The current research is devoted to the comparative examination of the properties of oil-based drilling fluid which are stabilized by condensation product of fatty and resin acids of tall oil with the ethanolamines. It is proved that the chemical nature of the emulsifier has a crucially different impact on the properties of oil-based drilling fluid. The drilling fluids which contain fatty acid diethanolamide or triethanolamine ethers as emulsifiers, ranging from 4 to 40 g/dm³, have similar rheological and filtration properties. At the same time, diethanolamide based drilling fluids with regard to mean and high density of the emulsifier, demonstrate strong electrical stability performance and can be up to 450–480 V. On the contrary, monoethanolamides of the fatty acids form oil-based drilling fluid which exhibit much higher structural-mechanical properties: having virtually the same plastic viscosity such muds demonstrated characteristics of the dynamic and gel strength which are 2–3 times higher than the similar indicators of the drilling fluids, stabilized by diethanolamide or by triethanolamine ethers. The nature of the emulsifiers under study also leads to the fundamental differences in the filtration properties of oil-based drilling fluid. The filtration of the drilling fluids on the base of diethanolamide and triethanolamine ethers is on average 4–6 cm2 (per 30 min) and tends reduce gradually when the concentration of the emulsifier is increased. On the contrary, the analogous drilling fluids containing monoethanolamide demonstrate the increase of the filtrate loss (up to 15–22 cm2) which is observed in high emulsifiers concentration region.
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