (Proc. Vth Sc.-th. conference of young scientists and engineers to develop the scientific foundations of the development of oil and gas fields), Baku, 7-9 of July, 1989. 8. Kabo V.L., Rumyantseva E.A., Nazarova A.K., et al., Interval, 2000, no. 9. 9. Veselov M.V., Ivanov V.S., Kuz'mina G.I. et al., Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po kolichestvennoy interpretatsii dannykh indikatornykh issledovaniy mezhskvazhinnogo prostranstva neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Guidelines for the quantitative interpretation of tracer research crosshole space of oil fields), Moscow: VNIIgeoinformsistem Publ., 1988. 10. Bischoff K.B., Ellington R.T., Uhl A.E., Worcester D.A., Theory of tracer flow, SPE 718, 1963. 11. Brigham W.E., Abbazadeh-Dehghani M., Analysis of well-to-well tracer flow to determine reservoir layering, SPE 10760, 1984. 12. Brigham W.E., Abbazadeh-Dehghani M., Tracer testing for reservoir description, SPE 14102, 1987. 13. Hutchins R.D., Dovan H.T., Sandiford B.B., Aqueous tracers for oilfield applications, SPE 21049, 1991.Login or register before ordering |
T.V. Khismetov, A.M. Bernshtein (STC GeotehnoKIN ZAO, RF, Moscow), L.A. Magadova, Z.R. Davletov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), A.N. Nikitin (SPC Tvergeofizika OAO, RF, Tver) Selection of acid compositions for the bottomhole zone treatment according to the data of the nuclear-physical methods DOI: Key words: acid treatment, the nuclear-physical methods of wells survey, terrigenous reservoir, the material constitution of reservoir rocks, the acid composition. Carrying out of complex of wells research with nuclear-physical methods allows (even in the absence of original geophysical documenting of the section) to execute the lithological partitioning of the section, to determine the capacitive characteristics and material constitution of reservoir rocks to sel ect acid compositions. The information about the solving ability of different acid systems for terrigenous reservoirs samples with chlorite-micaceous and carbonate cement is obtained with the help of gravimetric method and the X-ray quantitative analysis. The algorithm of acid compositions choice for the treatments of terrigenous reservoirs of different mineralogical composition in a wide range of change their geological and physical properties is developed. References 1. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po primeneniyu yaderno-fizicheskikh metodov GIS, vklyuchayushchikh uglerod-kislorodnyy karotazh, dlya otsenki nefte- i gazonasyshchennykh porod-kollektorov v obsazhennykh skvazhinakh (Guidelines for use nuclear-physical methods of well logging, including the carbon-oxygen logging, to assess the oil-and gas-saturated reservoir rocks in cased wells): coordinatev with State Committee for Mineral Reserves, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Moskva-Tver', 2006 g. 2. Khismetov T.V., Bernshteyn A.M.. Solokhin V.Yu., Reshenie promyslovykh zadach s ispol'zovaniem dannykh yaderno-fizicheskikh metodov issledovaniy skvazhin (The solution of field problems using data fr om nuclear-physical methods of wells investigation) III Mezhdunarodnyy nauchnyy simpozium “Teoriya i praktika primeneniya metodov uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov” (3rd International Scientific Symposium "Theory and practice of methods for enhanced oil recovery"), Moscow: VNIIneft' Publ., 2011, pp. 156-162. 3. Gayvoronskiy I.N., Leonenko G.N., Zamakhaev V.S., Kollektory nefti i gaza Zapadnoy Sibiri. Ikh vskrytie i oprobovanie (Collectors of oil and gas in Western Siberia. Their penetration and testing), Moscow: Geoinformmark Publ., 2000, 364 p. 4. Shlykov V.G., Rentgenovskie issledovaniya gruntov (X-ray studies of soil), Moscow: Moscow State University Publ., 1991, 184 p. 5. Sokolova T.A., Dronova T.Ya., Tolpeshta I.I., Glinistye mineraly v pochvakh (Clay minerals in soils), Tula: Grif i K Publ., 2005, 336 p. 6. Egorov-Tismenko Yu.K., Kristallografiya i kristallokhimiya (Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry), Moscow: KDU Publ., 2005, 529 p.Login or register before ordering |
A.E. Altunin, M.V. Semukhin, S.V. Stepanov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Using the material balance and the fuzzy sets theory to solve the problems of recovery separation at simultaneous development of several reservoirs DOI: The theoretical formulation and algorithm of solution the problem of fluid recovery separation at simultaneous development of several reservoirs together are given. As a test example the solution for the object of development, consisting of five reservoirs, is given. In the case of real multireservoir objects of development, when the parameters of each reservoir are not known for sure, the stabilizing techniques based on the fuzzy sets theory can be applied for the stability of solution. Key words: simultaneous development of reservoirs, recovery separation, material balance, fuzzy sets theory, CRM. References 1. Sayarpour M., Development and application of capacitance-resistive models to water/CO2 floods: PhD dissertation, 2008. 2. Vasil'kov Yu.V., Vasil'kova N.N., Komp'yuternye tekhnologii vychisleniy v matematicheskom modelirovanii (Computer technology in mathematical modeling calculations), Moscow: Finansy i statistika Publ., 2001, 256 p. 3. Gmurman V.E., Teoriya veroyatnostey i matematicheskaya statistika (Theory of probability and mathematical statistics), Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 2002, 479 p. 4. Altunin A.E., Semukhin M.V., Modeli i algoritmy prinyatiya resheniy v nechetkikh usloviyakh (Models and algorithms for decision making in fuzzy environment), Tyumen': Tyumen State University Publ., 2002, 268 p. 5. Altunin A.E., Semukhin M.V., Raschety v usloviyakh riska i neopredelennosti v neftegazovykh tekhnologiyakh (Calculations in terms of risk and uncertainty in oil and gas technologies), Tyumen': Tyumen State University Publ., 2005, 220 p. Login or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
D.N. Gulyaev, V.V. Kokurina, M.I. Kremenetskiy, V.N. Krichevskiy, S.I. Melnikov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Moscow) Wells interference determination by permanent down-hole monitoring on base of sector modeling DOI: Key words: decline analyze, well testing, Interference test. Permanent down-hole monitoring interpretation efficiency in case of low permanent reservoir case with hydraulic fractures is presented at the paper. Producers and injectors simultaneous analysis on base of sector models tuned with PLT and well-test results provides well interference and hydrofracs orientation and distance between fracture tips. It’s very actual in case of water injection with pressure above fracturing gradient and long fracs implementation. On base of permanent down-hole monitoring JSC «Gazpromneft» optimize injection to reduce water-cut and afford pressure support. It results in additional oil production. Field cases are at the paper. 1. Ipatov A.I., Kremenetskiy M.I., Geofizicheskiy i gidrodinamicheskiy kontrol' razrabotki mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov (Geophysical and hydrodynamic control of the hydrocarbon deposits development), 2nd edition, Moscow: NITs “Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika” Publ., 2010, 780 p. 2. Kremenetskiy M.I., Ipatov A.I., Gidrodinamicheskie i promyslovo-tekhnologicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin (Hydrodynamic and oil field and technological researches of wells), Moscow: Maks-Press Publ., 2008, 476 p. 3. Baryshnikov A.V., Gabdrashitov E.F., Nikurova L.F., Gulyaev D.N., Kokurina V.V., Kremenetskiy M.I., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 12, pp. 41-44. 4. Baryshnikov A.V., Sidorenko V.V., Kokurina V.V., Kremenetskiy M.I., Mel'nikov S.I., Ridel' A.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 12. 5. Doublet D.E., Pande P.K., McCollum T.I., Blassingame T.A., Decline curve asnalysis using material balanse time, Paper SPE 28688, October, 1994, pp. 1-23. 6. Blassingame T.A., Lee W.J. Pressure buildup test analysis – variable rate case: a new approach, Paper SPE №17052, 1979, June, pp. 273-280.Login or register before ordering |
D.A. Berdnikov, I.V. L’vova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), R.R. Khuzin (Carbon-Oil OOO, RF, Almetyevsk), N.I. Rylov, L.M. Mironova (Nauka OOO, RF, Bugulma) Efficiency of forming of water-isolating screens in the net pay while completion DOI: Key words: well completion, water-isolating screen, special cement blend, water contributing interval, water breakthrough, A conceptually new completion method to prevent water cut of the wellstream resulting from bottom water breakthrough to the annulus is considered. The technology is realized at the stage of completion; it involves selective forming of a protective screen in the water contributing interval. The paper presents results of the analysis of the completion technology, as well as conclusions and practical recommendations. References 1. Khuzin R.R., Povyshenie effektivnosti tekhnologii zakanchivaniya skvazhin na mestorozhdeniyakh s trudnoizvlekaemymi zapasami nefti (Increasing the effectiveness of well completion technology in the fields of stranded oil), St. Petersburg: OOO “Nedra” Publ., 2006, 151 p. 2. Kateev R.I., Kreplenie skvazhin v anomal'nykh gidrodinamicheskikh usloviyakh razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Tatarstana (Well casing in the abnormal hydrodynamic conditions of oil field development of Tatarstan), Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2005, 168 p. 3. RF Patent 2314408, MPK E 21 V 33/13, Khuzin R.R., Rylov N.I., Berdnikov D.A., Sposob izolyatsii vodoneftepronitsaemykh plastov (Method of isolation of permeable to oil and water strata)Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
N.V. Strizhov, Yu.V.Obuh (Research Center GASINFORMPLAST Ltd., RF, Tomsk) K.M. Fedorov (Academy of Oil & Gas Engineering Ltd., RF, Sochi) Gas condensate production monitoring by separator with fluid utilization in collecting system DOI: Key words: gas condensate, multiphase production, separator, field applications, phase sampler and analyzer. Review of modern tools for multiphase production analysis is presented. The advances and shortcomings of different methods of phase’s rate measurement are outlined. The origin construction of high pressure separator with production fluid utilization in collecting system is presented. Double systems of phase’s debit measurement provide high observation accuracy. The field experience of the original separator applications is given in the paper. The separator is mobile it is constructed on the trailer and equipped with gas and liquid sampler and analyzer. References 1. Gritsenko L.I., Aliev Z.S., Ermilov O.M., et al., Rukovodstvo po issledovaniyu skvazhin (Guidelines for the study wells), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1995, 523 p. 2. Zotov G.A., Aliev Z.S., Instruktsiya po kompleksnomu issledovaniyu gazovykh i gazokondensatnykh plastov i skvazhin (Instructions for integrated research on gas and gas condensate reservoirs and wells), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1980, 301 p. 3. Lanchakov G.A., Marinin V.I., Lyugay D.V., Aliev Z.S., Instruktsiya po kompleksnym issledovaniyam gazovykh i gazokondensatnykh skvazhin (Instructions for integrated research on gas and gas condensate wells), Moscow: Gazprom ekspo Publ., 2011. 4. Yusupov K.S., Misharin V.A., Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po gidrodinamicheskim metodam issledovaniya skvazhin i plastov (Practical guide for hydrodynamic methods of investigation wells and reservoirs), Tyumen': SibNIINP Publ., 1998.Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
M.Yu. Tarasov, A.B. Zyryanov, A.A. Zobnin (Giprotyumenneftegaz OAO, HMS Group, RF, Tyumen), I.A. Tashbulatov (Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz OJSC Muravlenkovskneft Branch, RF, Muravlenko) Field studies of oil dehydration in three-phase separators with production heating DOI: Key words: three-phase separators with direct production heating, installation of preliminary water discharge, preliminary oil dehydration. The results of field studies of operation of three-phase separators with direct production heating are given. The possibility of a preliminary deep water discharge in three-phase separators with direct production heating is shown.Login or register before ordering |
V.N. Semenov (Giprotyumenneftegaz OAO, HMS Group, RF, Tyumen), S.M. Sokolov (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen) Prediction of reliability and service life of pipelines without lining DOI: Key words: pipelines, reliability, corrosion, prediction, ruptures, service life. Brief information on methods and programs are given for the prediction of the corrosion parameters of field pipelines with no lining in the fields of Western Siberia. Such forecasting is necessary for the elaboration of the sections Determination of the reliability of field pipelines and Service life of field pipelines, being developed at the design of fields’ construction. References 1. Sokolov S.M., Pavlov P.V., Shcherbinin I.A. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2007, no. 7, pp. 132-134. 2. Semenov V.N., Abazina K.V., Perekupka A.G. Razrabotka i vnedrenie programmy po raschetu korrozionnykh parametrov vodovodov ANTICORR (Development and implementation of programs for calculation of corrosion parameters of water pipelines “ANTICORR”), 32-aya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 45-godovshchine OAO «Giprotyumenneftegaz» (32nd Scientific and practical conference dedicated to 45th anniversary of "Giprotyumenneftegaz"), 11-12.12.2008, Tyumen', 2009, pp. 90-91. 3. STP GTNG 002-2003. Instruktsiya po raschetam rezhimov techeniya gazovodoneftyanoy emul'sii v truboprovodakh, skorosti korrozii, korrozionnogo iznosa, prognozirovaniya chisla avariy i otbrakovki neftegazoprovodov i vodovodov (Instructions for calculation of flow regimes of gas-water-oil emulsion in the pipeline, the rate of corrosion, corrosive wear, predict the number of accidents and to reject oil and gas and water pipelines), Tyumen': Giprotyumenneftegaz Publ., 2003. 4. RP NIO-01. Instruktsiya po proektirovaniyu i ekspluatatsii antikorrozionnoy zashchity vodovodov sistemy PPD na mestorozhdeniyakh Zapadnoy Sibiri (Instructions for design and operation of corrosion protection of water pipelines pressure maintenance in the fields of Western Siberia), Tyumen': Giprotyumenneftegaz Publ., 2011. 5. STP GTNG Instruktsiya po proektirovaniyu i ekspluatatsii antikorrozionnoy zashchity vodovodov sistemy PPD na mestorozhdeniyakh Zapadnoy Sibiri (Instructions for design and operation of corrosion protection of water pipelines pressure maintenance in the fields of Western Siberia), Tyumen': Giprotyumenneftegaz Publ., 2006. 6. Perekupka A.G., Semenov V.N., Pavlov P.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2005, no. 6, pp. 130-131. 7. Semenov V.N., Perekupka A.G., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 2, pp. 52-53. 8. Semenov V.N., Sokolov S.M., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 2, pp. 108-109. 9. Semenov V.N., Perekupka A.G., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2007, no. 3, pp. 96-97.Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
S.V. Rakunov (Prime Group LLC, RF, Moscow), A.P. Pozdnyakov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow) Modern approach in developing а single geographic information space for fuel material companies DOI: Key words: geographic information systems portals, the interaction of CAD and GIS, visualization of data, IT-Infrastructure. The article presents the experience of Prime Group in the developing of unified geographic information systems portals for government agencies, industry and fuel and energy complex. Methods and ways of their construction are considered, given the characteristics of enterprises, using the technology of service-oriented architecture, the interaction of CAD and GIS products. Login or register before ordering |
.E. Karaev, M.A. Stepanov, A.N. Budjakov (Gazprom Neft JSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Electronic matching: approaches, opportunities, advantages DOI: Key words: electronic matching, automation, workflow, optimization, common information space. Providing timely and accurate matching of documents is important and one of the key challenges for any company. Indeed, solutions need to solve a number of difficult issues: the need for systematic coordination of different routes, different approaches to harmonization in various parts of the company, as well as a large number of interested stakeholders. This article highlights the approaches to the introduction of electronic document management systems, process automation and analysis of matching documents, opportunities and strategic advantages of automated solutions. Login or register before ordering |
Oil refining |
E.A. Zelenskaya (Scientific Research Institute for Design and Survey InjGeo CJSC, RF, Krasnodar), I.S. Zavalinskaya, U.P. Yas’yan (Kuban State University of Technology, RF, Krasnodar) Investigating influence of thermal impact on straight run gasoline catalytic sweetening product characteristics DOI: Key words: octane level, temperature, catalysate, hydrocarbon feedstock. The article outlines the opportunity to improve quality of target product resulted from catalytic sweetening of low octane hydrocarbon feedstock and its ecologic characteristics thru changing process parameters, i.e. operation temperature. Dependence between resultant catalysate and reaction zone temperature was established. Product composition was investigated.Login or register before ordering |
Petroleum industry abroad |
S.R. Tsokiev (Belkamneft OJSC, RF, Izhevsk) African energy reserves and Russia’s interest in the continent DOI: Key words: The oil resources of African continent. The gas resources of African continent. China's energy strategy in Africa. Usa's energy strategy in Africa. Russian energy strategy in Africa. Second decade of 21st century carries many aspects: global crisis, slowdown of globalization, dynamical changes of World’s superpowers , therefore, inevitable changes in privatization on a global scale. In this context huge role plays practical interest of energy resources of Africa and a clash of interests of two superpowers- USA and China. Russian energy companies has its own global interests, and its crucial part is also in Africa. This is why for them, practical interest can be represented as an overall picture of energy resources on that continent and some tendencies of its exploration of leading companies from those countries which hold the position of a superpower. References 1. Oil and gas in the African continent, Oil of Russia, URL: 2. America, Africa and Oil, URL: 3. Oil in Africa, 29.12.2005, URL: 4. Nigeria and her membership of OPEC, AfricaEconomicAnalysis, URL: 5.. BP statistical review of world energy, 06.2011, URL: 6. Chad/Cameroon development project, Development history, URL: 7. Encyclopedia of the nations, Federal Respublic of Nigeria, URL: 8. Oil and gas hydrocarbons, AfroAsian business chronical, URL: 9., 12.09.2011, URL: 10. EKSAR do kontsa goda vydast pervyy polis po strakhovaniyu eksportnykh postavok (Agency for export credit insurance and investment (EKSAR) before the end of the year will first policy of insurance of export deliveries), 27.10.2011, URL: Login or register before ordering |