In the oil and gas complex large role are played by a possibility of formalization of knowledge of specialists and experts. Experts in the conditions of lack of mathematical models are carriers of experience, knowledge. The structure and content of elements of the knowledge base "Designing of boring solutions" is revealed and shown. Some problems of import substitution of boring solutions are designated.
In article, the drilling mud fluid is considered as multicomponent system with very broad range of variations, both high-quality, and quantitative indices of structure depending on a number of exogenous factors (pressure, temperature, drilling depth, rock, etc.). The choice of the component structure determining in turn properties and functional purpose of drilling mud fluid represents a multicriteria task (in some cases criteria are interdependent), which complexity of the decision is well-known.
Feature of the considered task consists in the high level of uncertainty of basic data and dependences. In practice in case of the solution of the choice of composition of drilling mud fluid for effective management of drilling process specialists rely on the available experience, on similarity of the considered task with similar, with those which met earlier. From similarity of conditions the conclusion about analogousness of decisions is drawn. In view of the high level of uncertainty, the decisions at the choice of composition of drilling mud fluid aren’t unique. Therefore use of technologies of artificial intelligence is preferable to formalization of decision making process. In this regard in this work an attempt of use of expert information with creation of the corresponding databases and knowledge bases is made. For working off of a technique of forming of knowledge bases the databases containing classification of drilling mud fluids, mining-and-geological breeds, data and parameters of these breeds, information on functions, properties, structures, reagents of drilling mud fluid and interaction with each other was constructed. Possible complications and methods of their liquidation and further prevention are given in databases. Information (received by authors) on posting of wells in the Tomsk region, and also information obtained from the scientific and technical literature was the basis for a databases.References
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