December 2024 ![]() |
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A.V. Ushakov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); O.O. Skudar (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); V.V. Yakimov Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.N. Blyablyas (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); I.N. Uvayskiy (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg) System engineering in the oil and gas industry DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-6-12 Gazprom Neft Companó Group has adapted systems engineering methods and other practices for the oil and gas industry. Systems engineering approaches have been reflected in the framework of organizational transformation. The main goal of the transformation was to create responsibility centers for solving problems related to the creation, design and support at the stages of construction and operation of complex technical systems of ground arrangement of the entire perimeter of exploration and production. Today, conditions in the industry create a high demand for the accumulation of knowledge for the subsequent synthesis and circulation of successful engineering solutions. To ensure the technological sovereignty and leadership of the company, there is a need to develop engineering as a process of engineering management that ensures the formation of an integration layer for the implementation of the results of innovative activities and technical policy in production. The results of the organizational transformation and the practical application of individual systems engineering practices build a scheme that ensures the implementation and circulation of technological development projects, forming a continuous cycle of knowledge accumulation. The first results of the Eastern Siberia projects show significant changes in the processes: speed of implementation, quality and continuity of technical solutions when moving projects from stage to stage. Login or register before ordering |
D.I. Pereponov (LABADVANCE LLC, RF, Moscow); M.R. Latypova (LABADVANCE LLC, RF, Moscow; Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow); S.A. Kalinin (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); N.N. Barkovskiy (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); R.M. Saitov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); E.D. Shilov (LABADVANCE LLC, RF, Moscow); A.N. Cheremisin (LABADVANCE LLC, RF, Moscow) "Lab-on-a-chip" - microfluidics for reservoir analysis and production optimization DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-13-18 The complexity of the structure of hydrocarbon reservoirs requires the use of new technologies to develop some of them, which requires modern research methods and tools. In recent years, significant advances have been made in microfluidic technologies. The capabilities and benefits of using microfluidic platforms to study reservoir systems and optimise enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques are being actively explored. Based on a review of the literature and the results of studies, the authors show how microfluidics can accelerate and improve laboratory investigations, and provide successful examples of how leading oil and service companies around the world are using these technologies to study reservoirs. The paper also discusses the application of microfluidic techniques optimisation of various EOR methods, study of low permeability reservoirs, optimisation of hydraulic fracturing design, analysis of PVT properties of reservoir fluids. The results of joint studies conducted by Gazprom Neft Companó Group and LABADVANCE LLC using microfluidics are briefly described, including determining the dew point of the gas condensate mixture, screening surfactants, and defining the minimum miscibility pressure. The article focuses on promoting and popularising microfluidic technology as a modern and effective tool for solving new challenges in reservoir studies.
References 1. Mostowfi F., Molla S., Tabeling P., Determining phase diagrams of gas–liquid systems using a microfluidic PVT, Lab on a Chip, 2012, V. 12 (21), pp. 4381–4387, DOI: 2. Ahitan S., Abedini A., Latorre T. et al., A novel method to measure the phase behavior of black oils: Saturation pressure and liquid-vapor fractions, SPE-214948-MS, 2023, DOI: 3. Molla S., Mostowfi F., Novel microfluidic device for dew point pressure measurement of retrograde gas condensates, Energy & Fuels, 2021, V. 35 (14), pp. 11154–11161, DOI: 4. Ungar F., Ahitan S., Worthing S. et al., A new fluidics method to determine minimum miscibility pressure, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, V. 208(2), pp. 109415, DOI: 5. Fuwei Yu, Zhendong Gao, Wenhao Zhu et al., Experiments on imbibition mechanisms of fractured reservoirs by microfluidic chips, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2021, V. 48(5), pp. 1162–1172, DOI: 6. Porter M.L., Jiménez-Martínez J., Martinez R. et al., Geo-material microfluidics at reservoir conditions for subsurface energy resource applications, Lab on a Chip, 2015, V. 15(20), pp. 4044–4053, DOI: 7. Huawei Li, Junjie Zhong, Yuanjie Pang et al., Direct visualization of fluid dynamics in sub-10 nm nanochannels, Nanoscale, 2017, V. 9 (27), Ð. 9556–9561, DOI: 8. Kim J., Willmott E., Quintero L., Microfluidics technology for visualizing surfactant performance in enhanced oil recovery, Proceedings of IOR 2019 – 20th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, 2019, V. 2019, no. 1, pp. 1–18, DOI: 9. Limin Xu, Ming Han, Dongqing Cao, Jinxun Wang, Study on dynamic interfacial tension behaviors in surfactant selection for improving oil production, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, V. 209 (5), pp. 109978, DOI: 10. Qi Z., Fan X., Abedini A., Raffa D., Microfluidic-based optimization of polymer flooding for heavy oil recovery, SPE-212758-MS, 2023, 11. Schumi B., Clemens T., Wegner J. et al., Alkali/cosolvent/polymer flooding of high-TAN oil: using phase experiments, micromodels, and corefloods for injection-agent selection, SPE-195504-PA, 2020, DOI: 12. Gizzatov A., Pierobon S., AlYousef Z. et al., High-temperature high-pressure microfluidic system for rapid screening of supercritical CO2 foaming agents, Scientific Reports, 2021, V. 11(1), DOI: 13. De Haas T.W., Bao B., Ramirez H.A. et al., Screening high-temperature foams with microfluidics for thermal recovery processes, Energy & Fuels, 2021, V. 35 (9), pp. 7866–7873, DOI: 14. Zhong J., Abedini A., Xu L. et al., Nanomodel visualization of fluid injections in tight formations, Nanoscale, 2018, V. 10(46), pp. 21994–22002, DOI: 15. ASTM D7996-15. Standard test method for measuring visible spectrum of asphaltenes in heavy fuel oils and crude oils by spectroscopy in a microfluidic platform. 16. Dorhjie D.B., Pereponov D., Aminev T. et al., A microfluidic and numerical analysis of non-equilibrium phase behavior of gas condensates, Scientific Reports, 2024, V. 14(1), DOI: 17. Scerbacova A., Pereponov D., Tarkhov M. et al., Visualization of surfactant flooding in tight reservoir using microfluidics, SPE-214419-MS, 2023, DOI: 18. Pereponov D., Kazaku V., Scerbacova A. et al., Digital core on a chip: Surfactant flooding in low-permeability reservoir, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, V. 414, P. 126073, DOI: 19. Pereponov D., Tarkhov M., Dorhjie D.B. et al., Microfluidic studies on minimum miscibility pressure for n-decane and CO2, Energies, 2023, V. 16 (13), DOI: 20. Latypova M., Pereponov D., Kazaku V. et al., Repetition of the void space structure in microfluidic chip based on a complex of the core lithological and mineralogical data of Achimov tight gas reservoirs, InterPore 2024 Book of Abstracts, 2024. 21. Wang W., Chang S., Gizzatov A., Toward Reservoir-on-a-Chip: Fabricating reservoir micromodels by in situ growing calcium carbonate nanocrystals in microfluidic channels, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 2017, pp. 29380–29386, DOI: 22. Patent US8028562B2, High pressure and high temperature chromatography, Inventors: Shah J., Bostrom N.W., Zhdaneev O., Raghuraman B., Paso K.G. Login or register before ordering |
T.V. Olneva (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); M.Yu. Oreshkova (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg) An automated approach to the morphometric analysis of meandering river systems of Pliocene age (Pannonian Basin) DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-20-23 The article discusses automated approaches to morphometric analysis used to study paleochannel systems established in the Pliocene sediments of the Pannonian basin. Paleochannel systems are of exploration interest, as they are associated with lithological traps of oil and gas, which underlines relevance of this work. The objects of the study are seismic images of paleocannels of Pliocene age, mapped according to the results of 3D seismic survey interpretation, geographically located in the Northern Banat region (Vojvodina, Serbia). The paper provides a justification for morphometric type of the selected objects, as well as a comparison of results of calculating the capacities of paleochannel deposits according to two alternative numerical dependencies with actual data on wells. The study tested two relationships established between the width of the channel formation belt and the thickness of channel sediments for modern meandering rivers (Collinson, 1978) and for river paleosystems (Fielding and Ñrane, 1987). A comparison of calculated values with capacities of channel sediments interpreted from borehole data enables to recommend the use of Fielding and Crane dependence in the region. Implementation of automated analysis tools in the study of paleochannel sediments helps to reduce subjectivity in general estimates of local geological events and minimize labor costs.
References 1. Ol’neva T.V, Ovechkina V.Yu., Object-oriented correlation as a new methodological approach in the preparation of data for seismic facies analysis(In Russ.), Geofizika, 2016, no. 4, pp. 9-14. 2. Olneva T., Zhukovskaya E., Innovative approaches to seismic data interpretation: building reliable depositional models of fluvial systems, Proceedings of 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2016, DOI: 3. Ol’neva, T.V. Zhukovskaya E.A., Seismic facies analysis range of possibilities for the study of paleo fluvial systems (In Russ.), Geofizika, 2016, no. 2, pp. 2–9. 4. Ol’neva T.V., Oreshkova M.Yu., Butorin A.V., Egorov A.S., Morphometric approach to quantitative assessment of thickness of sediments meandering paleochannels of the Tyumen formation of the West Siberian oil and gas basin (In Russ.), Georesursy = Georesources, 2024, no. 26(3), pp. 143-150, DOI: 5. Sedimentary environments: processes, facies and stratigraphy: edited by Reading H.G., Blackwell Publishing Limited, Second edition, 1986. 6. Gibling M.R., Width and thickness of fluvial channel bodies and valley fills in the geological record; a literature compilation and classification, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2006, V. 76/5-6, pp. 731-770, DOI: 7. Fielding K.R., Crane R.S., Application of statistical modeling to predict hydrocarbon recovery coefficients in riverbed reservoirs, SEPM, Special Publication, 1987, V. 39, pp. 321-327. 8. Reynolds A.D., Dimensions of paralic sandstone bodies, AAPG Bulletin, 1999, V. 83, pp. 211-229, DOI: 9. Zhivkov E., Belatovich M., Ristovich A., Geologicheskaya model’ neftyanoy zalezhi VI mestorozhdeniya Kikinda Varosh (Geological model of the oil reservoir VI of the Kikinda Varosh field), Proceedings of 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia, 2010, pp. 289-295. 10. Ol’neva T.V., Zhukovskaya E.A., Complex study of neogenous deposit thickness of pannon basin on the basis of seismostratigraphic approaches with elements of seismofacial analysis (In Russ.), Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2017, V. 228, pp. 631-640, DOI: 11. Strong P.C., Wood G.R., Lang S.C. et al., High-resolution palaeogeographic mapping of the fluvial-lacustrine Patchawarra Formation in the Cooper Basin, South Australia, APPEA Journal, 2002, V. 42(1), pp. 65–82, DOI: or register before ordering |
O.N. Shevchenko, (Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, RF, Saint Petersburg; Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); D.A. Klochko, (Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, RF, Saint Petersburg; Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); I.S. Kaeshkov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.N. Cheremisin (LABADVANCE LLC, RF, Moscow) M.A. Cherevko (OILFIELD SERVICE SOLUTIONS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg) A script for assessing the impact of geological parameters of the formation on the profitability of field development using the example of carbonate reservoirs in the field of Eastern Siberia DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-24-29 The estimation of hydrocarbon reserves in carbonate reservoirs is associated with a range of complex challenges that affect the profitability of field development. One of the key challenges is the accurate estimation of the key parameters influencing the economic efficiency of the project. Carbonate reservoirs are very complex in geological structure, and their behavior is difficult to predict due to their high heterogeneity. For instance, results of laboratory studies of porosity, permeability, capillary pressure, relative permeability, and other properties can vary significantly even in closely selected core samples. Additionally, the variability in mineralogical composition and pore structure complicates the determination of porosity, permeability, and water saturation from well logging. This uncertainty in petrophysical properties can lead to significant deviations in reservoir models, influencing both production forecasts and economic calculations. The paper discusses possible methods of reducing uncertainty in petrophysical properties, saturation, relative permeability, and properties of carbonate reservoirs and their impact on the project's economic efficiency. The use of modern methods of analysis enables to minimize the impact of these factors on the result. To optimize the process, scripts were developed that enable to export the data from the hydrodynamic model, calculate key economic parameters, and integrate the net present value calculations into a final file. This significantly simplifies the further analysis and plotting, enabling more informed decision-making in reservoir development projects.
References 1. Van Golf-Racht T.D., Fundamentals of fractured reservoir engineering, Elsevier, 1982. 2. Lucia F.J., Carbonate reservoir characterization: An integrated approach, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, 336 p. 3. Rock Flow Dynamics. Auto-adaptation User Manual, 2022. 4. Bodmer E., Corporate and project finance modeling: Theory and practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2014, 624 p. 5. McNamee P., Celona J., Decision analysis for the professional — with supertree, The Scientific Press, Redwood City, CA, 1987, 256 p. 6. Dake L.P., The practice of reservoir engineering, Elsevier, 2001, 556 p. 7. Ahmed T.H., Reservoir engineering handbook, Elsevier, 2006, 1376 p. 8. Conroy M.J., Peterson J.T., Decision making in natural resource management: A structured, adaptive approach, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 480 p. 9. Beazley D.M., Python essential reference (Developer’s library), Addison-Wesley, 2009, 717 p. Login or register before ordering |
A.D. Musikhin (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); D.I. Mingazova (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); D.E. Zagranovskaya (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.A. Ivanova (PetroTrace LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg) Approaches to estimation of the hydrocarbon potential of the Middle Jurassic play in the Krasnoleninsky oil and gas region DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-30-35 This article presents an approach to assessing the potential of Jurassic complex deposits in a subsurface area within the Krasnoleninsky oil and gas region, taking into account the specific geological structures of this region. An analysis of regional paleogeographic environments during the time of sediment formation and local mechanisms of sedimentation is provided. By analyzing core material from adjacent territories, secondary processes controlling reservoir properties in Jurassic reservoirs were identified. The patterns and features of hydrothermal influence on primary reservoir rocks in the contact zone with the pre-Jurassic complex and in distal zones are described. The impact of these secondary changes on the pore structure and hydrocarbon potential was determined. It was found that the sediments most promising for hydrocarbon exploration predominantly have colluvial-deluvial genesis, as they accumulated directly on slopes and at their bases, forming the basal horizon. Based on this research, combined with comprehensive analysis of seismic data, geophysical surveys, well tests, and the analysis of geological history of the area, a conceptual model of the subsurface structure and prospective targets has been developed. Their key exploration criteria and methods for resource base assessment are also discussed. The results of the work were used in the geological and economic assessment when selecting a development system, calculating predicted production profiles, forming a program of geological exploration work and as a result assessing the expected value of the asset and making a decision on the acquisition of the asset.
References 1. Patent RU 2596181 C1, Method of searching for hydrocarbon deposits in non-conventional reservoir rocks of Bazhenov group, Inventors: Vashkevich A.A., Strizhnev K.V., Zagranovskaya D.E., Zhukov V.V. 2. Strizhnev K.V, Zagranovskaya D.E., Zhukov V.V., Selection of promising oil and gas bearing area formations for unconventional reservoirs Bazhenov Suite (In Russ.), Nedropol’zovanie XXI vek, 2015, no. 1, pp. 46 - 51. 3. Korobov A.D., Akhlestina E.F., Korobova L.A. et al., Secondary terrigenous screens of the Tyumen switch - Reliable factor of preservation of productivity Bazheno-Abalak complex (In Russ.), Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser. Nauki o Zemle = Izvestiya of Saratov University Earth Sciences, 2017, V. 17, no. 4, pp. 276–280, DOI: 4. Korobov A.D., Korobova L.A., Oil and gas prospective rift-sedimentary formation complex as reflection of hydrothermal processes in basement and cover rocks (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2011, no. 3, pp. 14–23. 5. Viktorova E.M., Zhigulina D.I., Kiselev P.Yu., Klimov V.Yu., New approach to appraise non-structural Tyumen formation traps in the absence of high quality of data (In Russ.), PRONEFT’’. Professional’no o nefti, 2021, V. 6, no. 3, pp. 43–51, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
M.G. Dymochkina (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); V.A. Pavlov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg) Comparative analysis and assessment of prospects of CO2 storage in aquifer reservoirs of coastal-marine sedimentation environments DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-36-40 Aquifers with mineralized formation water are applicable for long-term CO2 storage. Dissolving in water and weighting down the reservoir fluid, CO2 creates a slowly moving plume in the reservoir, which can persist within a certain area for a long time. The absence of faults and mineralization of formation water are important in selecting aquifer reservoirs for CO2 injection, but they are not the only factors. The filtration and volumetric characteristics of the reservoir are also extremely important. They ensure the desired injection capacity and CO2 coverage of the reservoir. Modern research shows that not all terrigenous reservoirs that contain hydrocarbons and are successfully developed with high productivity rates can be used for CO2 injection. In fact, for carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects it is reasonable to use only reservoirs of coastal-marine and shallow-marine sediments, which have a whole set of geological characteristics that ensure highly efficient operation of injection wells when CO2 is supplied to aquifers with initial reservoir pressure. The article discusses the results of a comparative analysis of the efficiency of reservoirs of various genesis and modeling of the CO2 injection efficiency parameter (Es), as well as its components and draws conclusions about the influence of geological parameters of the reservoir on this parameter.
References 1. IPCC. Special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage, Cambridge, 2005. 2. Goodman A.L. et al., U.S. DOE methodology for development of geologic storage potential for carbon dioxide at the national and regional scale, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2011, V. 5(4), pp. 925–965, DOI: 3. Bachu S., Sequestration of CO2 in geological media: criteria and approach for site selection in response to climate change, Energy conversion and management, 2000, V. 41, no. 9, pp. 953–970, DOI: 4. Afanasyev A., Penigin A., Dymochkina M. et al., Reservoir simulation of the CO2 storage potential for the depositional environments of West Siberia, Gas Science and Engineering, 2023, V. 114, DOI: 5. Zhemchugova V.A., Prakticheskoe primenenie rezervuarnoy sedimentologii pri modelirovanii uglevodorodnykh sistem (The practical application of reservoir sedimentology in the modeling of hydrocarbon systems), Moscow: Publ. of Gubkin University, 2014, 344 p. Login or register before ordering |
M.A. Shakirov (Ãðóïïà êîìïàíèé «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü»); A.A. Vasilyeva (Ãðóïïà êîìïàíèé «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü»); A.M. Nigmatullin (Ãðóïïà êîìïàíèé «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü»); M.M. Bikkulov (Ãðóïïà êîìïàíèé «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü»); R.R. Galeev (Ãðóïïà êîìïàíèé «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü»); E.L. Sergeev Yu.Yu. Koldyrev Development of software solutions for planning and efficiency evaluation of non-stationary waterflooding DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-41-45 Nowadays digitalization is a global technological trend and extends to overall environment. Oil companies are not exception and continue working hard to digitalize processes. The constant growth of the volume of information on fields entails an increase in the time required for analyzing data in order to make a decision on field development management. A software module was developed that enables comprehensive data analysis to plan and assess the effectiveness of non-stationary waterflooding in the field which includes determining the optimal half-cycle period and calculating the actual and predicted effects from the use of non-stationary waterflooding. The software module is implemented based on Python and integrated with software for designing and monitoring field development processes, which allows to easily select the analyzed area and load information on wells, blocks, or waterflooding cells either directly from the software or as a well list. Based on the downloaded data, the recommended period of temporary shutdown of injection for a well/groups of wells is calculated, the forecast effect of this shutdown (reduction of unproductive withdrawals) is calculated and effective planning of the well workover program is carried out for the reservoir pressure maintenance fund at the fields of Gazprom Neft Companó Group. The use of this software module enables to automate routine operations for collecting and analyzing data to make faster and better decisions on field development management.
References 1. Surguchev M.L., Ob uvelichenii nefteotdachi neodnorodnykh plastov (On increasing oil recovery from heterogeneous formations), Proceedings of VNII, 1959, V. 19, pp. 102-110. 2. Abramova L.Yu., Metamodels of neurolinguistic programming using exceptions as an example (In Russ.), Innovatsii. Nauka. Obrazovanie, 2022, no. 51, pp. 2112-2117. 3. Aleksashina A.A., Information technologies for solving linear programming problems (In Russ.), Sovremennaya shkola Rossii. Voprosy modernizatsii, 2022, no. 6(43), pp. 78-79. 4. Bazilevskiy M.P., Method for the M parameter determination in 0-1 mixed-integer linear programming problem for subset selection in linear regression (In Russ.), Vestnik Tekhnologicheskogo universiteta, 2022, V. 25, no. 2, pp. 62-66, DOI: 5. Zhornyak A.G., Morozova T.A., Specialized Python(x,y) distribution of the Python programming language for scientific and engineering computing (In Russ.), Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy vestnik Povolzh’ya, 2022, no. 7, pp. 39-42. 6. Willhite G.P., Waterflooding, SPE Textbook Series, 1986. Login or register before ordering |
R.R. Gumerov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); S.A. Kalinin (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.P. Roshchektaev (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); S.R. Karmushin (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); V.V. Neverov (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); A.S. Kozhukhov (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); Yu.D. Katser (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); M.S. Ippolitov (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); E.M. Kuchendaeva (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); E.V. Novikov (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); A.S. Besov (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); R.I. Mullyadzhanov (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk); S.V. Golovin (Novosibirsk State University, RF, Novosibirsk) Hybrid modeling of well killing fluid filtration in the conditions of fractured-porous reservoirs based on physico-mathematical modeling and machine learning DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-46-52 efficiency of well killing operations in carbonate fractured porous reservoirs with high gas factor, presence of hydrogen sulphide and abnormally low formation pressure. Various technologies are used to conduct well killing operations in such conditions, including those using injection in a certain sequence of different volumes of non-Newtonian viscoelastic and emulsion blocking compounds, as well as salt solutions in order to prevent oil, gas and water shows. This result is achieved by preventing the absorption of technological compositions into the bottomhole zone of the formation and providing back pressure by a column of fluid in the borehole to the formation. The major challenge is the difficulty in selecting the optimal composition and sufficient volume of well killing fluids, while ensuring a minimal number of unsuccessful operations. Hybrid modeling, which combines machine learning techniques with classical methods of physical and mathematical modeling, is chosen as a means to solve this problem. The hybrid approach enables to capture complex and non-intuitive dependencies in the data and to rely on the physical principles lying behind the mathematical models of fluid flow in fractured porous media. The developed models provide accurate calculation of the volumes of technical fluids necessary for successful operations, with an error range between 2 and 50 cubic meters depending on the specific technical fluid and the well in question. The coefficient of determination R² reaches 0,7 which indicates a high level of accuracy in the regression models used in the calculations.
References 1. Ovcharenko Yu.V., Gumerov R.R., Bazyrov I.Sh. et al., Well killing specifics in conditions of fractured and porous carbonate reservoirs of the Eastern part of the Orenburgskoye oil-gas-condensate field (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2017, no. 12, pp. 52–56, DOI: 2. Bazyrov I.Sh., Gun’kin A.S., Ovcharenko Yu.V. et al., Modeling of a hydraulic fracture initiation in directional and horizontal wellbores in fractured reservoir (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2019, no. 12, pp. 56-59, DOI: 3. Karmushin S.R., Lezhnev K.E., Gumerov R.R. et al., Estimating well killing fluid volume in the conditions of fractured porous reservoirs based on physical and mathematical modeling and statistical analysis (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 12, pp. 30–33, DOI: 4. Khasanov M.M., Bulgakova G.T., Nelineynye i neravnovesnye effekty v reologicheski slozhnykh sredakh (Nonlinear and nonequilibrium effects in rheologically complex media), Moscow - Izhevsk: Institute for Computer Research, 2003, 288 p. 5. Hecht F., New development in FreeFem++ // J Numer Math. – 2012. –V. 20 (3–4). – P. 251–266, DOI: 6. Bernabe Y., Permeability and pore structure of rock under pressure, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985. 7. Zhukov V.S., Vliyanie treshchinnoy pustotnosti na pronitsaemost’ gornykh porod pri roste effektivnogo davleniya (The influence of fracture porosity on the permeability of rocks with increasing effective pressure), Proceedings of conference “Novye idei v geologii nefti i gaza” (New ideas in oil and gas geology), Moscow: PERO Publ., 2019, pp. 179-1874. 8. Zhukov V.S., Motorygin V.V., Impact of intergranular porosity and cracking cavitation to permeability (In Russ.), Vesti gazovoy nauki, 2019, no. 1 (38), pp. 82–88. 9. URL: Login or register before ordering |
Ì.R. Dulkarnaev (Meretoyakhaneftegaz LLC, RF, Novy Urengoy); V.Yu. Khoryushin (Meretoyakhaneftegaz LLC, RF, Novy Urengoy); M.Yu. Gvozdev (Meretoyakhaneftegaz LLC, RF, Novy Urengoy); I.V. Mayorov (Meretoyakhaneftegaz LLC, RF, Novy Urengoy); A.A. Konovalenko (Meretoyakhaneftegaz LLC, RF, Novy Urengoy); D.V. Dikov (Meretoyakhaneftegaz LLC, RF, Novy Urengoy); O.L. Smolyarov (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow); A.A. Makeev (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow); S.V. Minakov (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow); A.N. Yuriev (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow) Water shut-off in conditions of a thin oil rim of the T field DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-53-57 The article considers the realization of water shut-off pilot project in the conditions of a thin oil rim of the PK1 formation of the T field. A comparison of rheological characteristics of field and laboratory samples of chemical reagents was performed. Applicability criteria were developed, candidate wells were selected, water shut-off pilot project in the wells exploiting the PK1 formation of the field T was carried out. The technological success of the technologies was confirmed by a decrease in associated water, in some cases accompanied by an increase in oil production. New standard designs for limiting water shut-off were developed. The reagents AK-642 and Isoplast-D, previously studied in laboratory conditions as well as standard designs for limiting water shut-off in horizontal and multi-hole wells were tested. As a result of the pilot project carried out to limit water inflow, technological efficiency was obtained for 2 wells, presented in the form of a decrease in associated water and an increase in oil production. The failure to achieve technological efficiency for 1 well is due to a deviation from the original design of water shut-off. The next stage of work on water shut-off is planned, which involves reducing the operating costs of wells preparation (bottom-hole cleaning) and for logging.
References 1. Smolyarov O.L., Shamsutdinova E.V., Nevolin A.I., Khoryushin V.Yu., Water shut-off in conditions of a thin oil rim of the T field. Technology assessment, laboratory research (In Russ.), PRONEFT’’. Professional’no o nefti = PRONEFT. Professionally about oil, 2024, no. 9, pp. 120-128, DOI: 2. Khasanshin R.N., Malikov I.M., Bol’shakov A.N., Experience in applying water inflow control procedures in horizontal wells of PAO «Gazprom neft» (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Novatsii, 2018, no. 7, pp. 85–87. 3. Khasanshin R.N., Razrabotka tekhnologii izolyatsii poputno-dobyvaemykh vod v skvazhinakh (na primere Tevlinsko-Russkinskogo mestorozhdeniya) (Development of technology for isolation of produced water in wells (using the example of the Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye field)): thesis of candidate of technical science, Ufa, 2005. Login or register before ordering |
D.Yu. Vlasov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.A. Alekseeva (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.V. Syundyukov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.V. Zubkov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); I.A. Zaitsev (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.A. Troitskaya (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); K.A. Yakhina (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg) Algorithm for automation of expert averaging of water cut in oil production DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-58-63 The article presents a new approach to averaging water cut measurements in the process of oil production based on an automated algorithm using mathematical methods. The main goal of the research is to improve the accuracy and speed of water cut data analysis, which enables to minimize the influence of human factor, reduce labor costs and standardize the data processing process. The main objective of the method is to reduce the number of insignificant noise deviations caused by measurement errors and to highlight significant ones that require attention. The algorithm consists of two steps. At the first stage, the data are linearly approximated by the method of least squares and the corridors of acceptable deviations are constructed. At the second stage, the width of the corridors is refined using the standard deviation and the data are verified to identify only the most important outliers. This approach filters out non-physical outliers and automates the approximation of actual values, bringing analysis results closer to expert judgment. Automation of the analysis process facilitates the application of a systematic approach to monitoring well water cut parameters, prompt response to changes in oil flow rate, identification of problem wells, and elimination of the causes of deviations. Implementation of the proposed method improves the quality of data, standardizes the process of their processing and reduces the labor intensity of analysis, providing effective management of production processes.
References 1. Chornyy A.V., Kozhemyakina I.A., Churanova N.Yu. et al., Analysis of wells interaction based on algorithms of complexing geological and field data (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2019, no. 1, pp. 36–39, DOI: 2. Asmandiyarov R.N., Kladov A.E., Lubnin A.A. et al., Automatic approach to field data analysis (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2011, no. 6, pp. 58–61. 3. Yudin E.V., Andrianova A.M., Isaev D. et al., Using deep learning algorithms to monitor well performance and restore well rate dynamics, SPE-217526-MS, 2023, DOI: 4. Evseenkov A.S., Kuchkildin D.K., Krechetov K.I. et al., Short-term forecasting of well production based on a hybrid probabilistic approach, SPE-206519-MS, 2021, DOI: 5. Drozdov A.N., Khamidullin R.D., Shestakov A.D. et al., Information system «Shahmatka and Tehrezhim» for improving the efficiency of oil production (In Russ.), Territoriya neftegaz, 2015, no. 10, pp. 34–41. 6. Yudin E.V., Vorob’ev D.S., Slabetskiy A.A. et al., New approaches to the assessment of production potential (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 11, pp. 114–119, DOI: 7. Yudin E.V., Andrianova A.M., Ganeev T. et al., Intelligent methods for analyzing high-frequency production data to optimize well operation modes, SPE-212118-MS, 2022, DOI: 8. Baziv V.F., Geologo-promyslovye osnovy upravleniya otborom zhidkosti i rezhimami neftyanykh zalezhey pri ikh zavodnenii (Geological and industrial principles of control of liquid extraction and oil deposit regimes during their flooding): thesis of doctor of technical science, Moscow, 2008. 9. Vlasov D.Yu., Zancharov A.A., Yudin E.V. et al., Automation of the monitoring process and factor analysis of production deviations (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 6, pp. 78–82, DOI: 10. Sun D., Yudin E.V., Slabetsky A. et al., Improving the approach to assessing the production potential from well interventions for mature fields with a large well stock, SPE-212065-MS, 2022, DOI: 11. Neverov A.N., Seliverstva O.V., Obrabotka rezul’tatov izmereniya (Processing measurement results), Moscow: Publ. of Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University, 2021, 62 p. 12. Kolomiets L.V., Ponikarova N.Yu., Metod naimen’shikh kvadratov izmereniya (Least squares method of measurement), Samara: Publ. of Samara universiteta, 2017, 32 p. 13. Yudin E.V., Piotrovsky G.A., Smirnov N.A. et al., Modeling and optimization of ESP wells operating in intermittent mode, SPE-212116-MS, 2022,
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A.M. Sharipov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); S.V. Kaigorodov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.P. Roschektaev (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); M.F. Fazlytdinov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg) Exploring the speeding up calculations possibility of hydrodynamic models using automatic adjustment of iterative process parameters in numerical solution DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-64-69 Modeling of the field development process takes a lot of time because requires many calculations on hydrodynamic simulator. The adaptation to the original data is performed first, and then the forecasts are calculated. As a result it may take several months to find the optimal solution. Therefore research aimed at studying the possibility of accelerating hydrodynamic calculations is relevant. Modern hydrodynamic simulators solve complex nonlinear differential equations using numerical methods (approximation is performed and as a result, a system of algebraic equations is obtained) and iterative methods are used to solve the obtained system of algebraic equations. The more iterations are performed, the more accurate the solution is obtained, but the calculation time increases. Thus a balance is achieved between accuracy and calculation time. It can be adjusted using the settings of the iterative process which are available in all hydrodynamic simulators. The default parameters of the iterative process in hydrodynamic simulators are set to provide the correct solution in the optimal time for most models. These parameters may not be optimal for a particular model and they can be adjusted to reduce the calculation time and save the error within the acceptable range. The automated tuning possibility of iterative process parameters is studied in this work using the tNavigator simulator.
References 1. IRM. Tekhnicheskoe rukovodstvo tNavigator (IRM. Technical Manual tNavigator), 2024, URL: 2. Differential Evolution: geneticheskiy algoritm optimizatsii funktsii (Differential Evolution: Genetic Algorithm for Function Optimization), URL: 3. Metod Neldera–Mida (Nelder–Mead method), URL: 4. IRM. Rukovodstvo pol’zovatelya tNavigator. Adaptatsiya i Optimizatsiya (IRM. User’s Guide tNavigator. Adaptation and Optimization), 2024, URL: Login or register before ordering |
A.Yu. Zhukov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg) Methodological aspects of performing pilot tests of drag reducing agents DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-70-74 The article describes approaches and features of conducting field tests of drag reducing agents (DRA) at oil and gas production facilities. Issues of limited use of laboratory tests in the process of admitting DRA to industrial use due to the limitations of laboratory facilities when simulating real conditions of pipeline transport are discussed. Recommendations are given for the formation of a program of field tests, collection of actual data on the pipeline, and performance of hydraulic calculations of the facility. Formulas for calculating the efficiency of the DRA, the coefficient of hydraulic resistance depending on the Reynolds number are given. The issue of key performance indicators is discussed, such as the availability and relevance of technical documentation for the reagent, compliance of quality indicators during incoming inspection, obtaining a technological effect in the form of a decrease in pressure or an increase in the pumping volume, stable operation of the dosing equipment, the absence of a negative impact on the pumping process and the quality characteristics of the transported hydrocarbon. Recommendations are given on the sequence of works at the facility, including the preparatory stage, reagent compatibility assessment, fixation of the basic pumping mode without DRA, sequential testing of dosages with filling the pipeline and maintaining a steady-state mode. Issues related to the commercial form of suspension DRA are touched upon - reagent preparation for testing, use of specialized reagent dosing units.
References 1. Burger E.D., Munk W.R., Wahl H.A., Flow increase in the Trans Alaska Pipeline through use of a polymeric drag reducing additive, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1982, V. 34, no. 2, pp. 377–386, DOI: 2. AL-Dogail A., Gajbhiye R., Patil S., A Review of Drag-reducing agents (DRAs) in petroleum industry, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2023, V. 48(6), pp. 8287–8305, DOI: 3. Nesyn G.V., Sunagatullin R.Z., Shibaev V.P., Malkin A.Y., Drag reduction in transportation of hydrocarbon liquids: From fundamentals to engineering applications, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, V. 161, pp. 715–725, DOI: 4. Ivchenko P.V., Nifant’ev I.E., Tavtorkin A.V., Polyolefin drag reducing agents (Review), Petroleum Chemistry, 2016, V. 56, pp. 775–787, Login or register before ordering |
S.R. Bembel (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen); M.Y. Fedorov (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen); M.A. Shubina (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen); E.V. Sekisova (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen); R.M. Bembel (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen) Prospects for the oil-bearing capacity of the Achimov reservoirs in areas of development of the anomalous section of Upper Jurassic sediments according to seismic data in Western Siberia DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-76-81 Based on the materials of geological and geophysical studies of the Middle Ob region in Western Siberia, areas of development of the «anomalous section» at the border of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits were identified. The results of deep wells’ tests confirmed the relationship between discovered oil/gas deposits in the Lower Cretaceous deposits and the location of the «anomalous section». The article presents the main hypotheses and models for the formation of «anomalous sections». Seismotectonic activity in the local areas with dimensions of a few hundred meters causes the formation of reverse fault and landslide types of sediment structures. Interpretation of 3D seismic surveys enables to identify subvertical zones of rock destruction on time sections associated with channels of deep degassing and fluid flows through which vertical migration of hydrocarbons and filling of traps occurs throughout the entire range of the geological section. The unity of the Achimov layers and Upper Jurassic deposits suggests their hydrodynamic connection, therefore, in areas of development of the «anomalous section», the reservoirs of the Achimov strata represent a promising formation for hydrocarbon exploration. Based on a complex analysis of the work carried out, models for the formation of hydrocarbon deposits were developed, the main patterns of the location of productive areas were proposed, and directions for further clarification of the geological structure of the territory and oil-bearing prospects were determined. The presence of «anomalous section» of Upper Jurassic deposits is a prospecting sign for the detection of hydrocarbon deposits in the Achimov strata.
References 1. Lisitsyn A.P., Patterns of rapid and extremely rapid (avalanche) sedimentation: Implications for marine oil and gas generation (In Russ.), Geologiya i geofizika = Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2009, V. 50, no. 4, pp. 373–400. 2. Bembel’ R.M., Bembel’ S.R., Geologicheskie modeli i osnovy razvedki i razrabotki mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza Zapadnoy Sibiri (Geological models and fundamentals of exploration and development of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia), Tyumen: Publ. of TIU, 2022, 220 p. 3. Bembel’ S.R., Zadoenko L.A., The nature of anomalous sections of the Bazhenov formation in the South-Vatyegan area (Upper Jurassic of Western Siberia) (In Russ.), Byulleten’ MOIP. Otdel geologicheskiy = Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Geological Series, 1993, V. 68, no. 1, pp. 115–119. 4. Nezhdanov A.A., Seysmogeologicheskiy analiz neftegazonosnykh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri dlya tseley prognoza i kartirovaniya neantiklinal’nykh lovushek i zalezhey UV (Seismogeological analysis of oil and gas bearing deposits in Western Siberia for the forecasting and mapping of non-anticlinal traps and hydrocarbon deposits): thesis of doctor of geological and mineralogical science, Tyumen, 2004. 5. Zaripov O.G., Sonich V.P., Novyy tip razreza bazhenovskoy svity i perspektivy uvelicheniya izvlekaemykh zapasov na territorii deyatel’nosti OAO “Surgutneftegaz” (New type of section of the Bazhenov formation and prospects for increasing recoverable reserves in the territory of operations of Surgutneftegaz OJSC), Proceedings of IV scientific and practical conference “Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo potentsiala KhMAO” (Ways of realization of oil and gas potential of KhMAO), Khanty-Mansiysk, 2001, pp. 143–153. 6. Mkrtchyan O.M., On some sedimentation models of productive strata of the Upper Jurassic Vasyugan complex of Western Siberia (In Russ.), Vestnik nedropol’zovatelya KhMAO, 2005, V. 15, pp. 19–24. 7. Laptey A.G., Types of interaction between rocks of Achimov sequence and Bazhenov formation (In Russ.), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Neft’ i gaz, 2022, no. 1, pp. 24–37, DOI: 8. Grishkevich V.F., Kasatkin V.E., Lagutina S.V. et al., Some aspects of joint modeling of Achimov strata deposits and Bazhenov suite anomalous sections (In Russ.), Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2017, no. 9, pp. 27–42. 9. Sudakova V.V., Anomalous sections of the Bazhenov formation on the example of the Fedorovskoye oil and gas field. Model of their formation and oil content (In Russ.), Izvestiya vuzov. Neft’ i gaz, 1997, no. 6, pp. 14–16. 10. Atlas “Geologiya i neftegazonosnost’ Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga” (Geology and oil and gas bearing of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug): edited by Akhpatelov E.A., Volkov V.A., Goncharovoy V.N. et al., Ekaterinburg: IzdatNaukaServis Publ., 2004, 148 p. 11. Gatina N.N., Sarieva M.F., Mukhutdinova O.S. et al., Clues to seismic data interpretation within the zones of the sand injections in so called «anomalous section» of the Bazhenovo Black Shales formation on the examples of the Potochnaya, Sporyshevskaya, Vyintoiskaya and Vatinskaya zones (In Russ.), Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2023, no. 2, pp. 1–17, DOI: 12. Bembel’ S.R., Tseplyaeva A.I., K voprosu o produktivnosti achimovskikh lovushek na uchastkakh anomal’nogo stroeniya bazhenovskoy svity v Srednem Priob’e (On the productivity of Achimov traps in areas of anomalous structure of the Bazhenov suite in the Middle Ob region), Proceedings of International scientific and practical conference “Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika – 2014” (Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics – 2014), Kaliningrad, 26.05-30.05.2014, Kaliningrad: Gers Publ., 2014, pp. 239–241 Login or register before ordering |
A.A. Kazaryan (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa); F.M. Kalimullin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); A.V. Markov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); M.G. Volkov (RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow) Application of artificial intelligence in data modelling of extended well logging complex DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-82-85 Carbonate deposits are important and promising objects of the study of hydrocarbon resources, but the features of their geological structure and significant variability of rock properties create certain difficulties in identifying productive intervals. In the traditional approach to interpretation of well logging data, productive intervals are identified based on petrophysical modelling and the use of data from an extended set of well logging data. Petrophysical modelling enables to determine the main characteristics of carbonate rocks based on the results of laboratory studies on core samples. However, in some cases (for example, when there are no data from special logging methods and core studies in the well), the quality of reservoir property prediction is significantly reduced to the point of impossibility of using models in practice. To solve these problems at the studied fields, it is necessary to apply new methods for interpreting well logging data. The paper proposes an approach to modelling data of acoustic and density logging based on the use of artificial intelligence methods in an automated multi-well mode. This will automate the process of interpreting geophysical information of wells and increase the efficiency of petrophysical modelling of the carbonate reservoirs. The obtained research results open up prospects for further application of artificial intelligence in geophysics in general.
References 1. Serbaeva A.R., Kachkaeva E.A., Suleymanov D.D., Amineva G.R., The influence of abnormal radioactivity on the assessment of geological reserves in carbonate reservoirs of the Artinskian age (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 11, pp. 73–77, DOI: 2. Privalova O.R., Gadeleva D.D., Minigalieva G.I. et al., Well logging interpretation for Kashir and Podolsk deposits using neural networks (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2021, V. 19, no. 1, pp. 69–76, DOI: 3. Plas D.V., Python dlya slozhnykh zadach: nauka o dannykh i mashinnoe obuchenie (Python for complex tasks: Data science and machine learning), St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 2018,. – 576 s. – ISBN 978-5-496-03068-7. 4. Kazaryan A.A., Lubyanskaya E.A., Approaches to automating the search for intervals of a destroyed wellbore when building an interpretive model based on well logging data (In Russ.), Proceedings of the XXIV Ural Youth Scientific School on Geophysics, 2023, pp. 89–93. 5. Kazaryan A.A., Lubyanskaya E.A., Markov A.V., Reservoir identification using machine learning algorithms (In Russ.), Proceedings of international scientific and practical conference “GeoSochi-2024. Novye idei i tekhnologii razvedochnoy i promyslovoy geofiziki” (GeoSochi-2024. New ideas and technologies of exploration and production geophysics), 2024, pp. 110–113. 6. Kuznetsova I.O., Malyutov D.A., The principle of operation and architecture of neural networks (In Russ.), Collected papers “ Evraziyskaya integratsiya: sovremennye trendy i perspektivnye napravleniya”, 2024, V. 7, pp. 106–111, DOI: 7. Basyrov M.A., Sergeychev A.V., Latypov I.D. et al., Application of machine learning methods for the petrophysical interpretation of complex geological section (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2024, no. 3, pp. 20-25, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Rosneft scientific institute trains personnel for oil and gas industry |
I.A. Taipov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); A.A. Imamutdinova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); F.K. Mingalishev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); G.A. Shutskiy (RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk); V.P. Miroshnichenko (RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk); D.A. Gerb (RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk) Selection of complex acid treatment technology for well injection capacity recovery in low-permeability terrigenous reservoirs of Western Siberia DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-88-91 During field development with the use of reservoir pressure maintenance systems, the filtration characteristics of the bottom-hole zone (BHZ) deteriorate over time. The purpose of the work is to select an effective technology for treatment of BHZ of injection wells exploiting low-permeability terrigenous reservoir by conducting a set of studies. The composition of the main colmatants was determined and the risks of carbonate salts precipitation in downhole conditions were assessed. Three main types of colmatant introduced by injected water were identified for the objects under consideration: solid suspended particles, residual oil products and inorganic salts, precipitated from injected water due to changes in thermobaric conditions and mixing with various incompatible technological fluids. The list of reagents potential for application to restore the permeability of the BHZ depending on the type of colmatant has been compiled. Filtration experiments on the impact of acid compositions, solvents and surfactants on the core have been carried out. It was determined that the recovery of permeability of rock samples is best provided by application of the technology including sequential injection of solvent and compositions based on hydrochloric and mud acid. Recommendations for treatment of BHZ of injection wells in the conditions of the considered objects were developed.
References 1. Glushchenko V.N., Silin M.A., Neftepromyslovaya khimiya (Oilfield chemistry), Part 3. Prizaboynaya zona plasta i tekhnogennye faktory ee sostoyaniya (Bottom-hole formation zone and technogenic factors of its condition), Moscow: Interkontakt Nauka Publ., 2010, 650 p. 2. Safiullin I.R., Volkov M.G., Voloshin A.I. et al., Influence of suspended solid particles in injected water on reservoir properties of low-permeability formations (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 2, pp. 84–88, DOI: 3. Sirbaev R.I., Nurlyev D.R., Makatrov A.K. et al., Analysis of influence of contaminative components and oil displacement agents on the permeability of a tight achimov reservoir (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2022, V. 20, no. 6, pp. 39–49, DOI: 4. Folomeev A.E., Khatmullin A.R., Imamutdinova A.A. et al., Acidizing technology adaptation for tight sandstone formations (In Russ.), Neft’.Gaz.Novatsii, 2022, no. 8, pp. 77–82. 5. Oddo J.E., Tomson M.B., The prediction of scale and CO2 corrosion in oil field systems, CORROSION/99, Paper no. 41, NACE, 1999. Login or register before ordering |
O.V. Akhmetova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); R.R. Urazov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); D.Z. Ishkin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); A.Ya. Davletbaev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa); I.A. Zarafutdinov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); V.V. Spele (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); A.A. Ibatulin (ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy); D.V. Savchuk (ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy) Approbation of single-well deconvolution in interpretation of gas-dynamic well tests in low-permeability reservoirs DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-92-95 The use of deconvolution in interpreting field data on pressures and flow rates obtained from gas wells requires the use of nonlinear influence functions, as well as taking into account the dependences of viscosity and supercompressibility of gas on pressure. The deconvolution algorithm is based on the well-known von Schroeter approach, supplemented by Levitan modifications that remove restrictions on the solution at small times. In addition, the implemented algorithm enables to use current PVT correlations of gas for the object of investigation. The diagnostic graph after applying deconvolution enables to transform long-term historical production data containing periods of production and shutdown into a pressure stabilization curve during production with a constant flow rate, which increases the time range of data on the diagnostic graph compared to pressure test analysis of the longest shutdown period. Deconvolution has become widespread among foreign researchers, but in our country it is practically not used due to the insufficient development of the methodological base. Articles with the results of testing the application based on field data of low-permeability gas formations are rare. The article discusses the results of approbation an innovative approach to monitoring gas wells implemented in the corporate software package RN-VEGA. The results of deconvolution were tested on the basis of actual data on gas wells of ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL JSC. Comparison of diagnostic graphs after applying deconvolution and rate transient analysis adapted to field data also shows their good convergence.
References 1. Von Schroeter T., Hollaender F., Gringarten A.C., Deconvolution of well-test data as a nonlinear total least-squares problem, SPE-71574-MS, 2004, DOI: 2. Levitan M.M., Practical application of pressure/rate deconvolution to analysis of real well tests, SPE-84290-RA, 2005, DOI: 3. Levitan M.M., Wilson M.R., Deconvolution of pressure and rate data from gas reservoirs with significant pressure depletion, SPE-134261-RA, 2012, DOI: 4. Kovalev A.L., Interpretation of gas-dynamic studies of wells of the Myldzhinskoye gas condensate field in non-stationary filtration modes using the influence function (In Russ.), Vesti gazovoy nauki, 2013, no. 1(12), pp. 192–198. 5. Geravand R., Foroozesh J., Nakhaee A., Abbasi M., Well-test deconvolution analysis of gas condensate layered reservoirs, Offshore Technology Conference, 2020, DOI: 6. Kim J., Jang Y., Ertekin T., Sung W.M., Production analysis of a shale gas reservoir using modified deconvolution method in the presence of sorption phenomena, SPE-177320-MS, 2015, DOI: 7. Buzinov S.N., Umrikhin I.D., Issledovanie neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin i plastov (The study of oil and gas wells and reservoirs), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1984, 269 p. 8. Davletbaev A.Ya., Asalkhuzina G.F., Urazov R.R., Sarapulova V.V., Gidrodinamicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin v nizkopronitsaemykh kollektorakh (Hydrodynamic studies of wells in low-permeability reservoirs), Novosibirsk: DOM MIRA Publ., 2023, 176 p. 9. Ishkin D.Z., Nuriev R.I., Davletbaev A.YA. et al., Decline-analysis/“short” build-up welltest analysis of low permeability gas reservoir (In Russ.), SPE 181974-RU, 2016, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.B. Noskov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); A.A. Artemova (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); V.P. Tarasov (RN-Centre for Peer Review and Technical Development LLC, RF, Tyumen); N.A. Kosishnev (RN-Centre for Peer Review and Technical Development LLC, RF, Tyumen) Automatic wattmetrogram-based detection of SRPU emergency operating modes DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-99-103 Currently leading oil companies are facing the challenges which are associated with the supervisory control of sucker rod pump units (SRPU) due to the following negative factors: high labor efforts associated with the need to conduct periodical visual inspections of the pump jack technical condition and SRPU diagnostic tests using the dynamometer method; large number of single wells; imperfection of the automated system, low telemetry coverage; lack of information on the actual power consumption by SRPU. This article discusses the creation of algorithms for automatic detection of SRPU emergency operating modes based on active power data in the automated process control system (APCS) that don’t require additional capital investments. One of the advantages of this method is that the algorithms are processed by the APCS software rather than by the control station controller. Thus, there is no need for large-scale procurement and replacement of SRPU control stations or control station controllers. The main requirements for the APCS software include the capacity to upload active data arrays into tables and process active data arrays for example to define maximum and minimum values, their amplitude and average value, as well as the ability to visualize and notify users once any algorithm conditions are triggered.
References 1. Aliev T.A., Guluev G.A., Rzaev A.G. et al., Correlational extremal system for controlling the beginning of faults in oil field equipment by analyzing their wattmeter and dynamometer charts (In Russ.), Mekhatronika, avtomatizatsiya, upravlenie, 2023, V. 23 (5), pp. 249–259, DOI: 2. Timofeev A.O., Yasoveev V.Kh., An analysis of the correlation between the downhole dynamometer card and the energy consumed by the motor of the pumping unit (In Russ.), Elektrotekhnicheskie i informatsionnye kompleksy i sistemy, 2016, no. 2, V. 12, pp. 85–89, URL: 3. Bubnov M.V., Zyuzev A.M., Sredstva diagnostirovaniya oborudovaniya ustanovok shtangovykh glubinnykh nasosov (Sucker-rod pumping units equipment diagnosing facilities), Proceedings of The first scientific and technical conference of young scientists of the Ural Power Engineering Institute, Ekaterinburg: Ural’skiy federal’nyy universitet, 2016, pp. 175–178, URL: 4. Khakim’yanov M.I., Svetlakova S.V., Guzeev B.V. et al., Comparative analysis of the possibilities of domestic and imported wells automation systems operated by SRP (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2008, no. 2, pp. 16-26, URL: 5. Khakim’yanov M.I., Energy intensity in artificial lift of sucker rod pumping units (In Russ.), Vestnik Ufimskogo gosudarstvennogo aviatsionnogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2014, V. 18, no. 1 (62), pp. 124–130, URL: 6. Khakim’yanov M.I., Pachin M.G., Monitoring of sucker rod pump units on result of the analysis wattmeter cards (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, no. 5, pp. 26–36, URL: 7. Manakhov V.A, Tsvetkov A.N., Determination of the state and functioning of the equipment of rod well pumping units in the operation process by the parameters of the wattmetrogram (In Russ.), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Problemy energetiki, 2021, V. 23, no. 3, DOI: 8. Kosilov D.A., Mironov D.V, Naumov I.V., Mekhfond corporate system: achieved results, medium-term and long-term perspectives (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2018, no. 11, pp. 70–73, DOI: 9. Certificate of official registration of a computer program no. 2019617213. Programma informatsionnoy sistemy upravleniya mekhanizirovannym fondom skvazhin (The program of the information system for the management of mechanized well stock), Authors: Akhtyamov A.R., Volkov M.G., Noskov A.B. 10. Enikeev R.M., Penzin A.V., Latypov B.M. et al., Increasing the efficiency of operation of complicated oil wells using intelligent algorithms (In Russ.), Stroitel’stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na more, 2023, no. 8 (368), pp. 50-58, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
M.I. Kuzmin (Saint Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II, RF, Saint Petersburg); V.S. Verbitsky (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); R.A. Khabibullin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); V.A. Ivanov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); K.A. Goridko (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa) Analysis of oil wells operation parameters and modes effects on electric submersible pumps reliability DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-106-111 Artificial lift of oil is enabled by the technological mode of an electric submersible pump (ESP). Historically the steady-state mode (or according to the field terminology «constant operating well stock») of ESP operation is most commonly used. However, in recent decades, various non-stationary modes of well operation have become widespread in field practice (periodic short activation – short cycle; automatic recurrent activation – long cycle; alternation of frequencies – cycle with not zero frequency while accumulating liquid in annulus). One of the reasons for changing steady-state operation mode to periodic one is transient fluid inflow from the reservoir into the wellbore. The actual issue is to determine the interrelation between the resource life and technological modes of constant and periodic operation of ESP wells in order to predict the reliability of submersible pumping units. This article shows the statistical analysis of one of Western Siberia field ESP wells operation for ten years period (2014–2023). The operation features and different modes effects on ESP reliability have been investigated. The changeout of operation mode effect on mean time between failures (MTBF) has been found out. As a result of the upper-level analysis the features of different ESP operation modes (steady-state mode, periodic short activation mode and automatic recurrent activation mode) development have been defined, taking into account the transformation of technological and business processes.
References 1. Yakimov S.B., Kaverin M.N., Golub’ I.M. et al., Study of ESP advantages operated in a periodical mode in the wells complicated by sand removal (In Russ.), Oborudovanie i tekhnologii dlya neftegazovogo kompleksa, 2017, no. 5, pp. 16–20. 2. Yakimov S.B., Shportko A.A., Sabirov A.A., Bulat A.V., The influence of concentration of abrasive particles in the produced fluid to the reliability of electric centrifugal submersible pumps (In Russ.), Territoriya Neftegaz = Oil and Gas Territory, 2017, no. 6, pp. 50–56. 3. Timashev E.O., Khalfin R.S., Volkov M.G., Statistical analysis of the failure times and feed rates of downhole pumping equipment in operating parameter ranges (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 2, pp. 46-49, DOI: 4. Volkov M.G., Smolyanets E.F., Specifics of oil well operation in the conditions of high free gas content in the production stream (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2018, no. 4, pp. 120-124, DOI: 5. Mel’nichenko V.E., Otsenka vliyaniya osnovnykh tekhnologicheskikh kharakteristik dobyvayushchikh skvazhin na resurs pogruzhnykh elektrotsentrobezhnykh nasosov (Assessment of the impact of the main technological characteristics of producing wells on the resource of submersible electric centrifugal pumps): thesis of candidate of technical science, Moscow, 2017. 6. Vidineev A.S., Nikiforov O.V., The feasibility of operating the ESP in frequency alternation mode (In Russ.), Neftegaz.RU, 2021, no. 6, pp. 76–78. 7. Likhacheva E.A., Ostrovskiy V.G., Lykova N.A. et al., Oil submersible pumps reliability during cyclic operation (In Russ.), PRONeft. Professional’no o nefti, 2021, V. 6, no. 1, pp. 54–58. 8. Makeev A.A., Mishagin S.G., Yur’ev A.N. et al., Investigation of the periodic mode influence of electric centrifugal pumps operation on the underground equipment lifetime (In Russ.), Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2024, no. 7(667), pp. 37–42. 9. Perel’man O.M., Peshcherenko S.N., Rabinovich A.I., Slepchenko S.D., Metodika opredeleniya nadezhnosti pogruzhnogo oborudovaniya i opyt ee primeneniya (Methodology for determining the reliability of submersible equipment and experience of its application). - 10. Slepchenko S.D., Otsenka nadezhnosti UETsN i ikh otdel’nykh uzlov po rezul’tatam promyslovoy ekspluatatsii (Evaluation of the ESP reliability and their individual nodes according to the exploitation results of oil fields): thesis of candidate of technical science, Perm’, 2011. 11. Mishchenko I.T., Skvazhinnaya dobycha nefti (Oil production), Moscow: Neft’ i gaz Publ., 2003, 816 p. 12. Sarapulov N.P., Katrich N.M., Shushakov A.A. et al., Individual approach to the calculation of energy-efficient operating mode of ESP in low-margin wells (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2012, no. 12, pp. 69–71. 13. Sakharov V.A., Mishchenko I.T., Bogomol’nyy G.I., Mokhov M.A., Periodicheskaya ekspluatatsiya neftyanykh skvazhin (Periodic exploitation of oil wells), Moscow: Gubkin Institute, 1985, 71 p. Login or register before ordering |
Yu.A. Sazonov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); M.A. Mokhov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow); N.A. Eremin (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow); H.A. Tumanyan (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow) Multi-flow ejector for subsea well plant DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-112-116 The paper studies the features of a multi-flow ejector equipped with variable-length links for thrust vector control. Ejectors due to their simple design, high reliability and cost-effectiveness are widely used in many industries, including oil and gas production. For the first time the conditions under which the thrust vector deviation angle can vary in the range from plus 180 to minus 180° in any direction within a full geometric sphere are considered from a general standpoint. Within the framework of conceptual design, using CFD technologies, kinematic schemes with variable-length links and with flexible links are considered. The technical capabilities for controlled energy distribution along multidirectional ejector channels are shown, while maintaining a constant pressure at the inlet to the nozzle apparatus. Options for upgrading the Laval nozzle with a rotary diffuser are considered. The research results are patented and are aimed at use in the educational process in the training of designers, based on the philosophy of science and technology, and based on Euler's methodology within the framework of interdisciplinary work. The results of the work carried out are mainly used for the development of scientific research and experimental design work in the creation of energy-efficient technologies for oil and gas production, including a subsea well plant and separate transport of commercial products to onshore complexes.
References 1. Gruber S., Rola K., Urbancl D., Goričanec D., Recent advances in ejector-enhanced vapor compression heat pump and refrigeration systems – A review, Energies, 2024 V. 17, DOI: 2. Menghan Jin, Xingjuan Zhang, Jianhui Zhou, Limin Zhang, Performance analysis of an ejector-enhanced heat pump system for low-temperature waste heat recovery using UHVDC converter valves, Energies, 2024, V. 17, DOI: 3. Dachuan Xu,Yunsong Gu,Wei Li, Jingxiang Chen, Experimental investigation of the performance of a novel ejector – Diffuser system with different supersonic nozzle arrays, Fluids, 2024, V. 9, DOI: 4. Patent US10837463, Systems and methods for gas pulse jet pump, Inventors: Hesami A., Kazempoor P., Acacio V.J., Van Dam J.D. 5. Patent US11078766, Jet pump controller with downhole prediction, Inventors: Knoeller M.S., Robison E., Agarwal M., Paulet B.A. 6. Zecheng Xu, Bo Liu, Yuqi Tong, Zuomin Dong, Yanbiao Feng, Modeling and control of ejector-based hydrogen circulation system for proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems, Energies, 2024, V. 17, DOI: 7. Jichao Li et al., A review of the research progress and application of key components in the hydrogen fuel cell system, Processes, 2024, V. 12, DOI: 8. Chao Li, Sun Bai-gang, Bao Lingzhi, Coupling global parameters and local flow optimization of a pulsed ejector for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Sustainability, 2024, V. 16, DOI: 9. Brunner D.A., Marcks Sh., Bajpai M. et al., Design and characterization of an electronically controlled variable flow rate ejector for fuel cell applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, V. 37, pp. 4457–4466, DOI: 10. Lysak I.A., Lysak G.V., Konyukhov V.Y. et al., Efficiency optimization of an annular-nozzle air ejector under the influence of structural and operating parameters, Mathematics, 2023, V. 11, DOI: 11. Patent US10072674, Suction jet pump, Inventors: Völker M., Sausner A. 12. Chengze Wang et al., Effects of pulsed jet intensities on the performance of the S-duct, Aerospace, 2023, V. 10, DOI: 13. Ahmed F., Eames I., Moeendarbary E., Azarbadegan A., High-strouhal-number pulsatile flow in a curved pipe, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, V. 923, DOI: 14. Brethouwer G., Turbulent flow in curved channels, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, V. 931, DOI: 15. Jesudasan R., Müeller J.-D., High-resolution CAD-based shape parametrisation of a U-bend channel, Aerospace, 2024, V. 11, DOI: 16. Sazonov Y.A., Mokhov M.A., Gryaznova I.V. et al., Thrust vector control within a geometric sphere, and the use of Euler’s tips to create jet technology, Civil Engineering Journal (C.E.J), 2023, V. 9(10), pp. 2516–2534, DOI: 17. Sazonov, Yu. A. Development of a methodology for designing pump-ejector units based on a wider application of numerical experiments (In Russ), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2009, No. 8, P. 83-85. 18. Sazonov Yu.A., Mokhov M.A., Bondarenko V.V., Voronova V.V., Development of technologies for the rational use of reservoir energy in offshore oil fields (In Russ), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2016, No. 8, P. 108-111. 19. Sazonov Yu.A., Mokhov M.A., Tumanyan H.A., et al., Development of compressor technologies with high-pressure ejectors for oil and gas production (In Russ), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2018, No. 5, P. 78-82, DOI: 20. Eremin Al.N., Eremin N.A., Current state and prospects of development of intelligent wells (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Novatsii, 2015, no. 12, pp. 51–54. 21. Ilangovan K., Dindi M., Fuglesang A., Van Der Rest B., Qualification and application of all electric and topside less subsea multiphase pump technology in subsea factory mission to minimise the life cycle cost, Proceedings of International Petroleum Technology Conference, Virtual, March 2021, DOI: 22. Patent for utility model no. 135709U1, Pogruzhnaya nasosnaya ustanovka (Submersible pumping unit), Inventors: Dmitrievskiy A.N., Eremin N.A., Mokhov M.A., Sazonov Yu.A. 23. Sazonov Yu.A., Mokhov M.A., Klimenko K.I., Eremin N.A., Mathematical modeling of pump systems (In Russ.), Neft’, gaz i biznes, 2013, no. 8, pp. 62–65. Login or register before ordering |
V.Y. Nikulin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa); V.S. Isaev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); I.V. Sidorov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Analysis of approaches to killing gas producing wells under conditions of normal and abnormally low formation pressures DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-118-121 The article considers the peculiarities of well killing complicated by high risks of gas breakthrough. The main causes of this phenomenon are identified, including the mismatch of killing technology to the considered conditions, high risks of absorption of killing fluids and gas breakthrough in the already killed well. The technologies used in field practice for killing wells with high gas factor are described: traditional killing technologies with various water-based and hydrocarbon-based fluids; the use of water rims to push gas from the well into the formation and the use of blocking killing compositions. The efficiency of the technology was evaluated by the share of wells killed at the first attempt. The most effective technology is the use of viscous fluids for killing wells, the least effective is the injection of water rim to push gas into the formation without blocking the bottomhole formation zone. The use of high-volume water rims for gas displacement from the gas cap is possible in conditions of low-temperature terrigenous reservoir and normal reservoir pressure. The use of high-viscosity blocking compositions to block gas breakthrough is 1,3-1,5 times more effective than suspension blocking compositions. Ways of increasing the efficiency of technologies are offered. Recommendations on selection of volumes of water rims and blocking compositions for effective killing of wells with high gas factors of produced products are developed. The final choice of technology should be based on the analysis of field information and a set of laboratory studies and field tests of the selected reagents.
References 1. Shaydullin V.A., Nikulin V.Yu., Vakhrushev S.A. et al., Features of well killing in conditions of carbonate reservoir and high GOR (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2024, V. 22, no. 3, pp. 69–80, DOI: 2. Shaydullin V.A., Vakhrushev S.A., Magzumov N.R. et al., Features of killing wells operating fractured formations with abnormally low formation pressures and high gas factor (In Russ.), SPE-202071-MS, 2020, DOI: 3. Priz K.I., Alekseev A.S., Cherkasov N.A. et al., The experience in intermittent production and de-gassed oil injection for dissipation of gas coning (In Russ.), Ekspozitsiya Neft’ Gaz, 2023, no. 5, pp. 69–73. 4. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Pravila bezopasnosti v neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti” (Safety rules in the oil and gas industry), URL: 5. Doktor S.A., Badovskaya V.I., Svarovskaya L.S., Safety of works at wells muffing by using the commodity petroleum (In Russ.), Burenie i neft’, 2008, no. 11, pp. 56–58. 6. Ryabokon’ S.A., Martynov B.A., Doktor S.A., Technological decisions at completion and workover of the wells, directed on preservation collected properties of productive layers (In Russ.), Burenie i neft’, 2008, no. 9, pp. 4–7. 7. Kraevskiy N.N., Islamov R.A., Lind Yu.B., Selection of well killing technology for complex geological and technological conditions (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2020, no. 4, pp. 16–26, DOI: 8. Nikulin V.Yu., Mukminov R.R., Mukhametov F.Kh., Nigmatullin T.E., Mikhailov A.G., Overview of promising killing technologies in conditions of abnormally low formation pressures and risks of gas breakthrough. Part 1. Technology classification and experience with water-based and hydrocarbon-based thickened liquids (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = Petroleum Engineering, 2022, V. 20, no. 3, pp. 87–96, DOI: 9. Nikulin V.Yu., Mukminov R.R., Mukhametov F.Kh., Nigmatullin T.E., Mikhailov A.G., Overview of promising killing technologies in conditions of abnormally low formation pressures and risks of gas breakthrough. Part 2. Experience with emulsion and dispersion fluids and comparative results of laboratory testing of formulations (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = Petroleum Engineering, 2022, V. 20, no. 4, pp. 82-93, DOI: 10. Kravtsov A.A., Mukhutdinov I.A., Gryadunov D.A., Killing of wells in conditions of low production rates and high gas factor at the fields of Orenburgneft JSC (In Russ.), Inzhenernaya praktika, 2018, no. 11, pp. 80–81. Login or register before ordering |
D.V. Kiryanov (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); D.S. Klimentev (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); M.Y. Ilin (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); A.A. Napryushkin (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); M.A. Litvinenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Approaches and technologies for complex oil-and-gas enterprise business-processes geoinformation automation DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-122-127 The article reveals the experience of TomskNIPIneft JSC of creation and applying of new GIS-based import-substituting technologies and recently developed new IT solutions for automation and optimization of business-processes in oil-and-gas enterprise. The architecture of the corporate geoinformation system (CGIS) of Rosneft Oil Company and the principles of the CGIS core and its specialized modules interaction are described. The main features and functionality of the specialized modules for automating business-processes in engineering surveys, land-use management, infrastructure construction and other processes are demonstrated. The general approach to development and implementation of the CGIS nodes in the local oil production branches of Rosneft Oil Company is given. The paper describes in detail the main techniques of preparation, publication and storing of raster data (aerial and space imagery, forest maps, raster topographic maps etc.) in the CGIS server, as well as discusses the advantages of the proposed approach. Alongside with web and desktop CGIS modules the paper provides information on developed mobile software that enables the use of cartographic data and spatial analysis tools on mobile devices in the field. In the conclusion the article presents the perspectives of Rosneft Oil Company CGIS further development, including the use of neural network methods and algorithms for landscape objects recognition in space and aerial remote sensing data.
References 1. Danilenko A., GIS v neftegazovoy otrasli (GIS in the oil and gas industry), URL: 2. Napryushkin A.A., Kliment’ev D.S., Khristolyubov I.A. et al., Geodata systematization and harmonization of approaches to spatial information management in the corporate geoinformation system of Rosneft Oil Company (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 6, pp. 66–71, DOI: 3. Vasil’eva I.E., Molchanov A.V., The advantages of geographic information systems (GIS) for automation of enterprise management (In Russ.), Forum molodykh uchenykh, 2018, no. 2 (18), pp. 85–88. Login or register before ordering |
O.V. Aralov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow); I.V. Buyanov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow); N.V. Berezhansky (NPO KIS, JSC, RF, Moscow); D.V. Prosikov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) Basic principles of mathematical modeling of sampling devices used during custody transfer metering of oil and oil products DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-128-130 The paper presents a conceptual approach to mathematical modeling of sampling devices (SD) using theoretical and empirical research methods. The theoretical method consisted in the development of a model of SDs, allowing to reproduce their characteristics during operation, as well as to quantify the current values of operational characteristics when operating conditions change. The mathematical model was developed using the finite element method. The model was verified for consistency with the results of experimental studies conducted using bench equipment and in field conditions. The conducted studies enable to optimize the design of the SD flow sections to achieve optimal sample representativeness observed under given conditions. The design of flow sections was optimized to determine the calculated area of the SD inlet cross-section, provided for by the algorithm for calculating oil flow through the SD according to the Recommendation on Interstate Standardization 109-2011. In addition, the shape of the inlet hole of the sampling device, specified by GOST 2517, can be optimized. In the present studies SDs with one and five slit-type holes were subjected to optimization. The studies were conducted for the following medium: stock tank oil according to GOST R 51858 and diesel fuel according to GOST 32511. Additionally, mathematical modeling was performed for air valves used in lease automatic custody transfer of oil and oil products. The achieved results made it possible to establish the need for slots of different profiles in the sampling device design and to evaluate their impact on the representativeness of samples taken using SD.
References 1. Zholobov V.V., Moretskiy V.Yu., Mathematical model of stratified flow of two-phased and two-component liquid in a pipeline (In Russ.), Nauka i tehnologii truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov = Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation, 2011, no. 3, pp. 50-57. 2. Buyanov I.V., Aralov O.V., Korolenok A.M. et al., Main results of sampling equipment study (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 4, pp. 86-89, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
F.B. Shevlyakov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa); A.B. Laptev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa; All-russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials of National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, RF, Moscow); O.R. Latypov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa); D.R. Latypova (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa Decarbonizing of greenhouse gases from oil and gas industry using microalgae DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-12-132-136 The article analyzes the impact of greenhouse gases (GHG) generated by the oil and gas industry and how they are absorbed. Most of the GHG emissions from the oil and gas sector are due to the burning of fossil fuels and methane leaks during the extraction, transportation and distribution of oil and gas. Gas production leaks tend to come from old vertical wells due to pipe corrosion and aging seals. The article discusses the possibilities and technologies for reducing GHG emissions from oil and gas fields. Special attention is paid to the technology of biological CO2 capture using microalgae, which is a new concept in strategies to reduce CO2 emissions. Based on the conducted experiments on the absorption of a mixture of CO2 and hydrocarbon gases, it is shown that the technology of biofixation by marine microalgae Tetraselmis suecica and Isochrysis galbana, as well as freshwater Chlorella vulgaris, enables to absorb not only CO2, but also light hydrocarbons, including methane. It is shown that the efficiency of methane capture is up to 90 %. The technology of GHG absorption in the oil and gas industry is complicated by the inhibition of microalgae activity by sulfur-containing impurities in the gas. It is proposed to carry out preliminary purification of natural and/or associated petroleum gas from hydrogen sulfide by chemisorption using a hydrogen sulfide absorber.
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