November 2024 ![]() |
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P.A. Tarasov (Arctic Research Centre LLC, RF, Moscow); O.A. Verbitskaya (Arctic Research Centre LLC, RF, Moscow); I.V. Bezruchko (Arctic Research Centre LLC, RF, Moscow); M.A. Glebova (Arctic Research Centre LLC, RF, Moscow); A.P. Soshitov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); A.A. Balakin (Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center, RF, Moscow); A.R. Churbaev (Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center, RF, Moscow); N.V. Shabalin (Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center, RF, Moscow); A.A. Evdokimov (Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center, RF, Moscow) Comprehensive studies of the sea ice regime in the Sever Bay of the Kara Sea in 2023-2024 DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-8-13 The article discusses the preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the ice parameters in the area of Severn Bay and the adjacent waters of the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea during the 2023-2024 ice season, organized jointly with the Non-State Development Institute «Innopraktika». The purpose of the expedition was to determine the ice and metocean conditions that may affect navigation in the northern part of the Yenisey Bay. The research design consisted of regular measurements of morphometric characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of level ice at the reference polygon supplemented by a complex of specialized studies at selected characteristic locations during certain periods of the ice season. Specialized studies included: observations at pressure ice ridges to study their shape, structure, and physical and mechanical characteristics; measurements of level ice characteristics and seawater temperature/salinity on a linear profile traversing the bay; studies of morphometric and physical properties of level ice on several additional polygons inside the bay and on approaches to it; aerial photography of sea ice conditions; placement of marker buoys and thermoprofiling buoys on level ice and pressure ridges. This paper describes in detail the composition and methodology of the studies carried out and gives several examples of the results obtained to illustrate the main research directions. The values obtained are compared with those obtained in similar work carried out previously.
References 1. Gidrometeorologicheskie usloviya shel’fovoy zony morey SSSR (Hydrometeorological conditions of the shelf zone of the seas of the USSR), Part 7, St. Petersburg, Publ. of Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, 1986. 2. Pashali A.A., Boldyrev M.L., Kornishin K.A. et al., Ice and metocean survey for development of the Russian Arctic continental shelf (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 11, pp. 8–12, DOI: 3. Ledyanye obrazovaniya Zapadnoy Arktiki (Ice formations of the Western Arctic): edited by Zubakin G.K., St. Petersburg: Publ. of Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, 2006, 240 p. 4. Guzenko R.B., Mironov Y.U., May R.I. et al., Morphometry and internal structure of ice ridges in the Kara and Laptev seas, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2020, V. 30, no.2, pp. 194–201, DOI: 5. Pavlov V.A., Kornishin K.A., Mironov E.U. et al., Peculiarities of consolidated layer growth of the Kara and Laptev Sea ice ridges (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2016, no. 11, pp. 49–54. 6. Pashali A.A., Kornishin K.A., Efimov Ya.O. et al., Seasonal variability of strength properties of ice formations on the Russian continental shelf (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 8, pp. 63–67, DOI: 7. Pashali A.A., Kornishin K.A., Tarasov P.A. et al., Ice and hydrometeorological survey at Khatangskiy license block in the Laptev Sea (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2018, no. 3, pp. 22–27, DOI: 8. Kornishin K.A., Pavlov V.A., Shushlebin A.I. et al., Evaluation of local strength of ice using a borehole jack in the Kara and Laptev seas (In Russ.), Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy vestnik OAO “NK “Rosneft, 2016, no. 1, pp. 47 – 51. 9. Pashali A.A., Kornishin K.A., Tarasov P.A. et al., Special aspects of ice strength seasonal variability in Russian Arctic (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 11, pp. 51–56, DOI: 10. Klyachkin S.V., Guzenko R.B., May R.I., Statistical results of the numerical model of sea ice drift extremes in the south-western part of the Kara Sea (In Russ.), Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki = Arctic and Antarctic Research, 2020, V. 66(4), pp. 427–445, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
S.L. Nikiforov (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS, RF, Moscow); N.O. Sorokhtin (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS, RF, Moscow); R.A. Ananiev (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS, RF, Moscow); A.I. Fridenberg (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); A.A. Kolubakin (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); E.A. Moroz (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow); E.A. Sukhikh (Geological Institute of the RAS, RF, Moscow); Yu.G. Marinova (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the RAS, RF, Moscow) Engineering-geological conditions and new data on the seafloor structure of the western part of the Kara sea DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-14-18 Rosneft Oil Company continues to study modern geological and geomorphological processes, including natural hazards, to determine engineering-geological conditions in the development areas of the Arctic seas and conceptual design. The relevance of the problem is defined by the scale of tasks and new challenges that Russia faces in the 21st century as it continues to develop the Arctic's resources in exceptionally complex and dynamically changing natural and climatic conditions. Special attention should be paid to the following potentially hazardous processes and features: pockmarks (craters formed on the seabed by gas emissions); gas emissions into the waters; gas accumulations that create seismic-acoustic anomalies in the upper layers of the sedimentary strata; neotectonic deformations; ice scours; and the activity of intense currents. Submarine canyons are also an important geomorphological element of the Kara Sea seabed. They are characterized by sharp changes in relief and the presence of active lithodynamic processes, including hazardous ones. The formation of fluvial relief in the region under study is associated with both the classical development of river valleys and the erosive activity of glacial waters. The results obtained in this study will allow the authors to determine the complexity of the engineering geological conditions and assess the associated risks, that may arise during hydrocarbon exploration and production projects of Rosneft Oil Company license areas in the Kara Sea, as well as develop measures to reduce their negative impact on the quality and safety of operations.
References 1. Nikiforov S.L., Sorokhtin N.O., Anan’ev R.A. et al., Research in Barents and Kara Seas during Cruise 52 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov (In Russ.), Okeanologiya = Oceanology, 2022, V. 62, no. 3, pp. 499–501, DOI: 2. Dmitrevskiy N.N., Anan’ev R.A., Libina N.V., Roslyakov A.G., Utilizing a seismoacoustic complex for the study of the upper sedimentary stratum and seafloor relief in East Arctic (In Russ.), Okeanologiya = Oceanology, 2013, V. 53, no. 3, pp. 412–417, DOI: 3. Ananyev R., Dmitrevskiy N., Jakobsson M. et al., Sea-ice ploughmarks in the eastern Laptev Sea, East Siberian Arctic shelf, Geological Society Memoir, 2016, V. 46, no. 1, pp. 301–302, DOI: 4. Nikiforov S.L., Sorokhtin N.O., Anan’ev R.A. et al., Seabed relief and shallow sedimentary structure of the western part of the Kara Sea in the oil and gas fields area (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 8, pp. 46–50, DOI: 5. Sorokhtin N.O., Nikiforov S.L., Anan’ev R.A. et al., Geodynamics of the Russian Arctic Shelf and Relief-Forming Processes in the Central Kara Basin (In Russ.), Okeanologiya = Oceanology, 2022, V. 62, no. 4, pp. 625–635, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
P.V. Kalinin (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); E.E. Maslova (RN-Exloration LLC, RF, Moscow); E.S. Zyuzev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); M.V. Mosheva (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); A.V. Svyashchenko (Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha LLC, RF, Lensk); M.A. Teplyashin (Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha LLC, RF, Lensk); A.S. Chirgun (Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha LLC, RF, Lensk); R.S. Melnikov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) The present and the future of the Osinsky Horizon of the Srednebotuobinskoye field DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-19-25 There are two objects currently being developed at the Srednebotuobinskoye field: the clastic Botuobinsky Horizon and the carbonate Osinsky Horizon. The Osinsky Horizon was brought into production in 2018 based on the results of 3D common midpoint (CMP) seismic after identification of ring-shaped anomalies. The seismic sweet-spot analysis made it possible to assess the distribution of zones with better reservoir properties. At the same time, in order to reduce risks of production drilling, it was necessary to find the most productive zones. For this purpose, a comprehensive analysis of data on the Osinsky horizon was carried out. This article provides key points of the complex interpretation of such data. The accumulation and diagenetic alterations of carbonate rocks were established. It was concluded that the pore structure was complex and the reservoir properties of the Osinsky Horizon varied due to initial lithological heterogeneity. Well logging data interpretation is also provided. The essential set of methods for obtaining reliable values for the porosity and net thicknesses were proposed. An approach to a quantitative assessment of the linear capacity parameter was provided. Moreover, an assessment of the reliability and accuracy of the prediction was carried out. Drilling technical support with a new approach applied was implemented for two wells. Drilling results were used to validate the geological model.
References 1. Maksimova E.N., Chertina K.N., Bobylev K.D. et al., Lithological structure of the Osinskian horizon and identification of potential reservoir development zones using J. Lusia’s method by the example of Srednebotuobinskoye field (In Russ.), Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2021, no. 1 (25), pp. 18–40, DOI: 2. Urenko R.S., Vakhromeev A.G., Identification of Osinsky horizon organogenic structures by 2D and 3D seismic survey data in the north-eastern part of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise (In Russ.), Nauki o Zemle i nedropol’zovanie = Earth sciences and subsoil use, 2021, V. 44, no. 1, pp. 30–38, URL: 3. Cherepanova K.V., Pormeyster Ya.A., Dolgova E.I. et al., Reservoir properties analysis and a method for identifying ring anomalies inside the Osinsky horizon of Srednebotuobinskoye field (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 3, pp. 8–11, DOI: 4. Maslova E.E., Kalinin P.V., Pronkina S.S., Fomin A.E., Vliyanie litologo-fatsial’nykh osobennostey na prostranstvennoe raspredelenie kollektorov osinskogo gorizonta Srednebotuobinskogo NGKM (The influence of lithofacies features on the spatial distribution of the Osinsky horizon reservoirs of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil and gas condensate field), Proceedings of conference “Karbonatnye otlozheniya 2024” (Carbonate deposits 2024), Kazan’, 14-16 August 2024. 5. Zadorina E.A., Issledovanie parametrov geostatisticheskoy inversii kollektorskikh svoystv po dannym seysmorazvedki (Study of parameters of geostatistical inversion of reservoir properties based on seismic exploration data): thesis of candidate of technical science, Moscow, 2015. 6. Levyant V.B., Ampilov Yu.P., Glogovskiy V.M. et al., Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po ispol’zovaniyu dannykh seysmorazvedki (2D, 3D) dlya podscheta zapasov nefti i gaza (Guidelines for using seismic data (2D, 3D) for calculating oil and gas reserves), Moscow: Publ. of Central Geophysical Expedition, 2006, pp. 24–28 7. Lucia F.J., Carbonate reservoir characterization, Springer, 2007, 342 p. Login or register before ordering |
D.B. Rodivilov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); A.S. Mukhametyanov (Bashneft-Petrotest LLC, RF, Ufa); I.R. Makhmutov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); S.V. Romashkin (ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy); A.S. Rusanov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); M.A. Basyrov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); I.A. Khanafin (Bashneft-Petrotest LLC, RF, Ufa) First lessons learned when applying the AINK-PL hardware complex to assess gas saturation in complex geological environment of Achimov reservoirs DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-26-31 The Achimov reservoirs in the north of West Siberia have complex geological structure, together with abnormal mobile water zones associated with dome uplifts and are accompanied by variability of reservoir water salinity which limits the use of electrical models to solve the problem of quantifying gas saturation. In this regard, the relevance of non-standard solutions aimed at applying alternative well logging methods is increasing. The paper describes the first experience of using the spectrometric pulsed neutron gamma logging method which is a domestic AINK-PL hardware solution for quantifying the gas saturation of Achimov reservoirs. The described appliance is a product of Agreement for cooperation between Rosneft Oil Company and State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom (Dukhov Automatics Research Institute). The paper describes a methodological approach to the quantitative assessment of gas saturation which is applicable under the condition of penetrating the productive reservoirs on oil-base mud (OBM). The methodological approach is based on solving a system of linear algebraic equations and calculating the content of seven main rock-forming minerals and three fluids: gas, water, and OBM. The results of the study at a qualitative level are verified by the results of wireline formation tests and demonstrate a new methodological potential of the AINK PL hardware complex in terms of studies of gas-saturated deposits.
References 1. Grechneva O.M., The hypothesis of gravitational water development in Achimov formations (In Russ.), Gazovaya promyshlennost’, 2021, no. 3 (813), pp. 32–37. 2. Rodivilov D.B., Grechneva O.M., Natchuk N.Yu., Rusanov A.S., Petrophysical basis for modeling expelled water in gas saturated reservoirs of the Achimov sequence (In Russ.), Ekspozitsiya Neft’ Gaz, 2021, no. 6(85), pp. 41–45, DOI: 3. Rodivilov D.B., Grechneva O.M., Makhmutov I.R. et al., Petrophysical method of estimating Achimov reservoir fluid types with variable salinity of formation waters (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 8, pp. 56–59, DOI: 4. Basyrov M.A., Mitrofanov D.A., Makhmutov I.R. et al., The development of the technique for measuring mass fractions of chemical elements using AINK-PL logs (In Russ.), Karotazhnik, 2021, no. 8(314), pp. 121–130. 5. Rakaev I.M., Gadel’shin E.V., Khanafin I.A. et al., Developing market of domestic hi-tech well survey appliances (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 12, pp. 78-82, DOI: 6. Makhmutov I.R., Rakaev I.M., Mitrofanov D.A. et al., Application of innovative instrumentation & methodic equipment complex AINK-PL for petrophysical modeling in Rosneft Oil Company (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 2, pp. 66–71, DOI: 7. Rodivilov D.B., Kantemirov Yu.D., I.R. Makhmutov, A.V. Akin’shin, Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po petrofizicheskomu modelirovaniyu neftegazonasyshchennosti (Practical guide to petrophysical modeling of oil and gas saturation), Tyumen: Ekspress Publ., 2023, 144 p. 8. Ellanskiy M.M., Petrofizicheskie osnovykompleksnoy interpretatsii dannykh geofizicheskikh issledovaniy skvazhin (Petrophysical principles of complex interpretation of well logging data), Moscow; Publ. of Gubkin University, 2001, 228 p. Login or register before ordering |
S.V. Stepanov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); K.G. Lapin (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); M.A. Zagorovskiy (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); Yu.A. Pityuk (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); L.A. Zadiranova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); D.E. Solovyev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); K.V. Toropov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) The «RN-DIGITAL CORE» software package: implementation features and application experience DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-32-37 The article presents the corporate software package RN-DIGITAL CORE, which enables to fully implement the technology of digital core research, starting from the processing of tomographic images and ending with the calculation of the properties of standard and full-size core. For this purpose, a number of operations are performed, divided into four functional blocks and designed to analyze the void space, create a digital core double, simulate processes at the pore level and rescale properties. These operations are based on innovative methods, models and algorithms. At the same time, special attention is paid to ensuring the possibility of creating a high-quality digital core model and effective modeling of processes at the pore level. To do this, the user is provided with a wide range of approaches at all stages of digital core modeling. The article provides examples illustrating the use of the RN-DIGITAL CORE software package. In the first example, the features of creating digital counterparts of a real core are given and the properties obtained using digital core technology are compared with the data from laboratory core studies. It is shown that there is an acceptable level of correspondence between the calculated and laboratory data. The second example demonstrates a study that cannot be carried out in the laboratory – the effect of clays on the overall porosity and gas permeability of the rock.
References 1. Gerke K.M., Korost D.V., Karsanina M.V. et al., Modern approaches to pore space scale digital modeling of core structure and multiphase flow (In Russ.), Georesursy = Georesources, 2014, no. 23(2), pp. 197–213, DOI: 2. Lazeev A.N., Timashev E.O., Vakhrusheva I.A. et al., Digital Core technology development in Rosneft Oil Company (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2018, no. 11, pp. 18–22, DOI: 3. Yakimchuk I. et al., Study of polymer flooding at pore scale by digital core analysis for East-Messoyakhskoe oil field, SPE-202013-MS, 2020, DOI: 4. Gerke K.M., Karsanina M.V., Katsman R., Calculation of tensorial flow properties on pore level: Exploring the influence of boundary conditions on the permeability of three-dimensional stochastic reconstructions, Physical Review E, 2019, V. 100(5), DOI: 5. Khasanov M.M., Bulgakova G.T., Nelineynye i neravnovesnye effekty v reologicheski slozhnykh sredakh (Nonlinear and nonequilibrium effects in rheologically complex media), Moscow - Izhevsk: Institute for Computer Research, 2003, 288 p. 6. Zagorovskiy M.A., Shabarov A.B., Stepanov S.V., Cluster capillary core model for calculation of relative phase permeability for oil and water filtration (In Russ.), Matematicheskoe modelirovanie, 2024, V. 36, no. 1, pp. 85–104, DOI: 7. Postnicov V., Samarin A., Karsanina M.V. et al., Evaluation of classical correlation functions from 2/3D images on CPU and GPU architectures: Introducing CorrelationFunctions.jl, Computer Physics Communications, 2024, V. 299, DOI: 8. Cherkasov A., Gerke K.M., Khlyupin A., Towards effective information content assessment: Analytical derivation of information loss in the reconstruction of random fields with model uncertainty, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, V. 633, DOI: 9. Lavrukhin E.V., Karsanina M.V., Gerke K.M., Measuring structural nonstationarity: The use of imaging information to quantify homogeneity and inhomogeneity, Physical Review E, 2023, V. 108(6), DOI: 10. Zubov A.S., Khlyupin A.N., Karsanina M.V., Gerke K.M., In search for representative elementary volume (REV) within heterogeneous materials: A survey of scalar and vector metrics using porous media as an example, Advances in Water Resources, 2024, V. 192, DOI: 11. Zubov A., Murygin D., Gerke K., Pore-network extraction using discrete Morse theory: Preserving the topology of the pore space, Physical Review E, 2022, V. 106. (5), DOI: 12. Gerke K.M., Sizonenko T.O., Karsanina M.V. et al., Improving watershed-based pore-network extraction method using maximum inscribed ball pore-body positioning, Advances in Water Resources, 2020, V. 140, DOI: 13. Morrow N.R. The effects of surface roughness on contact angle with special reference to petroleum recovery, J. Can. Pet. Technol., 1975, V. 14(4), DOI: 14. Stepanov S.V., Glukhikh I.N., Arzhilovskiy A.V., The concept of multilevel modeling as the basis of a decision-making support system for the development of mature oil fields (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 12, pp. 112-117, DOI: 15. Stepanov S.V., Arzhilovskiy A.V., On the issue of improving the quality of mathematical modeling in solving problems of oil field development support (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 4, pp. 56-60, DOI: 16. Stepanov S.V., Lopatina E.S., Zagorovskiy M.A., Zubareva I.A., Multi-scale modeling of high viscous oil production when injecting water and polymer solution (In Russ.), Avtomatizatsiya i informatizatsiya TEK, 2024, no. 7(612), pp. 51–60. Login or register before ordering |
P.A. Gorbunov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); Zh.A. Sakhipova (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); E.I. Kalashnikova (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); A.M. Moshkov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); V.A. Sidorov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); D.A. Vydrenkov (Sibneftegas JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy); A.V. Mastin (Sibneftegas JSC, RF, Novy Urengoy); M.N. Fedotov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Reprocessing and interpretation of seismic exploration data as a tool for discovering additional potential of oil and gas field (on the example of the Pyreynoye field) DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-38-42 This article is devoted to the results of identification of perspective oil and gas formations in the Achimov section of the Pyreynoye gas condensate field (located in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District) obtained on the basis of complex reprocessing and interpretation of 3D and 2D common depth point method and well data. The seismic survey data of the Pyreynoye field were last processed and interpreted in 2011. Over the past period new processing technologies and methods for seismic data interpretation have appeared which make it possible to improve the quality and detail of seismic material and increase the reliability and accuracy of identifying perspective oil and gas formations in the geological section. Due to the reprocessing and interpretation of seismic data at the modern scientific and technical level, as well as using the latest approaches to studying the geological structure of sedimentary sections formed in the last decade, especially in area of clinoform deposits, the authors managed to increase the detail of the seismic correlation of the Achimov section of the field and identify a greater number of perspective formations in the fundormen and shelf parts of clinoforms. Involving the identified gas resources in development will help to extend the production period of the field and increase its economic profitability.
References 1. Skhema neftegeologicheskogo rayonirovaniya Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii (Scheme of oil-geological zoning of the West Siberian oil and gas province), Tyumen’: Publ. of V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Centre for the Rational Use of the Subsoil, 2010. 2. Peskov M.A., Gorbunov P.A., Musatov I.V. et al., Detailing of the geological structure of the PK1 reservoir of the Pyreynoye field according to a joint analysis of seismic and exploitation data (In Russ.), Ekspozitsiya Neft’ Gaz, 2023, no. 8, pp. 26–31, DOI: 3. Reshenie VI Mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po rassmotreniyu i prinyatiyu utochnennykh stratigraficheskikh skhem mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri (Decision VI of the interdepartmental stratigraphic meeting on the review and adoption of refined stratigraphic schemes of the mesozoic deposits of Western Siberia), Novosibirsk: Publ. of SNIIGGiMS, 2004, 114 p. 4. Trushkova L.Ya., Igoshkin V.P., Khafizov F.Z., Klinoformy neokoma – unikal’nyy tip neftegazonosnykh rezervuarov Zapadnoy Sibiri (Neocomian clinoforms are a unique type of oil and gas bearing reservoirs in Western Siberia): edited by Prishchepa O.M., St. Petersburg: Publ. of VNIGRI, 2011, 125 p. 5. Walker R.G , James N.P., Facies models: response to sea level change, Geological Association of Canada, 1992. 6. Naumov A.L., Onishchuk T.M., Dyadyuk N.P., On lithological hydrocarbon deposits in the north of Western Siberia (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1979, no. 8, pp. 15–20. 7. Kornev V.A., Prognozirovanie ob»ektov dlya poiskov zalezhey uglevodorodnogo syr’ya po seysmogeologicheskim dannym (Forecasting objects for prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits based on seismic and geological data), Tyumen: Publ. of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, 2000, 374 p. 8. Nezhdanov A.A., Geologicheskaya interpretatsiya seysmorazvedochnykh dannykh (Geological interpretation of seismic data), Tyumen: Publ. of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, 2000, 133 p Login or register before ordering |
D.A. Fedoseev (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara; Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara); A.S. Susoev (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara; Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara); M.E. Koval (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara; Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara); O.P. Obedkov (Samaraneftegaz JSC, RF, Samara); V.S. Averianov (Samaraneftegaz JSC, RF, Samara); R.M. Alimov (Samaraneftegaz JSC, RF, Samara); E.Yu. Pilipets (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Results of laboratory tests for sulfide stress corrosion cracking of casing samples used in the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the formation fluid DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-43-46 At the facilities of Rosneft Oil Company, the content of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the produced fluid is most typical for oil and gas fields in the Volga-Ural region. In the presence of hydrogen sulfide the casing pipes in the columns are affected by the sulfide stress corrosion cracking. In such cases, casing pipes in a hydrogen sulfide-resistant design are used to prevent the destruction of the well construction. However, there is experience in operating casing pipes of conventional strength groups in the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the formation fluid at the facilities of Rosneft Oil Company in the Volga-Ural region. This article presents the results of replicating previously completed research work on the development of technical requirements for casing pipes used in the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the formation fluid. The results of the analysis of the operating conditions of casing pipes at well construction sites of Samaraneftegaz JSC are presented, forming additional technical requirements and confirming them under laboratory testing conditions of samples from seamless casing pipes of conventional strength groups for sulfide stress corrosion cracking in operational conditions. The results of the work will be used in the design of well construction at the facilities of Rosneft Oil Company in the Volga-Ural region.
References 1. Fedoseev D.A., Susoev A.S., Korovin I.Yu. et al., Development of technical requirements for casing pipes used in the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the formation fluid (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 5, pp. 123-126, DOI: 2. GOST R 53679-2009 / ISO 15156-1:2001. Petroleum and natural gas industries – Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production – Part 1: General principles for selection of cracking-resistant materials (MOD). 3. GOST R 53678-2009 / ISO 15156-2:2009. Petroleum and natural gas industries – Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production – Part 2: Cracking-resistant carbon and low-alloy steels, and the use of cast irons (MOD) 4. GOST 31446-2017 / ISO 11960:2014, Petroleum and natural gas industries. Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells, MOD. 5. NACE TM 0177-2016. Laboratory testing of metals for resistance to specific forms of environmental cracking H2S environments. 6. Instruktsiya po raschetu obsadnykh kolonn neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin (Instructions for calculating casing columns for oil and gas wells), Moscow: Publ. of VNIITneft’, 1997 Login or register before ordering |
P.A. Ovcharov (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); A.A. Rogozin (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); A.V. Churkov (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); V.M. Yatsenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); A.A. Kirguev (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar) Automated algorithm for selecting the envelope of the rock strength passport DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-47-50 In recent years, Rosneft Oil Company has been increasingly involved in the development and operation of deposits that are characterized by relatively unfavorable geological conditions and have low reservoir permeability. One of the key processes in the development of such deposits is the effective hydraulic fracturing, the quality of which is influenced by the accuracy of the design based on reliable laboratory results to determine the deformation and strength properties of the composing rocks. Currently, the laboratory complex of Rosneft Oil Company has many methods for solving the problem of making a rock strength passport, however, there is no single generally accepted approach that ensures the reliability of the studies carried out. As part of this task, employees of the Department of Integrated Core Research of NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, together with Rosneft Oil Company, analyzed all possible approaches for conducting deformation and strength studies, followed by the construction of a universal envelope of the rock strength passport. Rosneft Oil Company pays great attention to the scientific and methodological support of digital modeling and design, as well as reducing the costs associated with it. This article proposes a unified author's methodology that enables to increase the reliability and unambiguity of the obtained laboratory results with an automated algorithm for selecting the envelope of the rock strength passport.
References 1. Zoback M.D., Reservoir geomechanics, Stanford University, California, 2007, DOI: 2. Timoshenko S.P., Istoriya nauki o soprotivlenii materialov (History of the science of strength of materials), Moscow: Gostekhizdat, 1957, 576 p. 3. Baker R., Nonlinear Mohr envelopes based on triaxial data, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2004, V. 130, no. 5, DOI: 4. Baryakh A.A., Samodelkina N.A., About one criteria of strength of rocks (In Russ.), Chebyshevskiy sbornik, 2017, V. 18, no. 3, pp. 72-87, DOI: 5. Lezhneva O.A., Works of Coulomb Sh.O. in the field of electricity and magnetism (on the 150th anniversary of his death) (In Russ.), Elektrichestvo, 1956, no. 11, pp. 79-81. 6. Tiab D., Donaldson E.C., Petrophysics. Theory and practice of measuring reservoir rock and fluid transport properties, Elsevier Inc., 2016, pp. 485, 499-502. Login or register before ordering |
R.V. Miroshnichenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); V.A. Kolmogorova (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); E.L. Erofeev (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); D.V. Krokhmal (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); A.V. Vykhodtsev (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); V.B. Pupshev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); L.T. Faizullina (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa) Development of approaches to capital expenditures estimation at conceptual design stage by object structure unification and use of application software DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-51-55 The creation of a digital ecosystem that enables to calculate, store and clarify technical information on capital construction projects, their cost characteristics at the conceptual design stage, with further transfer of information to the stage of project design, business planning, ordering material and technical resources and constructing objects, is impossible without unifying the structure of surface infrastructure objects. The hierarchical structure is given, reflecting the classes, types and groups of surface infrastructure objects and the describing method. A more detailed description of the form albums, with the help of which the development objects are described, is given. Form albums contain unified, characteristic attributes of the described object, which will be used to select the similar object and estimate the cost of a promising object. The form album includes information on infrastructure objects as constituent parts of a complex object and attributes of both the complex object itself and the infrastructure objects included. The article describes a method for codifying surface infrastructure that simplifies the processes of infrastructure cost control during their development at different stages of the life cycle. Coding of objects makes it possible to create a basis for building a long-term relationship between the information systems of Rosneft Oil Company and the Unified Digital Expertise Platform by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation as part of the digital transformation of the construction industry. The article discusses using the developed classifier in corporate software packages of Rosneft Oil Company to create digital models.
References 1. Faskhutdinov A.G., Islamov R.R., Gabbasov R.G. et al., Software module for feasibility study of effectiveness of development and surface arrangement of gas and gas condensate fields at pre-feed stage (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2023, V. 21, no. 1, pp. 51–60, DOI: Islamov R.R., Abdrakhmanova E.K., Yalaev A.V. et al., Analytical express calculation of the main indicators of the development of a new oil and gas reservoir for multivariate calculations in order to optimize design solutions (In Russ.), Problemy sbora, podgotovki i transporta nefti i nefteproduktov, 2023, no. 3(143), pp. 48–60, DOI: 3. Edinaya tsifrovaya platforma ekspertizy (Unified digital platform for expertise), URL: Login or register before ordering |
I.Y. Loktionov (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); E.V. Zenkov (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); N.A. Dyakova (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); A.V. Parafeinik (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar); R.Yu. Kanaev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); N.G. Gilev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); R.M. Petrenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Methodology for determining the scope of geotechnical monitoring work during the construction period DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-56-59 Ensuring the mechanical safety of industrial facilities during construction is one of the most important tasks in the oil and gas industry. To solve this problem, an integrated approach is used to control the technical condition of structures. This approach makes it possible to timely identify and prevent possible emergencies associated with irreversible processes that may occur in the structures themselves or in the ground foundations. Due to the lack of clear requirements in the regulatory and technical documentation for the formation of a calendar plan and a calendar and network schedule of work divided into construction stages when designing large industrial facilities with long construction periods, the costs of geotechnical monitoring in the estimated documentation are included in accordance with the geotechnical monitoring program in full for the entire construction period and they may have significant differences in the calculation of actual costs. The elaboration of a calendar plan and a calendar and network schedule divided into stages with reference to the general construction plan will allow the allocation of costs for geotechnical monitoring in accordance with the stages of construction. The developed methodology makes it possible to objectively assess the required number of observations, taking into account the construction time of each specific structure and the cyclicity of observations, as well as the seasonality of some types of work performed. The application of the methodology makes it possible to calculate the real cost of work performed as closely as possible and achieve money savings.
References 1. Gilev N.G., Poverennyy Yu.S. et al., Geotechnical monitoring of oil and gas production facilities in the cryolithozone (In Russ.), Fundamenty, 2021, no. 4(6), pp. 34–36. 2. Sultanova I.P., Analysis of planning, management and development methodsof organizational and technological solutions in infrastructure projects (In Russ.), Vestnik MGSU, 2015, no. 7, pp. 127–136. 3. Spravochnoe posobie k SNiP 3.01.01-85*. Razrabotka proektov organizatsii stroitel’stva i proektov proizvodstva rabot dlya promyshlennogo stroitel’stva (Reference manual to SNiP 3.01.01-85*. Development of construction organization projects and work production projects for industrial construction), Moscow: Stroyizdat Publ., 1990, 158 p. 4. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po razrabotke proektov organizatsii stroitel’stva krupnykh promyshlennykh komplektov s primeneniem uzlovogo metoda (Guidelines for the development of projects for the organization of construction of large industrial complexes using the nodal method), Moscow: Stroyizdat Publ., 1984, 64 p. Login or register before ordering |
A.E. Shikolov (RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk); A.E. Davydova (RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk); V.V. Vedeneev (RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk); K.I. Avdeev (RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk); O.V. Morturnyak (RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk); M.M. Abdullin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) The oil-gathering pipeline erosional wear velocity as an opportunity to increase multiphase flow velocity range for optimizing capital expenditure DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-60-63 The article analyzes hydraulic calculations of the oil gathering pipeline network of the K field. The role and influence of the high gas factor and complex terrain of Eastern Siberia, in particular, altitude differences, on the values of the gas-liquid mixture flow rate are designated. The flow regimes in the pipeline system are assessed. A unique method is proposed that takes into account the gas and liquid flow rates separately, and also enables to use the erosion value of particles suspended in the liquid as a factor that expands the range of regulated gas-liquid mixture rates in order to optimize capital costs. An analysis is carried out that revealed that the existing state standards do not provide limits for the rate of erosive wear, and do not offer flow rate corrections for the wear rate. In this regard, the new method is unique and allows for a significant reduction in the capital intensity of projects under identical conditions. The result of the work is a forecast of erosive wear and an analysis of the possibility of changing the maximum flow rate of liquid in field pipelines, taking into account the assessment of the economic efficiency of this technical solution. This approach was verified by testing on two fields with recorded cases of erosion-corrosion processes and in their absence.
References 1. GOST R 58367-2019. Engineering process for onshore oil fields. Technological design. 2. PTDP ¹ P1-01.04 PDTP-0011. Tipovye tekhnicheskie resheniya. Tipovye proektnye resheniya. Kustovye ploshchadki skvazhin. Pasport dokumentatsii tipovogo proektirovaniya kompanii (Typical technical solutions. Typical design solutions. Well pads. Passport of the documentation of the typical design of the company), version 2.00, date of introduction 02.08.2018, Moscow: Publ. of Rosneft, 2018, 50 p. 3. TTK ¹ P1-01.05 M-0133. Pravila po ekspluatatsii, revizii, remontu i otbrakovke promyslovykh truboprovodov. Tipovye trebovaniya kompanii (Rules for operation, inspection, repair and rejection of industrial pipelines. Typical company requirements), version 3.00, date of introduction 07.06.2021, Moscow: Publ. of Rosneft, 2021, 230 p. 4. GOST R 58284 – 2018. Petroleum and natural gas industries. Offshore installations and pipelines. General requirements for corrosion protection. 5. GOST R 55990 – 2014. Oil and gas-oil fields. Field pipelines. Design codes. Login or register before ordering |
B.A. Fedyanin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); Yu.V. Shevelev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); D.A. Lenkevich (All-Russian Research Insitute of Oil Refining, RF, Moscow); M.Yu. Dubinsky (All-Russian Research Insitute of Oil Refining, RF, Moscow) An Integral Efficiency System as a result of Rosneft’s Oil Company refining and petrochemical operational efficiency improvement decade DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-64-67 The article describes the approaches of Rosneft Oil Company to improve operational efficiency in oil refining and petrochemical enterprises. An experience of 10 years of developing a system to improve operational efficiency is considered. It includes such areas as a benchmarking, a set of methods for identifying improvement measures, forming comprehensive improvement programs and integrating them into the company's business processes, controlling the implementation of relevant projects, and a monitoring system for the effects of programs’ implementation. In fact, the benchmarking system enables to determine the potential for improving technological objects in terms of technological, energy and capacity utilization efficiency and operational availability. Based on the benchmarking results, long-term roadmaps are developed to improve the efficiency of enterprises. Currently, the approaches to improving operational efficiency are formalized in the form of the Integral Efficiency system, integrated into the company's existing business processes, such as business planning, project implementation and monitoring the effects of efficiency improvement measures. At the same time, through the 10 years of the operational efficiency improvement system operation at 24 oil refining and petrochemical business units in Oil Refining and Petrochemistry block of Rosneft Oil Company, more than 1500 projects have been implemented with a total economic effect of over 170 billion rubles.
References 1. Abusheva V.E., Kolosova O.G., Benchmarking as an effective direction of modern analysis (In Russ.), Vestnik ekonomiki i menedzhmenta, 2022, no. 2, pp. 21–26. 2. Demidov V.V., Evaluation of optimization of production and economic efficiency and analysis of key factors of the refinery (In Russ.), Ekonomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika, 2022, no. 8, pp. 109–112, DOI: 3. Karpukhin A.K., Lenkevich D.A., Efanova N.V., Corporate benchmarking system. How to increase production efficiency at Rosneft Oil Company PJSC (In Russ.),, 2019, no. 2 (86), pp. 34–38. 4. Frolova I.I., Kuliev E.A., Improvement of the process of continuous improvement in the quality management system (In Russ.), Innovatsionnaya ekonomika: perspektivy razvitiya i sovershenstvovaniya, 2022, no. 2, pp. 60–67, DOI: 5. Kolodin D.S., Davydova G.V., Issues of modernization of oil refining industry in Russia under sanction pressure (In Russ.), Baikal Research Journal, 2022, no. 2, pp. 19–19, DOI: 6. Dozortsev V.M., Digital transformation in refinery (In Russ.), Mir nefteproduktov, 2020, no. 2, pp. 34–41. Login or register before ordering |
A.I. Puzanov (VNIKTIneftekhimoborudovanie JSC, RF, Volgograd); T.A. Yanovsky (VNIKTIneftekhimoborudovanie JSC, RF, Volgograd); D.A. Medvedev (VNIKTIneftekhimoborudovanie JSC, RF, Volgograd); M.V. Budaragin (VNIKTIneftekhimoborudovanie JSC, RF, Volgograd); N.N. Berdnikov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) The robot controls the installation of internal reactor devices DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-68-71 The article discusses the existing methods for determining the vertical position of the internal devices of propane dehydrogenation reactors and methods for measuring their inter-screen distance using robotic complexes developed by Rosneft Oil Company. These robotic complexes are already having a significant impact and contributing to high results in the activities of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises. The scope of application of robotic complexes is quite wide, and the pace of development and introduction of robotics into production processes suggests that in the near future robots will be used everywhere at all stages of oil refining. The introduction of robots into all production processes cannot happen at once, but their gradual introduction into various types of work helps to solve many tasks and problems that previously caused difficulties in implementation. The key goal of introducing robots to perform certain tasks in the field of oil refining is to eliminate risks to human health and life. With the development and improvement of technologies, as well as the deepening of scientific research in the field of robotics, this task is successfully solved, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the quality and efficiency of work, which together gives a significant positive effect.
References 1. Gazproekt-DKR. Primenyaemoe oborudovanie (Gazproekt-DKR. Equipment used), URL: 2. TUBOT. Vnutritrubnye robotizirovannye sistemy dlya razvetvlennykh truboprovodov (TUBOT. In-pipe robotic systems for branched pipelines), URL: 3. FloormapX - skaner dnishch rezervuarov (FloormapX - Tank Bottom Scanner), URL: 4. V Permi razrabotan robot-ellipsoid dlya proverki izognutykh truboprovodov iznutri (An ellipsoid robot has been developed in Perm to inspect curved pipelines from the inside), URL: 5. V Kitae nachali primenyat’ dlya kontrolya vodostokov besprovodnyy robot-krauler (China has begun using a wireless crawler robot to monitor gutters), 6. Taris. Avtonomnye roboty dlya truboprovodov (Taris. Autonomous robots for pipelines), URL: Login or register before ordering |
D.V. Griva (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); A.A. Sedletskaya(TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk); A.V. Vykhodtsev (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk; Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk); L.M. Ulyev (Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk); A.V. Yakovlev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow); A.N. Mitreykin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Improving the energy efficiency of the natural gas liquefaction process in Arctic conditions DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-72-76 The article describes a methodological approach to choosing the optimal method of the natural gas liquefaction process in Arctic conditions. The choice of liquefaction technology for liquefied natural gas (LNG) production in the Arctic zone is justified, patterns of LNG production emissions are determined and measures to reduce them are proposed. A simulation model of the chosen technology has been formed for the composition of natural gas from a promising field and the target parameters have been determined for optimizing the liquefaction process. A method has been developed for the estimated calculation of the heat transfer surface area of multithreaded heat exchangers, which can be applied to both plate-fin and spiral heat exchangers. The calculation method is based on the principles of pinch analysis, and therefore, at the initial stage, it enables to perform an assessment without calculating the design of the devices. An economic assessment was carried out for the formed matrix of options, based on the results of calculations of net present costs and total greenhouse gas emissions, the optimal solution was chosen for the process. Based on the results of calculations of net present value and total greenhouse gas emissions, a balance of capital and operating costs was achieved and the optimal solution was chosen for the process.
References 1. Kuptsov N.V., Samodurov M.S., Carbon neutral liquefied natural gas – current status, perspectives and carbon footprint reducing methods (In Russ.), PRONEFT’. Professional’no o nefti = PROneft. Professionally about Oil, 2023, no. 8(1), pp. 138-146, DOI: 2. Gayvoronskiy A.I., Tverskoy I.V., Selecting a train performance model for a new LNG project (In Russ.), Neftegazovaya vertikal’, 2024, no. 6–7, pp. 66–72. 3. Meshcherin I.V., Nastin A.N., Analiz tekhnologiy polucheniya szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza v usloviyakh arkticheskogo klimata (Analysis of technologies for producing liquefied natural gas in arctic climate conditions), Moscow: Gubkin University, 2016, pp. 144–157. 4. Fedorova E.B., Sovremennoe sostoyanie i razvitie mirovoy industrii szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza: tekhnologii i oborudovanie (Current state and development of the global liquefied natural gas industry: technologies and equipment), Moscow: Gubkin University, 2011, 159 p. 5. Kemp I.C., Pinch analysis and process integration: A user guide on process integration for the efficient use of energy, London: Elsevier, 2007, 415 p. 6. Wood D., Sustainable liquefied natural gas: Concepts and applications moving towards net-zero supply chains, Elsevier Science, 2024, 500 p. 7. Watson H.A.J., Barton P.I., Modeling phase changes in multistream heat exchangers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, V. 105, pp. 207-218, DOI: 8. Pacio J.C., Multiscale thermo-hydraulic modeling of cryogenic heat exchangers: Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2012, 430 p. 9. Masoud A., Haghighi Kh.R., Design of plate-fin heat exchanger, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012, 108 p. 10. Ul’ev L.M., Vvedenie v pinch-analiz (Introduction to pinch analysis), St. Petersburg: Lan’ Publ., 2024, 208 p. 11. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 29.06.2017 no. 330 “On approval of methodological guidelines for quantifying the volume of indirect energy emissions of greenhouse gases” 12. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 27.05.2022 no. 371 “On approval of methods for quantitative determination of greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas absorption volumes”. Login or register before ordering |
Kazan University is 220 years old! |
L.F. Korchagina (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen); O.I. Belous (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen) The use of statistical criteria for the granulometric composition of reservoir rocks of the deposits of the eastern slope of the Surgut arch obtained by the image method in lithological and facies analysis DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-80-85 Granulometric statistics are widely used to quantify differences in results of analysis in different sedimentation conditions. The widespread use of granulomeric statistics is due to the fact that their estimates are very stable compared to the errors of experimental results. The use of statistics in logarithmic scales is associated with the assumption of the lognormality of granulometric distribution. In this work in image analysis, transformations of observation scales were carried out according to the ȹ-scale proposed by Krumbein. The components of the φ-scale are logarithms ȹ of size d at base 2, taken with the reverse sigh. The φ-scale is used to convert the initial observation scales into uniform ones, which provides the convenience of graphical representation of classification results, the simplicity of determining granulometric statistics. A comparative analysis of the indicators of statistical criteria (asymmetry and kurtosis) obtained by image analysis (digital petrography) and facies analysis during the reconstruction of paleogeographic settings was carried out. Two dynamogenetic diagrams were used: the classical diagram of G.F. Rozhkov and a diagram of G.F. Rozhkov, modified by K.K. Gostintsev. The latter is more detailed, with intermediate facies of sedimentation conditions added. The diagrams show good convergence of the results. The obtained statistical criteria for the granulometric composition of rocks by digital petrography, used in the construction of the G.F. Rozhkov dynamogenetic diagram, showed high efficiency in determining paleofacial and microfacial sedimentation environments and are recommended for the most effective facies diagnostics when used in conjunction with other lithological, petrophysical and geochemical methods of rock research.
References 1. Gostintsev K.K., Metodicheskie ukazaniya po drobnomu granulometricheskomu analizu sedimentatsionnym sposobom (s primeneniem gidravlicheskogo sedimentatora GS-1) (Guidelines for fractional granulometric analysis by sedimentation method (using hydraulic sedimentator GS-1)), Leningrad: Publ. of VNIGRI, 1989, 191 p. 2. Shimanskiy V.V. et al., Paleogeografiya yury i nizhnego mela Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii (Paleogeography of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the West Siberian oil and gas province), St. Petersburg: Publ. of VNIGNI, 2023, 227 p. 3. Grossgeym V.A. et al., Metody paleogeograficheskikh rekonstruktsiy (pri poiskakh zalezhey nefti i gaza) (Methods of paleogeographic reconstructions (in the search for oil and gas deposits)), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1984, 271 p. 4. Rukhin L.B., Osnovy litologii (Fundamentals of lithology), Leningrad: Gostoptekhizdat Publ., 1961, 780 p. 5. Nedolivko N.M., Ezhova A.V., Petrograficheskie issledovaniya terrigennykh i karbonatnykh porod-kollektorov (Petrographic studies of terrigenous and carbonate reservoir rocks), Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2012, 172 p Login or register before ordering |
O.N. Kulishkina (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow); V.V. Afonasin (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow); Yu.P. Tkachenko (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow); S.A. Kalistratov (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow) P.Yu. Kuzmin (Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegaz LLC, RF, Krasnoyarsk) Comprehensive study of post-sedimentation processes in the hypergenesis zone to predict intervals of increased cavernousness DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-86-90 Hydrocarbon reserves of the Kuyumbinskoye field are concentrated in reservoirs with secondary voids of fracture and cavernous-fractured type. The latter were formed by chemical and physical weathering of carbonate rocks as they were brought to the surface (hypergenesis). This paper focuses on the methodology of studying the reservoirs with secondary voids formed by hypergenesis processes. Modeling of the hypergenesis zone was carried out. For the studied sediments within the hypergenesis zone, three vertical zones, named by the predominant processes in them, were identified: oxidation, leaching, cementation. The patterns of vertical change in capacity along the section of the hypergenesis zone were studied. The area forecast of cavernosity distribution was made. A predictive map of thicknesses of reservoir intervals with increased capacity was constructed on the basis of detailed structural interpretation of 3D seismic surveys and paleogeographic analysis. The paper shows that the distribution of high-capacity zones (cavernous intervals) is controlled by erosion-denudation processes. The reconstruction of the paleorelief of the pre-Vendian erosion surface and the conditions of denudation processes was carried out. The correlation of cavernosity development to the paleorelief elements was revealed. For the first time in this area, seismic data revealed depressional ring anomalies of the «karst sinkhole» type - a search criterion for zones of reservoirs with improved poroperm properties. As a result of these studies, a new approach to modeling of secondary formed voids (cavernous zones) in the area and section of the studied field was developed.
References 1. Kulishkina O.N., Konyaev D.N., Berin M.V., Ryazanov P.O., The study of the Riphean fractured reservoir in the zone of hypergenesis to increase the efficiency of oil production, Proceedings of 8th International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition «St. Petersburg 2018. Innovations in Geosciences - Opening Times», St. Petersburg, 09-12.04.2018, DOI: 2. Kharakhinov V.V., Kulishkin N.M., Shlenkin S.I., Olyunin A.V., New approaches to the investigation of oil and gas potential for the Pre-Jurassic deposits in the West-Siberian oil and gas province (In Russ.),Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2015, no. 6, pp. 63-77. 3. Kharakhinov V.V., Shlenkin S.I., Afonasin V.V. et al., New approaches to geological modeling of fractured reservoirs in East Siberia (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2012, no. 11, pp. 93–97. 4. Kharakhinov V.V., Shlenkin S.I., Afonasin V.V. et al., Some specific features of geological and hydrodynamic modeling of fractured reservoirs in ancient complexes of East Siberia (In Russ.), Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2013, no. 2, pp. 11–20. 5. Kharakhinov V.V., Shlenkin S.I. et al., Treshchinnye rezervuary nefti i gaza (Fractured oil and gas reservoirs), Moscow: Nauchnyy mir Publ., 2015, 284 p. 6. Gvozdetskiy N.A.,Karst (Karst), Moscow: Mysl’ Publ., 1981, 214 p. 7. Malkov V.N., Gurkalo E.I., Monakhova al., Karst i peshchery Pinezh’ya (Karst and caves of the Pinezhsky region), Moscow: EKOST Publ., 2001, 208 p. Login or register before ordering |
Graifer Valerii Isaakovich (Devoted to the 95th anniversary of his birth) DOI: Login or register before ordering |
T.I. Sinitsyna (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); Ia.M. Kurbanov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen) Algorithm for planning repeated selective hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-92-97 The paper describes an algorithm for step-by-step planning of repeated selective multistage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) which enables motivated and prompt selection of potential well candidates from the total number of horizontal wells in the field. The field production and operation data was gathered and verified, and a statistical training sample was formed in Microsoft Excel. The geological and field analysis of downhole data was performed using the RN-KIN software. The production process parameters were estimated using the t-Navigator and RN-KIM software for 3D flow simulation. The objects of the study are horizontal wells introduced into operation with primary MSHF in VK1-3 reservoir of the Kamenny Area within the Krasnoleninsky Field. According to the result of testing the algorithm in industrial conditions, the total reduction in the sample of horizontal wells for the field in question was 80%, which made it possible to select reasonably the best wells from the total well stock. Repeated MSHF were implemented in all wells justified in the study, the oil rates and oil production volumes increased and demonstrated reasonable convergence of the estimated and actual values, which allows to draw a conclusion on the applicability and performance of the developed algorithm. The results of pilot field tests indicate that the use of a step-by-step planning algorithm enables the proper selection of potentially effective candidate wells for conducting MSHF based on a comprehensive consideration of a set of criteria and their weights, geological and field analysis and assessment of production potential using a 3D hydrodynamic model.
References 1. Ganiev B.G., Nasybullin A.V., Sattarov Ram.Z. et al., Application of machine learning method for planning of well drilling in producing oil formations (In Russ.), Neftjanoe hozjajstvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 7, pp. 23–27, DOI: 2. Kochnev A.A., Kozyrev N.D., Kochneva O.E., Galkin S.V., Development of a comprehensive methodology for the forecast of effectiveness of geological and technical measures based on machine learning algorithms (In Russ.), Georesursy, 2020, V. 22, no. 3, pp. 79–86, DOI: 3. Rebrova O.Yu., Statisticheskiy analiz meditsinskikh dannykh. Primenenie paketa prikladnykh programm STATISTICA (Statistical analysis of medical data. Using the STATISTICA application package), Moscow: MediaSfera Publ., 2002, 312 p. 4. Nasybullin A.V., Bayburov R.R., Using statistical machine learning methods to optimize well operation (In Russ.), Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2021, no. 3 (27), pp. 84–94. 5. Lee J.W., Kim S.H., Using analytic network process and goal programming for interdependent information system project selection, Computers and Operations Research, 2000, no. 27, pp. 367-382, DOI: 6. Wang J., Hwang W.-L., A fuzzy set approach for R&D portfolio selection using a real option valuation model, Omega, 2005, V. 35(3), pp. 247–257, DOI: or register before ordering |
D.M. Bikmeev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa); V.V. Kalsin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); M.M. Khasanov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); D.I. Dubrovsky (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); E.R. Nazargalin (Bashneft-Polyus LLC, RF, Ufa); D.Yu. Golovanov Study of asphaltene stability in reservoir oil of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-98-101 This paper presents the results of the phase behavior studies of asphaltenes in reservoir oil samples from the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Experiments were conducted to determine the pressure at which asphaltene precipitation begins depending on the specified temperature and pressure conditions. The studies were carried out by recording the amount of solid particles formed as a function of pressure at a fixed temperature using a high-pressure microscope. It was found that asphaltenes in reservoir oil collected from the D1op1 formation at the fields of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province are stable in the pressure range from reservoir pressure to saturation pressure at temperatures of 45– 90 ºC. Additionally, based on the PVT model, an assessment was made of the risks of asphaltene precipitation during injection of model gas (methane). It was found that for a mixture of the original reservoir oil with methane with a gas concentration of 46,87 % mol. at reservoir temperature in the pressure range of 38,27–42,46 MPa, risks of precipitation of the asphaltene solid phase may arise. The obtained results of laboratory studies can enable to predict the behavior of the fluid in reservoir conditions and reduce uncertainties in choosing a strategy for designing and operating fields, and using various methods of enhanced oil recovery.
References 1. Akbarzadeh K., Hammami A., Kharrat A., Asphaltenes - problematic but, rich in potential, Oilfield Review, 2007, Summer, pp. 22-43. 2. Ganeeva Yu.M., Yusupova T.N., Romanov G.V., Asphaltene nano-aggregates: structure, phase transitions and effect on petroleum systems (In Russ.), Uspekhi khimii = Russian Chemical Reviews, 2011, V. 80, no. 10, pp. 1034–1050, DOI: 3. Voloshin A.I., Volkov M.G., Dokichev V.A., Technological complications (formation damage) during CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery. Part 2. Interaction of CO2 with formation oil: wettability change, asphaltene precipitation and deposition in the formation (In Russ.), Problemy sbora, podgotovki i transporta nefti i nefteproduktov, 2024, no. 4(150), pp. 74–95, DOI: http://doi.10.17122/ntj-oil-2024-4-74-95 4. Gusman R., Ancheyta J., Trejo F., Rodrigues S., Methods for determining asphaltene stability in crude oils, Fuel, 2017, V. 188, pp. 530–543, DOI: 5. Mohammed I., Mahmoud M., Shehri D.A. et al., Asphaltene precipitation and deposition: A critical review, J. Pet. Sci. and Eng., 2021, V. 197, DOI: 6. Fakher S. et al., An experimental investigation of asphaltene stability in heavy crude oil during carbon dioxide injection, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2020, V. 10, pp. 919–931, DOI: 7. Lobanov A.A. et al., Systems approach to management of in-place oil downhole samples under current conditions (In Russ.), Nedropol’zovanie XXI vek, 2020, no. 2a(85), pp. 60–81. 8. OST 153-39.2-048-2003. Neft’. Tipovoe issledovanie plastovykh flyuidov i separirovannykh neftey. Ob»em issledovaniy i formy predstavleniya rezul’tatov (Oil. Typical study of reservoir fluids and separated oils. Volume of research and forms of presentation of results). 9. Bikmeev D.M., Kal’sin V.V., Khasanov M.M., Malinin A.V., Study of conditions of solid paraffin phase formation in oil under changing thermobaric conditions (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 7, pp. 42–44, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Bolotov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan); O.V. Anikin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan); M.Yu. Bondar (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); A.V. Osipov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg); M.A. Varfolomeev (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Optimization of operation timing in a single-well tracer test DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-102-106 The determination of hydrocarbon saturation in oil reservoirs plays a significant role in the management and selection of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. Tracer tests to measure residual oil saturation in the near-wellbore zone (SWCTT) before and after EOR involve injecting tracer into the reservoir and monitoring its recovery for quantification and analysis. The most important issues to address when planning SWCTT are the proper selection of primary tracers with a predetermined shut-in time for controlled secondary tracer generation. Based on the extensive field data, it is known that from 10 to 50 % of the primary tracer should be hydrolyzed at the wellhead during reverse production in order to be able to detect tracers during reverse production and best interpretation of production concentration profiles in the next stages of the study. In this regard, this paper proposes a new analytical approach to determining the well shut-in time during SWCTT after injection of tracer banks in target oil saturation intervals. This method was verified at the object of surfactant-polymer flooding (oilfield in Eastern Europe) and showed its efficiency, as evidenced by the obtained tracer production profiles, on the basis of which the average value of residual oil saturation (0,109) after injection of surfactant-polymer composition was calculated, which is a successful result for chemical flooding.
References 1. Silva M., Stray H., Bjørnstad T., Studies on new chemical tracers for determination of residual oil saturation in the inter-well region, SPE-185085-MS, 2017, DOI: 2. Bolotov A.V., Anikin O.V., Bondar’ M.Yu. et al., Faktory, vliyayushchie na podbor i primenimost’ trasserov v odnoskvazhinnom khimicheskom trassernom teste (Factors affecting the selection and applicability of tracers in a single-hole chemical tracer test), Kazan: Publ. of KFU, 2024, 206 p. 3. Wang S., Shiau B., Harwell J.H., Effect of reservoirs conditions on designing single-well chemical tracer tests under extreme brine conditions, Transp. Porous Med., 2018, V. 121, DOI: 4. Huseby O., Sagen J., Dugstad Ø., Single well chemical tracer tests fast and accurate simulations, SPE-555608-MS, 2012, DOI: 5. Bondar M., Osipov A., Groman A. et al., Evaluating efficiency of surfactant-polymer flooding with single well chemical tracer tests At Kholmogorskoye field, SPE-207314-MS, 2021, DOI: 6. Keller Yu.A., Uskov A.A., Krivoguz A.N. et al., The application of SWCTT for evaluating the efficiency of low-salinity water flooding at the carbonate reservoir of the Kharyaginskoye oil field (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 7, pp. 109-113, DOI: 7. Volokitin Y., Shuster M., Karpan V. et al., Results of alkaline-surfactant-polymer flooding pilot at West Salym field, SPE-190382-MS, 2018, DOI: 8. Buijse M.A., Prelicz R.M., Barnes J.R., Cosmo C., Application of internal olefin sulfonates and other surfactants to EOR. Part 2: The design and execution of an ASP field test, SPE-129769-MS, 2010, DOI: 9. Bondar M.Yu., Osipov A.V., Groman A.A. et al., The method for selecting the chemical composition for surfactant-polymer flooding and field evaluation of the effectiveness of its application at the Kholmogorskoye field (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 9, pp. 100–105, DOI: 10. Khaledialidusti R., Kleppe J., A comprehensive framework for the theoretical assessment of the single-well-chemical-tracer tests, J. Pet. Sci. Eng., 2017, V. 159, pp. 164–181, DOI: 11. Doorwar S., Tagavifar M., Dwarakanath V., A 1D analytical solution to determine residual oil saturations from single-well chemical tracer test, SPE-200420-MS, 2020, DOI: 12. Bragg J., Carlson L., Atterbury J., Recent applications of the single well tracer method for measuring residual oil saturation, SPE–5805-MS, 1976, DOI: 13. Mechergui A., Romero C., Morel D., Feasibility study of single well tracer test for high salinity and high temperature reservoirs, SPE–161618-MS, 2012, DOI: 14. Anikin O.V., Bolotov A.V., Mukhutdinova A.R., Varfolomeev M.A., Evaluation of the kinetic and thermodynamic behavior of tracers for their applicability in SWCTT, Processes, 2022, V. 10(11), DOI: 15. Mukhutdinova A.R., Bolotov A.V., Anikin O.V., Varfolomeev M.A., Algorithm for estimating boundary conditions of a distributed tracer for application in a single-well tracer test (In Russ.), Georesursy = Georesursy, 2022, V. 24(4), pp. 75–81, DOI: 16. Tang J.S., Partitioning tracers and in-situ fluid-saturation measurements, SPE-22344-PA, 1995, DOI: 17. Tang J.S., Harker B., Mass balance method to determine residual oil saturation from single well tracer test data, J. Can. Pet. Technol., 1990, V. 29, pp. 115–124, DOI: 18. Bolotov A.V., Anikin O.V., Bondar M.Y. et al., Novel single well chemical tracer test design: shut-in time determination for test feasibility, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2024, DOI: 19. Deans H.A., The Single-well chemical tracer method for measuring residual oil saturation, Final Report U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 1980, pp. 18–26. 20. Soltani A., Decroux B., Negre A. et al., Evaluating the impact of reservoir cooling on the surfactant flood efficiency, IPTC-21351-MS, 2021, DOI: 21. Ramey H.J. Wellbore heat transmission, SPE-96-PA, 1962, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
M.A. Silin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), L.A. Magadova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.I. Kudryashov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), S.V. Aksenova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), M.M. Mukhin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), M.D. Pakhomov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.E. Kiseleva (LUKOIL Lubricants company LLC, RF, Moscow) The study of solubilizing ability of intensifying compositions in relation to calcium sulfate based on chelating agents DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-108-113 The article considers the problem of salt deposition at oil and gas production facilities which is a topical issue in the oil industry and a factor that significantly complicates oil production, transportation and treatment. The main reasons of salt precipitation are such processes as dissolution of rocks, change of thermobaric conditions, mixing of incompatible waters, change of total water mineralization. In this work the authors carried out studies of compositions based on chelating agents, which showed high efficiency of dissolution of various modifications of calcium sulfate as an intensifying composition. In this work, compositions based on organic acids are considered, as they have a delayed reaction with rock (compared to mineral acids), as a result of which it is possible to achieve a deeper penetration of acid into the formation. Scientific, technical and patent literature on chelating agents used as inhibitors and solvents of salt deposits is reviewed. Mechanisms of interaction of chelates with water insoluble inorganic salts (calcium and magnesium carbonates, calcium and barium sulfates) are considered. Nowadays the creation of stimulation compositions for oil wells is an urgent issue. The study is devoted to the evaluation of solubilizing ability of three different stimulation compositions based on chelates developed at Gubkin University.
References 1. Glushchenko V.N., Silin M.A., Ptashko O.A., Denisova A.V., Neftepromyslovaya khimiya: Oslozhneniya v sisteme plast – skvazhina – ustanovka promyslovoy podgotovki nefti (Oilfield chemistry: Complications in the system reservoir - well - oil field treatment unit), Moscow: MAKS Press Publ., 2008, 328 p. 2. Brikov A.V., Markin A.N., Neftepromyslovaya khimiya: prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po bor’be s obrazovaniem soley (Oilfield chemistry: A practical guide to salt control), Moscow: De Libri Publ., 2018, 335 p. 3. Markin A.N., Nizamov R.E., Sukhoverkhov S.V., Neftepromyslovaya khimiya: prakticheskoe rukovodstvo (Oilfield chemistry: a practical guide), Vladivostok: Dal’nauka Publ., 2011, 288 p. 4. Olajire A.A., A review of oilfield scale management technology for oil and gas production, Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2015, V. 135, pp. 723-737, DOI: 5. Kashchavtsev V.E., Mishchenko I.T., Soleobrazovanie pri dobyche nefti (Salt formation in oil production), Moscow: Orbita-M Publ., 2004, 432 p. 6. Hassan A. et al., Applications of chelating agents in the upstream oil and gas industry: a review, Energy & Fuels, 2020, V. 34, no. 12, pp. 15593–15613, DOI: 7. Gaydamakina V.N., Gaydamakin V.N., Existing methods of preventing and combating salt deposits in submersible equipment (In Russ.), Nauchnyy zhurnal, 2018, no. 7(30), pp. 28–30. 8. Gladkov E.A., Shiribon A.A, Karpova E.G., Ways solutions of the problems encountered during drilling in Eastern Siberia (In Russ.), Burenie i neft’, 2015, no. 4, pp. 42–45. 9. Zimin S.V., Sabanchin I.V., Krasnov I.A. et al., Inorganic salt deposition under in situ conditions in Eastern Siberian reservoirs (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 9, pp. 44-49, DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.S. Samoilov (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen); V.A. Votchel(Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen); A.S. Parekha (Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, RF, Moscow); I.O. Malyshev (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen); T.N. Tukmakova (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen); A.V. Shvarts (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen) Determination and testing of optimal formulations of hydraulic fracturing fluids for reservoirs with a high content of montmorillonite clays DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-114-118 An urgent and at the same time challenging task today is the extraction of hydrocarbons from unconventional target horizons, which include the Senonian deposits, which are an important and strategically significant objects with natural gas reserves. Successful implementation of such tasks will increase hydrocarbon production and ensure the country’s energy security. Hydrocarbon reserves of the Senonian deposits are considered hard to recover due to the significant heterogeneity of the deposit with low permeability and the presence of clays in the rock composition. The gas presence of the Senonian deposits is widespread in the northern regions of the West Siberian oil and gas basin. Senon deposits are gas bearing at Medvezhye, Tazovsky, Zapolyarnoye, Yamburgsky, Kharampursky, Lensky, Festivalny, Komsomolsky, Bovanenkovsky, Yamsoveysky, Yubileyny and other fields. Using the example of one of the fields, the stage of selecting an effective hydraulic fracturing fluid that does not degrade the strength and filtration and capacitive properties of rocks of the Nizhneberezovskaya substructure is considered, followed by an assessment during the hydraulic fracturing technology. The aim of the work is to determine the influence of various fluids on the clay component of Senonian deposits. The article presents the results of studies using the rock swelling technique, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing in wells of Senonian deposits.
References 1. Zapasy gaza na Medvezh’em mestorozhdenii «Gazproma» mogut otnesti k trudnoizvlekaemym (Gas reserves at Gazprom’s Medvezhye field may be classified as hard-to-recover), URL: 2. Doroshenko A.A., Karymova Ya.O., Properties of voids in the Senonian gaize of the northern part of West Siberia (In Russ.), Ekspozitsiya Neft’ Gaz, 2017, pp. 23–26. 3. Strigotskiy S.V., Maslennikov V.V., On gas manifestations when drilling wells at the Medvezhye field (In Russ.), Burenie gazovykh i gazokondensatnykh skvazhin, 1974, no. 4, pp. 8–12. 4. Darley H.C.H., Gray G.R., Composition and properties of drilling and completion fluids, Houston, TX: Gulf Professional Publishing, 1988, 643 p. Login or register before ordering |
V.E. Agafonov (Ingenix Group LLC, RF, Moscow); E.A. Dubovitskaya (Ingenix Group LLC, RF, Moscow) The history of development of the automated construction scheduling tool for conceptual design of oil and gas upstream projects DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-119-124 The article deals with the history of development of the automated construction scheduling tool for conceptual design of oil and gas upstream projects by Ingenix Group LLC team. Production start dates have a significant influence on the profitability of a project and are among the main reasons for deterioration of any project efficiency when deviating from the construction plan. In order to provide a correct evaluation of the construction terms at the conceptual design stage it is necessary to determine the duration of design and survey works, the purchase of long-lead equipment and as well as the conclusion of contracts for construction and installation works. Usual lack of sufficient information on a project on its premature stages was considered to be a chief obstacle on the way of development of the automated tool. This automated tool has made it possible to both obtain the distribution of the capital cost within the object construction term and tie different capital objects planned for construction to gain a synchronized construction schedule. Such schedule has become an important link between computation of the cost of capital construction of separate objects and the development of a cashflow profile embedded in the full-scale financial model of oil and gas projects.
References 1. Andreeva N.N., Bugriy O.E., Dubovitskaya E.A. et al., Normativnoe obespechenie proektirovaniya obustroystva mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov (Regulatory support of the design of oil and gas fields facilities), Moscow: Publ. of Gubkin University, 2015. 2. Chizhikov S.V., Dubovitskaya E.A., Tkachenko M.A., Costs modeling: Support point in a changing world (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaistvo = Oil Industry, 2017, no. 10, pp. 64–68, DOI: 3. Chizhikov S.V., Dubovitskaya E.A., Pre-FEED CAPEX evaluation in oil&gas upstream: analyzing effectiveness of integrated technical and economic modelling approach (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2021, no. 4, pp. 10-16, DOI: 4. AACE International Recommended Practice ¹ 87R-14: Cost Estimate Classification System – As Applied for the Petroleum Exploration and Production Industry. 5. Trofimov V.V., Ivanov V.N., Kazakov M.K., Upravlenie proektami s Primavera (Project management with Primavera): edited by Trofimov V.V., St. Petersburg: Publ. of SPbGUEF, 2006, 216 p. 6. SN 283-64. Vremennye normy prodolzhitel’nosti proektirovaniya (Temporary standards for design duration), Moscow: Izdatel’stvo literatury po stroitel’stvu Publ., 1964. 7. SNiP 1.04.03-85. Normy prodolzhitel’nosti stroitel’stva i zadela v stroitel’stve predpriyatiy, zdaniy i sooruzheniy: Stroitel’nye normy i pravila (Standards for the duration of construction and the backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures: Construction standards and regulations), Moscow: Publ. of TsNIIOMTP Gosstroya SSSR, 1991. Login or register before ordering |
A.G. Lutfurakhmanov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow); M.A. Gladysheva (RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow); U.R. Ilyasov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow); O.S. Borsñhuk (RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow); M.G. Volkov (RN-TECHNOLOGIES LLC, RF, Moscow); M.A. Litvinenko (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow) Application of the «RN-SIMTEP» software package in designing and optimizing the operation of surface development systems of oil fields DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-126-130 The article represents the areas of application and experience of using the high-tech engineering simulator RN-SIMTEP to solve the tasks of designing linear and area facilities of oilfield surface infrastructure. The simulator features overview is provided in terms of modeling multiphase flows in pipeline networks and equipment for oil, gas and water treatment, including complications and the use of inhibitors. Particular attention is paid to the simulator capabilities of modeling gas and gas condensate field facilities. The RN-SIMTEP simulator features were compared with software analogues. Examples of using the simulator for the tasks of designing new facilities, technological upgrading or reengineering of existing facilities are given. Approbation of the simulator showed that the RN-SIMTEP calculation results correspond to the similar software calculation results. Thus, the RN-SIMTEP simulator is a single environment for modeling and analyzing calculation results, and it can replace the use of several third-party software packages. It is demonstrated that the RN-SIMTEP simulator can be applied for joint calculations of pipeline systems for production fluid gathering, treatment and transportation, and also for creating «digital twins» of oilfield surface facilities. It is concluded that using digital models of processing facilities enables to optimize operating modes of surface facilities, predict complications at these facilities, plan corrective actions to minimize the risk of complications and, consequently, obtain a number of economic effects in oilfield development.
References 1. Naukoemkoe programmnoe obespechenie dlya razvedki i dobychi (Knowledge-intensive software for exploration and production), URL: 2. URL: 3. Il’yasov U.R., Lutfurakhmanov A.G., Efimov D.V., Pashali A.A., Comparative analysis of the properties of hydrocarbon components and fractions in PVT modeling (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 5, pp. 64–67, DOI: 4. Il’yasov U.R., Pashali A.A., Litvinenko M.A., A method for calculating the phase equilibrium of hydrocarbon systems containing water (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 5, pp. 90–93, DOI: 5. Sadykov A.F., PIPESIM multi-phase flow simulator - Complete set of operation processes to simulate industrial operations (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Novatsii, 2019, no. 12, pp. 36–40. 6. Chernyshev S.V., Fakhretdinov I.Z., Tarasov M.Yu., Ivanov S.S., Features of calculations of heat and material balances of the collection, treatment and transportation of oil and gas in the environment of HYSYS (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 10, pp. 118–120. 7. Sadykov A.F., Modern world-level engineering software to simulate the processes of hydrocarbon in-field treatment and processing (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Novatsii, 2020, no. 4, pp. 10–14. 8. Lutfurakhmanov A.G., Efimov D.V., Pavlov V.A., Litvinenko M.A., Development of corporate software for technological processes modeling (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2021, V. 19, no. 4, pp. 30–40, DOI: 9. Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision No. 450 of 12/22/2021 “Ob utverzhdenii rukovodstva po bezopasnosti fakel’nykh sistem” (On approval of the safety guidelines for flare systems), URL: K Teplogazosnabzhenie. 10. “Rosneft’” zapustila proekt «Tsifrovoe mestorozhdenie» v Bashkirii (Rosneft launched the Digital Field project in Bashkortostan), Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Malinin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa); V.D. Sitdikov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa) X-ray scattering techniques for determining the susceptibility of oilfield equipment metal to destruction under load DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-131-134 The article presents the recent achievements of RN-BashNIPIneft LLC Institute in the development and application of X-ray scattering techniques to solve practical problems related to the determination of metal of oilfield equipment to corrosion damage, flowing under load. To solve these problems, the authors propose to adapt X-ray scattering techniques to the study of steels widely used to manufacture various products for the oil industry. In particular, the technique of X-ray phase analysis has been adapted to determine the type of structural components of steels (austenite, martensite, tempered martensite, bainite, perlite, ferrite) and assess their quantitative ratio in products. As a result, it became possible to establish possible violations of the heat treatment regimes of metal during the formation of a specific structure in steel blanks for the manufacture of oilfield equipment. By analyzing the crystallographic textures of the metal of the product, the predominant grain orientations of various structural components of steels were established, which enabled to identify various types of deformation treatment used in the molding of the final product. It is demonstrated that the analysis of the preferential orientations of steel grains provides important assistance in determining the anisotropy of the strength properties of the metal of oilfield equipment. This information allows one to evaluate the resulting strength in products of complex shape and can be useful in their design.
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A.A. Korshak (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow) To choose the type of oil and petroleum product vapor recovery unit DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-135-140 In the process of loading of oil and oil products into vehicles, significant product losses occur due to natural evaporation. The most effective means of reducing such losses are vapor recovery units (VRU). Most of the VRUs are capable of providing high rates of capturing vapors and can be recommended for the objects of transportation and storage of liquid hydrocarbons. However, it is not always possible due to existing limitations on the productivity achieved by the purification of the gas-air mixture, safety, occupied area, consumed electricity. Thus membrane VRUs have an extremely low throughput and therefore can be effective mainly at gas stations. From a safety perspective, compressor and jet-absorption VRUs are the most vulnerable. Compressor VRUs are used in oilfield conditions, where the gas space of the tanks is filled with associated petroleum gas. Jet-absorption plants are dangerous because under conditions of high flow rates of oil and oil products from the nozzle apparatus, static electricity charges are generated. There are no restrictions on the occupied area when the territory of the loading point or tank farm is located either far from settlements, or in areas with low development of engineering infrastructure. VRUs also differ in their power consumption. The VRUs themselves have different costs, depending on the recuperation technology used. VRUs should be selected based on a technical and economic calculation. Integrally, the net present value takes into account all types of costs for VRUs, for the calculation of which the article proposes a calculation formula.
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Vovk V.S. Vasily Alexandrovich Dinkov's contribution to the formation of JV Vietsovpetro (devoted to the 100th anniversary of his birth) DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-11-141-144 Login or register before ordering |